224,261 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

6 Years Ago
Refactored stockpile restriction stuff to support all entity types
6 Years Ago
Fixed session navmesh bake not working properly Disabled combat music event Nuked old TargetFilter.FindRaidInteraction Campfire has spit addon by default, requires rocks to build and requires construction Fixed building AI not supporting construction
6 Years Ago
career unit health bars now show equipped mods (placeholder)
6 Years Ago
Deleted duplicate Unit_MiniFrame prefab, dunno why it's there so hopefully nothing breaks
6 Years Ago
full merge from main
6 Years Ago
Reapplied changes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Potential fix for another "_MainTex" UI error
6 Years Ago
Updated to latest Facepunch.Steamworks Updated natives, avatar tests
6 Years Ago
Unity fixes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking from main
6 Years Ago
Fixed client entity building ID not resetting when pooled
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 25518 for bawng
6 Years Ago
Generate data/entity serialisers rather than hand making them
6 Years Ago
LR desc fix
6 Years Ago
Working on NPCManager and NPCs
6 Years Ago
Ensure locker, bed, workbench destroyed if construction placed on no longer exists (ground watch tweaks)
6 Years Ago
merged from AI branch
6 Years Ago
added AdjacentTeamUnitPenalty, scores down tiles that put you directly next to team mate units (so they're less likely to get AOEd) Increased in-range tile penalty of EnemyRangeTileScorer increase score bonus of HeighTileScorer Increased healer AIAdvancePriority 0.0 -> 0.4f
6 Years Ago
AI tile orderinging fix (orderby->thenby)
6 Years Ago
Update kb_act.lst (#1458) #Valve_Console_Toggle, whitespaces left alone.
6 Years Ago
more AI work
6 Years Ago
Added a carrying animation for units Vending machines now dispense sodas
6 Years Ago
Bind more post processing properties so deathmatch looks the same as before
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when equipping clothing
6 Years Ago
More route stuff Fixed some search issues in the entity purchaser Toned down animator culling
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Note about testing the mission watching methods if/when missions return
6 Years Ago
Scene stuff. Respawn button isn't so hard to click.
6 Years Ago
- Changed mission global observer system to one that only affects the mission runners - NPC manager stuff
6 Years Ago
Can no longer equip a weapon that blocks the offhand if you have an offhand item equipped Can no longer equip an offhand if you have a primary weapon that blocks offhand
6 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to equip tools in Primary Slot Exposed a valid Categories field on DropMe, primary slot can take Primary and Tool, secondary slot can take Offhand only
6 Years Ago
Mission observer changes
6 Years Ago
Exterior Airlock override works Just like the Interior one. Bypasses safety so exterior hatch can be opens even if Interior is also open.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fireball isn't a rocket. Doesn't throw NRE's.
6 Years Ago
Bind some of PostProcessingVolume, turn motion blur off in map builder gamemode
6 Years Ago
Unsaved menu change
6 Years Ago
Menu backdrop is now randomised
6 Years Ago
Contracts can now offer free props Initial fitout contract can now be completed without spending money
6 Years Ago
fixed pattern arc angle
6 Years Ago
cores look in a direction while charging removed pointless PixelGroup.UseOverlayColor removed and renamed some core tinting stuff pixelgroup color targets need to be requested
6 Years Ago
Add basic UI that shows who's talking
6 Years Ago
Fixed black indicator icons
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Basic Crafting unlock has crafting table as pre-req
6 Years Ago
Dequeued unlock notifications go to the top, not bottom
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago