255,038 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
FindDefinition return null if _defMap is null
Sorted out a bunch of the // TODOs
[D11][UI] fixed issue with queue icons navigation
quarry dump truck and digger colour changes
Replays print time recorded in chat
Added red medal to show which leaderboard entries have no attached replay
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
#1988, #2033, updates to various item descriptions that weren't verbose enough.
[D11] Typo in Jenkinsfile
[D11] New stages in jenkins
Resolving unit -> room references on the client and re enabled deployable condition for building ownership.
[D11] Update Fireplace quick actions
fix for Agent must be on active navmesh spam
[D11] [Audio] Fixes pause menu clickyness
[D11] [Audio] Fixes pause menu clickyness
[D11] Update Beanie hat descriptions
collapsed rocks quarry dressing
static ore nodes prefabs placement
flow fixes
[D11] Proper way for Jenkins to clean Workspace
[D11][Tutorial] Fix for issue #606, loot boxes no longer continue to decay in the tutorial
charge/knockback wip stuff, wip setup for jumper knockback
async exception crash bandaid
Better mouse interaction with leaderboard views
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Replays pause on victory / defeat
Fixed stages not being unlocked in steam builds
CHIPPY-359: Added marquee for long usernames in replay sidebar
CHIPPY-355: Added progress % to replay files
Better handling of unrecognised replay versions
CHIPPY-356: Fixed powerup switching prompts overlapping powerup name
CHIPPY-358: Cleaned up pausing on victory / defeat while watching a replay
Got rid of redundant FPS display
Added exception handling to score submission worker threads
fix storm core layer angles, other storm tweaks
add missing lastSpeechTime property to octopus turret and fuse boss
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
more storm sfx
invasion circle spokes sfx/variety
invasion track spokes variety & sfx
invasion diamond spew variety
invasion redSpokes variety
Added copyright footer
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
More subtle legal text, only on settings page
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Fixed time text on victory screen sometimes showing 0%
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
invasion slowStart variety
invasion fastDiamonds variety
invasion x attack variety
Fixed replay bug when changing powerup
Added frame index to replay diagnostics
Better replay frame hashing
Fixed game lagging out when fast forwarding in editor and reaching the end of a replay
Include frame index in replay diagnostics
invasion spiralspokes variety
more invasion variety
increment game version / progression
increment game version / progression
invasion spiralspokes variety
more invasion variety
Cancel async waits if steam becomes invalid during wait
Added Panel:IsWorldClicker()
Sandbox Desktop Widgets feature (Context Menu icons like Player Model Selector) no longer prevents properties system from being able to target entities, and will automatically stretch to fit its contents with too many icons
Fixed prop_vehicle_crane's interference with vehicle 3rd person camera and properties system
Added safeguards for Player.GetVehicle not returning a vehicle in properties system (Community Contribution)
[d11] [Audio] Some minor tweaks
[D11][UI] removed unneeded layout group
[D11][UI] Improvements to Vehicle fuel storage UI, Added new loopt panel class to control Vehicle fuel storage. Removed unneeded translate call.
[D11] [Audio] Adds in popup alert sfx
[D11] [Audio] Adds in popup alert sfx
[D11][Tutorial] Added map marker for node collection and cleaned up unused asset, updated manifest
[D11] [UI] Fixed code lock navigation bar having incorrect input icons on PS4.
Limit blursize of surface.CreateFont to 0-80 inclusive to avoid crashes
[D11] Re-adding Flame Turret sounds
[D11] [UI] Fixed Holding "Use" button on objects resulting in them rotating when Hammer is equipped, rather than using the item (in cases where there's only 2 options, not 3 or more).
[D11] [Audio] Fix map ping
[D11] [Audio] Fix map ping
UI updates, adding layout
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Scroll on Container
Main menu screen by default
Fixed menu panel alignments
Fixed OneActiveSibling being editor only
[+] Add Unity setup change
[D11] [UI] moved the fuel remaining calculation to the server, so that we can calculate it properly in seconds
Split menu into prefabs instead of scenes
[D11][UI] Fix for broken font issues