225,500 Commits over 3,714 Days - 2.53cph!

5 Months Ago
Draw a configurable grid in editor scenes https://files.facepunch.com/matt/1b1511b1/sbox-dev_4OQJeFR5bU.png
5 Months Ago
Deployable setup Add a Poke interaction, gives comfort in a radius for 15s
5 Months Ago
Added a hand look at constraint and adjusted the spine look weights down to match Applied a slight look at bump when in ADS to offset the height in held weapon (applied universally right now, might need to modify per weapon)
5 Months Ago
▋▋▍▌ ▍▆▋▋▊▆▄ ▊▍▇█, ▅█▆▅▆▌▇ ▍▍█▋▌▆ ▆▉▇▋ ▄▍█▉
5 Months Ago
Per bone weights SingleBone aim component + sort order Twist Correction
5 Months Ago
Minor code cleanup, improve clarity on layer use
5 Months Ago
SpecialMoveStyle (special_movement_states) on animator
5 Months Ago
Merge RagdollFloatFix -> main
5 Months Ago
Fix floating server-side ragdolls when construction destroyed
5 Months Ago
Better interaction Removed logs
5 Months Ago
Merge SSRagdollDeathVal -> main
5 Months Ago
Merge CorpseRagdollParentingFix -> main
5 Months Ago
Terrain test scene
5 Months Ago
Move terrain system from testbed branch to engine https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1411b1/sbox.2023.
5 Months Ago
Better check for sliding
5 Months Ago
VR: Don't call GetPerformanceStats if VR isn't running (sorry)
5 Months Ago
Clean compile shader with light edge fix
5 Months Ago
▍▍▌ ▄▄▍▍▆▄▉▉█▍ ▊▇▍▍▅▌ ▆▅▅▋█▆█ ▋▅▊▄▉ ▇▌_▉▍▄▅ !▄▄▊ ▅▌▉▄▌▉▅▊▄▅ ▌▍▆▇█ ▋▆█▌▊ ▅▌▉▍▍▅▊ ▇▊ .▇▌▍ ▅▅▄▆▊ !▊▉▊ ▆▄▅█▆▊▅▉ ▅▅▌▋ ▆█_█▇▆▉▅_▊▌▋▄▊▇▍▋ !▄▆▅▅▉ ▌▅▇▅ ▊▄▋▆▄▅▆█ █▄▊▋▋▋▄▅
5 Months Ago
VR: Lets be honest, nobody is using an xbox 360 controller or knuckles ev1 anymore VR: fix minor docs blunder VR: IsVive etc. now handled per-controller (was detecting controller type anyway before) Might be useful for anyone that likes to mix controller types (e.g. one vive controller and one knuckles) but the use case for this seems quite niche? sbox-issues/issues/994 VR: Basic internal HMD type detection VR: More HMD types, move controller type & hmd type conversion into relevant files VR: these should be internal, oops 🤦‍♂️ VR: Initial performance stats window Just basic stuff for now, will evolve over time
5 Months Ago
▇▄▋ █▊▆▊▋▊▇▇▅▍ ▄▆▅▋▇▋ ▄▋█▆▇▍▉ ▅▇▌▊█ ▉▊_▉▍▍▋ !▄▉▍ ▌▍▋▋▆▌▅▊▋▋ █▊▄▊▌ ▍▌▇█▅ ▅▇▍▍▍▋▉ █▅ .▇█▋ ▌▌▆▋▊ !▉▅▄ ▇█▉▄▅▌▉▍ ▋▍▄▇ ▉▇_▋▉▄▋▋_▉▇▋█▇▇▋▋ !▆█▄▇▇ ▆█▌▊ ▋▌▌▄▆▊▋▆ ▆▄▅█▄▊▊▌ ▋▊▊▊▄▆ ▊▇▄_▇█_▊▊.▋▄▄
5 Months Ago
Merge from main -> qol_cached_browser_ping_text
5 Months Ago
Merge from backpacks -> aux2
5 Months Ago
▋▆▊ ▋▇▊▆▆▆▆▅▌▌ ▉▅▆██▊ ▍▇▊▋▇▊▉ ▉█▄▆▇ ▋█_█▌▋▆ !▍▍▆ ▉▅▄▇▊▆▅▉█▇ ▅▆▌▄▆ ▅█▇▅▋ ▅▌▆▄▍▇▇ █▊ .▇▄█ ██▇▅▊ !▇▊▇ █▍▄▊▄▅▍▇ ▆▋▇▍ ▌▆_▅▋▍▄█_▇▌▋▍▄▇▊▋ !█▋▄█▄ ▊▋▆▅ ▌▊▍▌█▄▅▍ ▄▅▊▆▇▊▆▉ ▍▇▉▋▄▍ ▆█▇_▉▉_▅▆.▆▆▄
5 Months Ago
Add NetworkHelper component
5 Months Ago
spraycan assets update
5 Months Ago
Range slider is optional
5 Months Ago
TTT: Change ammo type capitalization (Pull Request) New TF2 map icons L4D1 entity placeholders
5 Months Ago
lit decal shader
5 Months Ago
spraycan final textures added Lewis amazing 2D Graphics
5 Months Ago
Citizen: updated Jump animation, renamed it to Jump_Standing, + safeguarded against a rare bug where jumping at a very specific time (frame-perfect?) could cause the jump to be instantly overridden by landing, probably on the exact same tick (see attached video) https://files.facepunch.com/maxlebled/1b1411b1/2023-12-14%2017-57-20_reencode.mp4
5 Months Ago
Fix tiled rendering on 32x32 tiles https://files.facepunch.com/sam/1b1411b1/wzae5tFco9.png
5 Months Ago
Loop rather than unroll on fog lights, should give worse perf but fixes horrid startup times for now
5 Months Ago
Fixed config.cfg failing to load on game start up
5 Months Ago
Clean ups Do not force render group of base SNPC/nextbots let the engine decide based on the NPC model Use ENT.WantsTranslucency for Sandbox entities duplicator saves "Make Persistent" setting Fixed misspelled community translations Clamp DAdjustableModelPanel FOV to 0-179 Faceposer: improved handling of too many flexes Fixed some sandbox entities not saving some settings in duplications Such as being frozen by the physics gun Fixed a regression introduced by PR #1787 Fixes issues with addons passing incorrect data types to Entity NetworkVar
5 Months Ago
Prevented animals from doorcamping shelter
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Set up using viewmodel camera layer
5 Months Ago
updated player prefab & skeleton asset to use new rust player avatar
5 Months Ago
Skid on steep surface
5 Months Ago
Fix recent changes to Entity:NetworkVar and naughty addons erroring
5 Months Ago
Fix recent changes to Entity:NetworkVar and naughty addons erroring
5 Months Ago
Reverted serverside implementation (didn't work) Added to clientside instead (still server only with replicated var)
5 Months Ago
Added server convar to skip death screen warmup
5 Months Ago
Remove obsolete GameTransform just return localposition if GameObject or Scene is null Inspector just blank instead of trying to show an empty array
5 Months Ago
▌▄▍▆▌ ▇▌▋▊▉▊█ █▉█▅ ▊█▄▋▉▉▅▍ ! ▉▄██ ▆▇▊▆▍ ▍▉▌▌▊▇▆ █▇▄▄ ▊▋▍▆▇▊▋▋ ! ▉▌▄▆▌ ▍▋▋▌██▇▍ * ▇█▉▄▉ ▇▍▄▋▇_▅█▅▇▌▄▆ ▄▊▊▌▊▅▍ ▆▄▌▍▊ █▄▌▊ ▄▆▇ █▆▋▇▋▋▌█▌▌, ▊▉▍▊ ▉▇▌▋▅▋▆ ▊▌▉█▄█▆▇ ▇▋▅▅▉▊ * ▄▆▆▌ ▄▌▊▄█▇ ▆▄▍▍▊▍ .▍▍█ ▄▌▇▆▌▋▇▉▅ * █▄▉█▇▄▉▄ ; ▊▌ ▄▌▉▉█▆▅▍▉▇▊█▌▅▋█▋▊.▄█▅ - ▋▇▉▊▇▌▌▊▌▇▉ ▇▅▍ ▉█▇▍▍▊▋ ▌▅█▄▆▇▋ ▍▇▌▄▅▊▆▉▄▌ ▄█▇▇▊▍ * ▅▄▋▅▅▄ ▇▊▄▋ █▍▅▅▊▅ █▅▋▉'█ ▉▅█▋ ▄██▍ ▉▇ ▇▅▅▆▍█▆ ▉▌▍▅
5 Months Ago
▋█▉▌▍ ▉▍▋█▌▅▌▄ * ▉▄▌▋▆ ▄▄▆▄▌_▆▇▋▋▆▊▋ ▌▋▅▌▌▋▅ ▇▄▅▍▋ ▍▋▉▍ ▆▆▅ ▇█▌▅▇▊▋▉▆█, ▅▋▋▄ ▋▍█▊▅▋▆ ▋█▅▌▅█▅▄ ▋▇█▉▄▇ * ▆▍▉▋ ▆▄▅▌▌▌ ▇▅▋▅▌▅ .▇▅▉ ▍▊▍▋▆▆▅▊▉ * ▉▅▊▆▋▋█▍ ; ▌▍ ▍▊▄▌▊▆█▍▋▍▆▊▄▇▄▅▊▆.▆▇█ - ▅█▊▇▋▆▅▇▍▋▍ ▆▇▅ ▌▌▌▇█▋▇ ▇▊▆▌▄▆▆ ▊▄▆▊▉█▋▅██ ▍▄▇▊▋▆ * ▇█▋▅▅▇ ▌▍▋▉ ▅▋▌▇█▊ ▍▍▋▍'█ ▆▊▍▇ ▋▇▇▇ ██ ▋▊█▍█▇▅ ▄▇▆▆ ▌▄▇▄▇▄ .▍▆▅▇▌▌▋▅▋
5 Months Ago
▆▅▌▊█ ▊▉▆▇██▄▇ * ▄▇▆▇▉ ▍▊▅▋▊_▍▆▅▍▉▇▍ ▉█▋▌█▋▇ ▊▌▉▅█ ▇▊▄▅ ▍▆▄ ▆▇██▅███▍▇, ▇▋▍▌ █▍▍▇▉▉▊ ▍▋▋██▊█▄ ▍▅▅▋▉▅ * ▉▄▄▉ █▄▆█▆▉ ▌▅▊▍▋▄ .▌█▊ █▇▊▋▍▋▋▄█ * ▄▆▅▄█▊▌▌ ; ▍▋ ▄▉▇█▉▅▉▆▍▉▆▌▇▋▄▄▌▍.▇▄▌ - ▊▄▌█▄▇▋▋▄▄▌ ▅▄▇ ▅▅▌▄▉██ ▌█▅▅▌█▄ █▋▍▉▌▌█▉▉▄ █▌▌▉▍█ * █▋▇█▌▍ ▄▌▋▊ █▌▉▊▆▅ ▍▋▇▆'▅ ▇▆▅▍ ▊▉▋▊ ▋▊ ▌▌▄▋▇▉▄ ▅█▋▄ ▋▆█▊▍▍ .▌▆▌▄▆▊▆▄▉
5 Months Ago
Shape surfaces should now be setup, including mesh per triangle
5 Months Ago
Document IsProxy Upload ignore sln files Fix error when clicking on invalid GameObject field When querying lobbies, do one at a time - because steam drops previous queries otherwise. Fixed player counts not working