224,307 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

7 Months Ago
switch GameMenu to use enroller
7 Months Ago
Add enroller class
7 Months Ago
balancing etc more dash upgrades balancing fix dash shoot dir fix shockwave backwards dmg
7 Months Ago
New Outfit Piece - Chef Shirt
7 Months Ago
Added [ThreadStatic] to staticBuffer Try to use NetRead and NetWrite directly instead of the staticBuffer when serializing protobuf Add IStreamReader and IStreamWriter, inherit for NetRead and NetWrite Move Defines to Rust.Data and rename to NetworkDefines Update references to account for moved Defines.cs
7 Months Ago
Fixed pivot position on one of the slopes LODs
7 Months Ago
Fixed a find-and-replace mishap
7 Months Ago
Local variable basics (#9)
7 Months Ago
Created proper LODs and colliders for all 15m tall slope pieces Added lights to their prefabs
7 Months Ago
small correction to determine if EditorCompiler
7 Months Ago
Latest thirdparty
7 Months Ago
Latest code
7 Months Ago
v_mp5: fixed ironsights using the wrong weightlist when reducing run/sprint additive
7 Months Ago
Call NotifyFastHotload on the correct compiler Remove left over check from FixReferences Some extra safety when trying to resolve members Don't unload old assembly version on fast hotload!
7 Months Ago
v_mp5: added aim offsets
7 Months Ago
v_usp: renamed "offsets" to "aim offsets" & added forwards/backwards component
7 Months Ago
Initial check-in for wall_brick_b + c + d + e tileables, blends and trims https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b2211b1/sbox_3e5UpJdIX0.png https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b2211b1/sbox_njdpmEDp6R.png https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b2211b1/sbox_uLYbdAsjIk.png
7 Months Ago
Remove bMixed from LightEntry, it's complete bullshit, let static lights render only dynamic objects when doing shadows Unified shadow casting, map indexed lights so we can fetch them easily and without needing to order sequentially, remove more deprecated stuff
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
When building staging, upload to the "main" branch instead of the "default" branch (steamcmd changes workaround, will need to figure something else out)
7 Months Ago
When generating rail layout, ensure one rail connects "left" and the other one "right"
7 Months Ago
Added monument topology to train tunnel entrance (only the test prefab)
7 Months Ago
Build client to staging branch
7 Months Ago
Build server to staging branch
7 Months Ago
Add tests Unit test PackageLoader2 fast hotloading, regular
7 Months Ago
GenerateRailLayout uses higher PushMultiplier
7 Months Ago
Make StartScreen inside EditorMainWindow, instead of going through an event Fix text gradients 🤦‍♂️
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Fixed train tunnel entrance overlap with monuments
7 Months Ago
Do not call GM:EntityRemoved and ENT:OnRemove during full updates garrysmod-issues/issues/4675 Allow GM:OnPhysgunFreeze to be ran on non vphysics entities The 2nd argument ( physobj ) will be NULL world clicker panels FOV adjustment Now uses view setup FOV, not Player:GetFOV, affects gui.ScreenToVector as well
7 Months Ago
Output dependency test (#4) Find which outputs are always available to which nodes Validation: check if linked outputs are available (#4)
7 Months Ago
Dunno how this got corrupted
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Latest master compiled DXC now that bugs are fixed Minor HLSL2021 fix catching bad for loop scope Unload vfx dll at very end of vfxcompile Use -fvk-invert-y on geometry shaders too, works as expected on core shaders so "fix" it in objecthighlight shader Don't do these Pix events under Vulkan, incomprehensible
7 Months Ago
Use Program.cs instead of GameMenu.razor
7 Months Ago
GameMenu games can have a Main method instead of a menu Add PackageLoader2. - Doesn't have TypeLibrary inside - Wraps HotloadManager - Clear separation between loading the assembly and loading into typelibrary etc - only used by Tools + GameMenu right now - I broke fast hotload Round the chunks in Graphics.Draw so when drawing Triangles they don't end up hanging over the chunk boundary Add Draw.SolidTriangle Enable fast hotload again
7 Months Ago
Fix keyword-based transform origin values Don't hide EditorMainWindow on startup if there isn't a StartScreen e.g. if tools fail to compile Lettters -> letters (sboxgame/issues/issues/4030)
7 Months Ago
Merge from /main/deckard-render
7 Months Ago
Removing PlaceMonumentsRailside from World Setup prefab
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Increased GenerateRailLayout push multiplier
7 Months Ago
Trainyard is now placed together with the other large monuments
7 Months Ago
Added to main camera (disabled by default)
7 Months Ago
Fixed dynamic range loss
7 Months Ago
compound murals current work in progress backup
7 Months Ago
Reduce serialized link info
7 Months Ago
merge from decal fixes
7 Months Ago
merge from main
7 Months Ago
More generic parameter testing
7 Months Ago
Added normal maps for concrete decals Enabled normal map on new decals