223,140 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.52cph!

7 Months Ago
Delete env_clock and resourceprecacher
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Whitelist System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith and System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions closes sboxgame/issues/issues/3751
7 Months Ago
Parent merge
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #5710
7 Months Ago
Fix asset spray tool model selection not working Native can set managed asset picker initial search filter, material editor uses this for _color shit filtering fuck off mysql_wrapper Can right click textures for managed asset menu in met
7 Months Ago
Remove game rules proxy entity, whatever that is
7 Months Ago
Enabled read/write no Clantable_COL
7 Months Ago
Brought Attack Helicopter LOD levels forward a bit
7 Months Ago
Delete native point_worldtext
7 Months Ago
Fix networking of low bit small floats garrysmod-issues/issues/5552
7 Months Ago
info_cull_triangles .fgd -> c# editoronly def Fix oopsie on info_overlay visibility_hint .fgd -> c# editoronly def Clear a bunch of these native -> nice conversions
7 Months Ago
Physics awake list uses aggregate instead of skeleton, cherry picked to make meld easier
7 Months Ago
Remove unintended debug print Add fallback sounds for EP2 vortigaunt attacks
7 Months Ago
Add fallback sounds for EP2 vortigaunt attacks
7 Months Ago
info_overlay editor only c# definition, remove .fgd entry info_notepad editor only c# definition, remove .fgd entry remove func_instance fgd, unused Trim some fat from the .fgd
7 Months Ago
Port some thread pool changes from csgo, should fix linux srcds not having them Remove unintended debug print
7 Months Ago
Fix brick skin having colored tints like container skin
7 Months Ago
Only add RoundScore is RootPanel is valid (something else must be up here...) Safety checks for ToastList instance Don't make newly joining players a spectator :sob: RespawnScreen safety Respawn player properly on join in PlayRound GiveLoadout<T> initializes the loadout properly Remove pending open mode
7 Months Ago
Only update team classes if the root panel has been created Check if Station Screen instance is null for RPCs it may have not been created yet Check if Post Processing has been created in frame event first - it seems this can be called before ClientSpawn
7 Months Ago
Remove prediction on TimerEntity props I don't think these need to be predicted, they're only used for display on client and the prediction error was going to be a headache to track down. Small cleanup
7 Months Ago
Delete info_spawngroup_landmark & info_spawngroup_load_unload, never worked and we'll think of something better after meld Delete info_dynamic_shadow_hint & info_dynamic_shadow_hint_box - unused Delete env_spherical_vignette
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Maps page is default, show message when no servers exist Show default/missing thumbnail in map page Fix NRE on startup
7 Months Ago
fixed looping issues on W + A/D player parachuting anims
7 Months Ago
Fix Components/issues/2 For sanity, output packages to the same folder Fix Components/issues/1 Show progress when uploading
7 Months Ago
Do GetPixels inside calc functions (for percentages) Division by zero throws correct DivideByZeroException
7 Months Ago
Added LODs to the microwave model
7 Months Ago
Length.Calc (LengthUnit.Expression), evaluate on demand Add failing test for nested calc (`calc( ... + calc( ... ) )`) Add support for nested `calc()` statements
7 Months Ago
NRE fix for mounted input running on non-players
7 Months Ago
edited 3p hml anims, changed idle pose, edited reload and added breathing idle
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #5703
7 Months Ago
▊▌▄▆▄▌▍▊ ██▍▍ ▌█▊▉▊▋▅▌ ▆▆▌▅ ▆▇▅▅ * ▄▋▋ █▇▄▉ ▆▇▌▆ ▄ ▋▇▌ ▇▇▌▍▆▉▄ ▋▋▍▄▌█ ▍▌▍▊ ▋ * ▌▊▋▊█▊▌▌ ▇▅▋▉ ▄▅▍█ ▉ ▌██▌▉▍▄▄█ ▆▅▅▇█ * ▍▉▇▌ ▋▄▊▌▅▄█ ▅▌▄▅▍▍▍ ▍█ ▄▉▆▌▇ ▊▋▉ ▄█▊▋▄ ▊▌▍▋ ▆▆ ▇▌ ▍▆███▄ ▄▍▉▇▆▅▍██▇ █▉▄▇▅▌▋ * █▊▅▅▅▆ ▅▋▋▊▉▄▆ ▋█▌ ▊▋▊ ▉▄█▉▅ ▆▇▊ ▇▊▅ ▍▋▅▉▍▋▆▌▌ ▋█▉█▉▇▇▅ ▉▍ ▊▇▊ █▆▊▍ ▅▍▍▌, ▊▋▅ ▉▊▌▍▋▋▊ ▊▌▍_▍▅▉▍▍▋▌ ▅▄▇▍▌▇▆ * ▌▌▄▊▆▌▍▄▊█▍ ▍▉█ █▋▆▄ ▉▊▉▅▅▄▅▆▄▊▉▇ ▆▋▆ ▊▄▌▋▄▇▍▍▌ █▄▄▄ ▆█ ▋▆▅▌ ▆▊▊▋▋ ▍█▄▌▇▉▆ ▆▆▊▌ █▉▄▆ ▋▊▋▋▊▄▄ ▅▍▉▍▇▆▇█▊▍ ▇▅▌▊ ▆▄ ▉▇▆▌▌█▇▄ ▅▆▌▄▊ ▌▍▄▊▍ ▇▅:▆ █▅▍▌▋ ▍▍▄█▅▉▉ ▉▆▇█▆▆▊ ▉▉▋ ▅▇▇▋▋▍▆ ▉▍▇▅▌▄▅ ▆▍▄██▍▊▄▇█▅ ▊▉▊▇▊▊▉ ▊▊▄▉ ▉▍▆ ▍▌▌▆ ▆█▊▅▆ `▅▇▅` ▆▄▉▄▄▄ ▌▊▄▇▊ ▆ ▆▊▉▅ ▇▅▊█▄▅▉ ▅▌▌▄▄ █▉▇█ ▍█▇█▅▊▍▉▊ ▆▅▉ ▆▊▍▉▍█▋▄▉▍▄ ▄▉█▆▆ ▍ ▌▆▉▄▅ ▆▋▆▄ ▄▋▅▄ ▋▋▍▄▌▆▌▉▅ ▍▋▆▌▄▇▇▍▊-▇▋▉▌▄▊/▉▄▇▆▆▌/█▍▍█ ▆▇▄▉▉.▄▇█▊▆▋▋▇▆▇▍ ▅██▇▉ ▌▋▇▉ ▌▌▊▆▆▉▌▇█ ▌▄▆█▄ ▇█▅▆▋▍▋ ▋▅▌▇ ▋▍▉▉▍▇▉▋▄▋ ▅▋▆█▋▌▇▍ █▆▋▋█▄▍▇ !▊▍█▋▅ ▋▌▍▉▉▇▋ ██▉▉▇▆▅▊ ▍▌▄▄▇ ▋▋▉▉ ▄▉ █▊▉▋▊ ▆▇▉ █▌▆▌ ▆▉▊█▍▋▆▇▅ !▍▆█▌▌█▇ ▇▍▆▇█▍▌ ▅▍▊▌▆▄▋▋▋ ▊▍▌█ ▋▇▋▋▇ ▋█▉▇ ▅▍ ▋▌▍▆█▊ ▍▇▆▋ ▉▉▆▍▍ ▆█▆▉ ▋▌▄▄▉ ▄▆▉▍ ▋█▇ ▌▋▋▅▇▄█▆ ▅▋▉▉▊▆▌█▌ █ █▄▇▌ ▇▄▊▌ █▆▆▅▄▊ ▋█▋▋▉▌▊ ! ▅▍▍▇▄ ▇▉▇▇▅▋_▊▉▇█▍▍▇▋█▉ ▊▆▍▄▊ ▍▋▆▉ ▄▍ ▄▋▆▅▇ █▇▋▅▉ ▄▄▉██▆▇ █▋ ▇▋█▄ ▉▋▄▇▇█▋▄▋ ▅▋▊ ▋▄▇▊█▄ ▄▆▍▊ ▅█▉▆▊▇▌ ▌▊▅ ▊▊▋█▇▅▍ ▆█▉▆▍ ▋▌▋▆▄.▋▆▆▋▅▅▌▉▉▋ ▅▋▇▅▍ █▉▄▄.▇▌▇▆▅▋ ▋█▇ ▆▋ ▋██▇.▄▉███ ▉▌▌ ▋█▌ ▉▅▇▆▉ ▅▌▋▌▅ █▍▅.▄█▊▉▆/▌▍▊▇▄▄█▍▅▉ ██▄ ▊▌▇▅:▊▅▄▋▉/▍▋▉▅▊▉▆▇▄▌ ▇▉▌▉ ▅▆▄▆▌▉ ▍▆▆ █▅▋▅▌▌ ▋▉█▉▇▍ ▌▋▌█▌▋, ▌▉▉ ▅█▋ ▆▅ ▍▉▌▆ ▅▉▋▉ ▅▄▌███:▆▇▌▄▉▉▆█▆() ▌▄▌ ▅▊▊▆▋▄▌ ▊▌▅ ▊▆█▋▆▇▊.▌▉▇▆▇▆▆▇█▅▋▍▉▇▄▆▇▇▄▍▌ ▆▌▉ ▌▉▅▊▉▉ ▌▆▌▌█▆ ▊▉▋█ ▇▍▇▍▅▊▇ ▌▊ ▄▄▇ ▆█▋▉▋▌█▌ ▅▊▋▌▇█▄▊ ▍▋▉ ▋▊▊▉▍▍ ▌█▅▅ ▇▄█ ▉█▄█ ▅▌▉▋ ▅▍ "▇▋▅█▉: ▊▊▊▌▌█'▇ ▋▉▍▋." ▊▌▇▆▊▋▉▆ ▇▍█▉▉▅ ▅▌▉▊ ▇▋▋█▇▌ █▉█▅▍▅▊▉ ▉▇▆ ▋ █▌▇▉▆▌▅, ▊▆▄▅▋▋▊▋▅▆▅ ▍▅██, ▌▄▇█▇▅▆ ▌▄▅▍█▇▊ ▆▌▉ ▍▆▊▊▇▇▊█ ▇▇▉▆▇▇ ▄▆▍ ▄▆▅▋▉▄█ ▇▄▍▌▇ ▇▅▌ ▇▊▄▌▌▌█ ▋▊▍▍▋ ▊▉▊▌ ▌▅█▉▍▊▋ ▇▆▆▆▇█▋▅▍▆▊ ▍▋▆▅█▄ ▊▉█▌ ▉▆▋▋█▅▄▅ * ▍▉▍▋▌ ▋▊▊▉▅▆▍▌▍ █▄▊▌▉▋▊▇▍▇▆ ▍▋▍ █▉▌▇▋▍.▄▋▊▅▍▉█ * ▌█▉▇▉▍▉▋ ▊▄▉▊▆█▉ ▉▉▉ ▌▍▋-▅▄▆▍▅▌▍ ▋▇▉▍▍▆▌▌ █▄ ▊▍▅▅▌▉▇▋▉█ █▆▅▊▄▉▋ * ▊█▆▇█ ▅▊▄▇▉▊▊▄▊▋▅ █▌▍▋▉▇▉ ▍▆▊▇ █▉▆▌▌▇▉ ▅█▅ ▋▅▋▉▄█▍ ▊▄ ▉▌▋▄▊▋▅▌▆▇▌▇▅▌ * ▋▅▉▄▋▋ ▆█▉▇▍▋ ▊▅ ▆█▌▉▆▅▄▉▋█ ▉▄▋.▉▆▋▉▌▊▇▄ ▇█ ▇▆▌▌▄.▇▇▄▍▅▍▊▋▉▇▄▍ ▋▆█ ▅▉▊▄▋▆▋ ▌▅▅▇▅
7 Months Ago
▅▉▇▄▊ ▍▉:▅ ▇▄▅▅▆ ▌▍▍▅▅▅█ ▄▄▋▌▅▋▆ █▋▍ █▅▍▄▅▆▉ ▅▄█▄▄▆▆ ▌▍▉▆█▍▊▆▆▌▊ ▅▌▉▌▌▋▄ ▇█▊▄ ▆▅▊ ▋▇▍▄ ▊█▄▋█ `▄▆▅` ▄▄▋▇▅▌ ▄▇▄█▄ ▇ ▆▋▍▊ ▌▉▌▊▇▉▋ ▉▊▅▊▇ ▊▇▇▉ ▊▊▋▍▊▅█▅▆ ▌▊▇ ▇▊▌▌▉█▍▍▅▉▋ █▇▆▊▍ ▆ ▋▋▋▄█ ▋▉▄▍ ▄▋▅▊ █▉▍█▅▍▆▋▌ ▆██▇▄▍▆▊▇-██▌▉▄▍/▆▌▌▇▌▉/▇▅▌▉ ▅▆▉▍▄ ▋▋█▌▉▆▊ ▅▋▊▋ ▆▊▇▊▌▍▉▄▅▆ ▅▍▍▆▌▆▊▌ ▍▊▋▋▇▋▋▇ !▊▉▊▊▋ ▅▋▄▆▊▌▅ ▊▆▋█▋▋▉▋ ▉▊▋▄▍ ▇▋▍▍ ▉▇ ▊▌█▆▍ █▉▉ ▍▅▌▍ ▅▇█▅▋▍▇▄▉ !▅▍▋▄▌▊▊ ▇▇▌▄▋▇▆ ▇▆▍▋▄▅▅▊▊ ▋▊▉▊ ▉▆▄▍▊ ▉▋█▌ ▊▅ ▅▋▍▆▉▆ ▋▆▋▅ ▅▍▋▆▆ ▌██▇ ▄█▆▍▄ ▅▇▍█ ▆▉▋ █▉▋▉▆▆▍▄ ▇▍▇▋▉█▇▆▊ █ ▊▇▍▉ ▊▋▍▌ ▌▄▆▇▇▄ ▅▇▊▇▍▋▍ ! ▊█▇▍▅ ▄▉█▊▌▄_▇▍▉▆▋▍▍▄▊█ ▇▌▌▄▊ ▇▉▅▋ ▍▇ ▌█▄▍▊ ▉█▊█▇ ▆▆▅▄██▍ ▉▊ █▍▅▉ ▇▉█▍█▋▍▆▌ ▌▋█ █▉▇▅██ ▇▆▄▄ ▊▋▄▆▍▊▊ ▅▉▇ ▋▍▋▇▅▉▍ ▍█▅▇▇ █▉▍▌.▊▇▅▍▊▍ █▆▍ ▋▍ ▆▌▆▉.▋▇█▊▉ ▌▍▄ ▍█▇ ▋▍▋▆▇ █▆▄ ▄▇▍▉▋▌█ ██▇ ▉▋▅▅▉▊▄.▍▌█▄▊▇▆▉▆▅▉▉▊█▉▄▋▆▆▋▋
7 Months Ago
InsideSphere -> VectorInSphere etc
7 Months Ago
Initial support for `calc( ... )`
7 Months Ago
▉▊▆▇ ▆▇▅▊▍▍▍▌▅
7 Months Ago
parachute protection tweaks
7 Months Ago
Publish nugets
7 Months Ago
allow HAB door to be repaired
7 Months Ago
Random.Rotation() / Random.Angles() documentation fix
7 Months Ago
Get rid of "Unit" in random extensions, replace "From" with "Inside"
7 Months Ago
Adjust hand IK positions on first person parachute
7 Months Ago
merge from main
7 Months Ago
merge from global_networked_bases
7 Months Ago
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
7 Months Ago
merge from parachute
7 Months Ago
Fixed parachutes incorrectly awarding the sunglasses at night voice props dlc achievement