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7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Visual FX scale reset optional
7 Years Ago
Arrows can only be held in RHand, so Bow isnt blocked Fixed VisualFX entity destruction callback MRE
7 Years Ago
Removed debugging stuff from time manager. Adjusted some mats to look a bit better at night.
7 Years Ago
rocket crane lift model wip backup/progress
7 Years Ago
Added IsHeldItem condition blackboard mode, used by Equip Weapon goal plan in human offensive AI module
7 Years Ago
Testbox nospawns consistency
7 Years Ago
Data save, testbox_nospawns navmesh
7 Years Ago
Ammo usage WIP It's now possible to craft more than 1 item (arrows)
7 Years Ago
Can no longer place large furnace on top of sleeping bags (RUST-1666)
7 Years Ago
weather SFX
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Visual FX positioning tweaks
7 Years Ago
Fixed some world time event bugs.
7 Years Ago
SensesMeasurementTrigger logs values for the evaluation Increased "TooNoisyToSleep" threshold
7 Years Ago
Testbox funky biome
7 Years Ago
Starting date/time is set in survival game mode def
7 Years Ago
Removed dead zombie dude from testbox
7 Years Ago
Effect has short description field
7 Years Ago
GetCriticalEffect should use first or default
7 Years Ago
Freezing effects things
7 Years Ago
Cold breath FX
7 Years Ago
made freezing idles a bool
7 Years Ago
Fixed Effects.GetCriticalEffect being shit
7 Years Ago
Fixed VisualFX NRE
7 Years Ago
Visual FX destroy on entity destruction
7 Years Ago
male shiver sound adjust
7 Years Ago
Player controller cleanup Reduced unit audio distance
7 Years Ago
Removed collaboration for curing sickness. FeedItemToTarget action (with blackboard and intention support)
7 Years Ago
Humans no longer aligned to ground
7 Years Ago
Updated community entity
7 Years Ago
freezing and sleeping
7 Years Ago
Cure Sickness collaboration ability (recipient must be disabled). Role definition "herbalist". Target Consume Item action (target unit as behaviour target, item as blackboard item).
7 Years Ago
WIP match history
7 Years Ago
if human temp <20 then play freezing anim as idle all the time (should beable to still emote)
7 Years Ago
trying to stop bear noise from turtle
7 Years Ago
Multiple sorting masses, gets it working every time.
7 Years Ago
MatchHistoryEntry protobuf
7 Years Ago
Fever effect description is slightly more informative.
7 Years Ago
Renamed Mixture 1 to Cure Fever.
7 Years Ago
Somehow the Item Mixture1 View got messed up / removed. Adding it again (right now just an empty pot).
7 Years Ago
Mixture now cures sickness, which currently should remove the fever effect (1st iteration).
7 Years Ago
Added Fever Illness Effect. Added TimeSinceEffect trigger WetFor30MinutesOrLonger.
7 Years Ago
Added entity sorting to put parents always before children on load.
7 Years Ago
Switched load order to call init methods before deserialize. Some other work on Load.
7 Years Ago
Cleaner initialize path. Tackling Load next.
7 Years Ago
Adding safeguards, notes etc
7 Years Ago
Definitely shouldn't be needed. All the code in NetworkEntity.Initialize() has been called earlier when loading.
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #697
7 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #697