243,022 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.60cph!
gave rocks correct name and values
fixed animals never waking up
Tool usage in TakeFromDispenser Action
adding truck variants to truck scene, rescaled and renamed to fit truck_4
Stockpile support in PlayerController+Commands.EvaluateSmartObjectInteractions
let's not automatically set an attacker as a target, even if we aren't attacking them
Fixed vertex animation not working when items were removed from a stockpile or machine
Fixed bad deposit action mode for stockpiles
Added stockpiles for rocks and big sticks, interaction position data
Automated Linux DS Build #8
store rock and stick assets
Trying out ignoring the current goal plan when scoring
Stockpile related conditions, WIP AI
Removed GoalPlanVariantSlotType.Either
quick stockpile meshs for mud and pins and removed collision from fbx import so data can build it
Automated Windows Build #8
Removing binaries created by linux builds
Automated Linux Build #673
Added intention generation methods for Building Stockpile component, also ItemContainer case impl
Added interactions for Stockpile and ItemContainer deposit (blackboard + intention variants as per existing patterns)
Added override goal plans list + drawer
Fixed buildings that don't require construction or any materials not being correctly set to finished state when placed
Automated Linux DS Build #673
Automated Windows Build #673
Removing binaries created by linux builds
Automated Linux DS Build #672
Automated Windows Build #672
Automated Linux Build #671
tidied up the human view spine movement a bit, still needs more supporting work to get combat looking better
Opening the radial menu pauses time
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak render queue on tile wall material to fix ghost display issue
FOR FUCK SAKE lighting
FOR FUCK SAKE post process on camera to fix weird stuff from AA
UI toolbar shows widgets, added isolate and show all buttons
large furnace stays upright
large furnace can be more easily placed on slopes
can select large furnace placement height
Automated Windows Build #669
FreeCamera.NormalizedDistance is clamped
Zoom and FOV tweaks
UI hotspots no longer update when the cursor is hidden
Sleeping in building has higher priority than any other goal plan in the human sleep module
Follow camera zoom distance reduced