userBill Bcancel

13,104 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Cleaning up bugs, working on item support and editing UI. Save socket info on the item instead of the module so we can handle double socket items. Some renaming.
5 Years Ago
Fix vehicle modules not being added on client. Vehicles are driveable again.
5 Years Ago
Major refactor to make the module manager a sub-entity, letting it do its own entity methods etc. Also setting up for the module inventory being the major determiner of which modules are on the vehicle. Some things currently a little broken, but all is compiling.
5 Years Ago
Adjust chassis colliders to match Thai's new models
5 Years Ago
Working on modular vehicle inventory (module sockets)
5 Years Ago
Changed inspector foldout style because the previous version was preventing propertydrawer editing (Unity bug?)
5 Years Ago
Fix modifying list within foreach
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Extra null check
5 Years Ago
Fix compile errors
5 Years Ago
Make model settings collapsible in inspector
5 Years Ago
More work on the configurable module models for Thai. Nearly done now.
5 Years Ago
Implemented SocketIsFree method
5 Years Ago
Better system for sockets
5 Years Ago
Bit of a hack to get module sockets working again, will fix this properly soon
5 Years Ago
Adjusted wheel collider positions to match Thai's new models
5 Years Ago
Move var
5 Years Ago
Fix unnecessary Client/Server code in BaseModuleManager
5 Years Ago
Working on a setup for Thai where module model renderers can adapt to appear differently in different slots
5 Years Ago
Added inventory item prefabs for every existing vehicle module
5 Years Ago
Vehicle garage lift area, added non-functional crafting table
5 Years Ago
Initial work on vehicle editing UI
5 Years Ago
Wheel settings edit
5 Years Ago
Initial work on vehicle editing UI, using workbench UI as a placeholder for the moment
5 Years Ago
Ready for code review, now with merge from the latest in Main
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge from Vehicles for September's monthly code review.
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Cleanup of ModularCarPhysics class
5 Years Ago
Adjusted chassis, wheel, and fuel tank colliders so vehicles doing sweet powerslides etc etc don't bottom out and get damaged so much.
5 Years Ago
Simplified chassis colliders, fixed fuel storage interaction
5 Years Ago
Engine power reduced
5 Years Ago
Vehicle editing state work
5 Years Ago
Fix new clients not getting the correct on-platform lights
5 Years Ago
Fixed two issues with vehicle lift sync to newly connecting clients
5 Years Ago
Add save/load for vehicle lift
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Starting on vehicle edit mode
5 Years Ago
Starting on vehicle edit mode
5 Years Ago
Basic working vehicle lift
5 Years Ago
Basic working vehicle lift
5 Years Ago
Basic working vehicle lift
5 Years Ago
Added vehicle lift button and stairs (non-functional)
5 Years Ago
Added vehicle lift button and stairs (non-functional)
5 Years Ago
Added vehicle lift button and stairs (non-functional)
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles