userBill Bcancel

13,104 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

5 Years Ago
Modular vehicle lift is now client/server networked
5 Years Ago
Modular vehicle lift is now client/server networked
5 Years Ago
Modular vehicle lift is now client/server networked
5 Years Ago
Garage platform detects whether vehicle is in position, shows lights to help with parking. Will need networking.
5 Years Ago
Garage platform detects whether vehilce is in position, shows lights to help with parking. Will need networking.
5 Years Ago
Give modular vehicle their own seat type, let the driver turn around further
5 Years Ago
Give modular vehicle their own seat type, let the driver turn around further
5 Years Ago
Add basic garage thing to my test map
5 Years Ago
Add basic garage thing to my test map
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Updated chassis colliders and what's removed on client
5 Years Ago
Updated chassis colliders and what's removed on client
5 Years Ago
Removed client/server split for module collision. Both can share the server colliders. Now unified under a new shared object.
5 Years Ago
Removed client/server split for module collision. Both can share the server colliders. Now unified under a new shared object.
5 Years Ago
Move chassis and module models to client only.
5 Years Ago
Move chassis and module models to client only.
5 Years Ago
Switch to damaged model via enable/disable renderers instead of active/inactive gameobject (performance)
5 Years Ago
Switch to damaged model via enable/disable renderers instead of active/inactive gameobject (performance)
5 Years Ago
Don't destroy vehicle anymore at 0 health
5 Years Ago
Don't destroy vehicle anymore at 0 health
5 Years Ago
Switch vehicle model to the destroyed model when at zero health
5 Years Ago
Switch vehicle model to the destroyed model when at zero health
5 Years Ago
Add placeholder destroyed models to modules
5 Years Ago
Add placeholder destroyed models to modules
5 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Added collision damage for modular vehicles
5 Years Ago
Added collision damage for modular vehicles
5 Years Ago
Remove debug print
5 Years Ago
Remove debug print
5 Years Ago
Adjust collision FX
5 Years Ago
Adjust collision FX
5 Years Ago
Added collision FX to base vehicle. Modules become part of the compound collider so they automatically pass collision info down as well.
5 Years Ago
Added collision FX to base vehicle. Modules become part of the compound collider so they automatically pass collision info down as well.
5 Years Ago
Fix BaseVehicle extra bracket
5 Years Ago
Fix BaseVehicle extra bracket
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
- █▍▊ ▋▍▍▌▋█ ▌▆▇▍▋▉ ▉▅▌ ▍▊▉▅▋██▄▊▄ ▇▆▊▋ ▉▊▆▋. ▋▇▉'█ ▇▉▋▄▍▄▌ ▋▇▉▊▉▉▍▌▇▅ ▆▇▌▆▌█▆, ▅█▌ ▇█▌▌▋▇ ▉▇▄█▋▉ █▆ ▍▋▋ ▉▄▆▊▋▍▊ █▄▊▅█▅█. ▌█▆ █▆ ▉▋▌▆▍ ▉▌▍█▊▌ ▉▇▅▊▊ ▅▆▆ ▉▉▅█ ▊▊ █▌▍▍▍▅▆ ▌▊▆▄ ▋▋▇▄▍▄▅▋▆▄ ▋▇█▋▋▅ ▍▍▋ ▇▇▆▊ █▋▍'▄ ▉▉▉▋▋. ▌▉▍▇ ▍▆ ▉▉▍▊▇▉▊█ █▅▆ ▍▆ ▌▌▌▋█ ▅▌▇▄▍. - ▊▆▊▆▄█▍▌ ▇▆▋▇▆▇ ▊▌ ▄▌▆ █▌▇▉▇▍▌
5 Years Ago
- █▇▍ ▌▉▉▇▊▋ ▍▋▉▌▌▊ ▊▋█ ▆▉▆▌▆▉▇▄▊▍ ▇▅▄▇ ▉▋▊▅. ▊▍▍'█ ▍▍▉▋█▇▅ ▌▇▊▍▊▊▆▄▊▅ ▇▉█▍█▇▉, ▌█▄ ▄▆▉▍▋▉ ▌▉▆▇▉▄ ▍▍ ▌▉▋ ▆▇▊▆▋▄▍ ▆█▉▉▉▊▍. ▌▄▆ ▄▊ ▋▊▅▅▌ ▊▋▇▊▆▉ ▉▄▌▉▇ ▉▋▌ ▇▅▊▋ ▆▄ ▇▄▊▇▊▄▋ ▌▅▌▄ ▄▆▌▊▍▋▇▍▌▍ █▊▄▊▇▇ █▋█ ▅▍▌▄ █▉▅'▍ ▍▆▌▋▌. ▄▉▆▆ ▌▅ ▇█▆▋█▄▍▇ ▉▋▇ ▋▆ ▄▋▊▄▅ ▅▇▄▌▋. - ▇▋▍▆▉▊▉▇ ▄█▆█▍▌ ▆█ ▄▉▆ ▉▅▉█▉▊▅
5 Years Ago
Split StandardVehicleModule into three, with .Client/.Server separate
5 Years Ago
Split StandardVehicleModule into three, with .Client/.Server separate
5 Years Ago
If chassis is destroyed, remaining modules don't naturally show their killed FX because they're not killed directly. Tell them to all show their FX.
5 Years Ago
If chassis is destroyed, remaining modules don't naturally show their killed FX because they're not killed directly. Tell them to all show their FX.
5 Years Ago
Reduced base chassis health
5 Years Ago
Reduced base chassis health
5 Years Ago
Remove mountables when seating is destroyed
5 Years Ago
Remove mountables when seating is destroyed
5 Years Ago
- Implemented destruction FX support for chassis and modules. - Fixed Client/Server compile issues. - Moved serverGibs from BaseVehicle to BaseHelicopterVehicle where it should have been.