userBill Bcancel

13,721 Commits over 2,891 Days - 0.20cph!

23 Days Ago
Minor spelling edit
23 Days Ago
Threshold edit
23 Days Ago
less smoke
23 Days Ago
moar smoke
23 Days Ago
Increased visual threshold for bike wheelspin FX
23 Days Ago
Added wheel slip skid sounds for bikes. Reusing modular car content - some of this code could be de-duplicated in the future, with more time available.
23 Days Ago
Fixed sidecar wheel visuals properly
23 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
23 Days Ago
- Pedal bikes now use the horse stamina bar to visually show sprint remaining - Send sprint info over the network again - Rearranged the Rust HUD to be able to show vehicle health and stamina bar at the same time - Horses now show their health in the HUD, mainly just so there isn't a hap in the stamina bars
23 Days Ago
Force multiplier 1.25
23 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
23 Days Ago
Changed how the force on self from hurt triggers is calculated + code formatting
23 Days Ago
Halved hurt trigger NPC damage for bikes
23 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
23 Days Ago
Fixed anemic bike pushing force
23 Days Ago
Increase bike return lerp speed
23 Days Ago
Increased bike steer return speeds
23 Days Ago
Preserve old steering behaviour on older vehicles. Enable new retainLerpSpeed option only for bikes
23 Days Ago
Apart from water, don't play trail FX until a set minimum speed is reached
23 Days Ago
Merge main -> bikes
24 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main + manifest rebuild
24 Days Ago
Shrunk motorbike gibs to not overlap
24 Days Ago
Enabled gib destroy sound for Motorbike, Motorbike_Sidecar, PedalBike, PedalTrike, all modular car chassis, Tugboat, and Attack Helicopter
24 Days Ago
Test map prefab fix
24 Days Ago
Manifest, fix missing content
24 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
24 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
24 Days Ago
Increased bike player death thresholds
24 Days Ago
Fix trike rear section not being in the LOD Group and therefore showing all LOD levels at once
24 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
24 Days Ago
Bigger colliders, don't clip into walls
24 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
24 Days Ago
Prevent bikes rolling far away after a player jumps off, add drag
24 Days Ago
Adjusted driver eye pos
24 Days Ago
Same fix for snowmobiles
24 Days Ago
Fixed some things like the dive suit clipping in first-person view
24 Days Ago
Have bikes use half the usual amount of position interpolation, and send their steering etc update 10 times a second instead of 6.67 times. Reduces visible input delay
24 Days Ago
Max bike fuel gauge out at 100 instead of 500, like we do with helicopters.
24 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
24 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
24 Days Ago
Increased pedal bike sprint time from 4s to 5s
24 Days Ago
Adjusted pedal bike world collider
24 Days Ago
Tuned down and clamped crash ragdoll force
25 Days Ago
Reduced bike passenger view range by 10 degrees each way. Reduces horrifying body twist.
25 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
25 Days Ago
Fixed bikes drifting slowly when idle and awake
25 Days Ago
Merge Bikes -> main
25 Days Ago
Fixed sidecar wheel visual trouble
25 Days Ago
Added support for particle system containers that contain lights that use LightEx scripts. Fixed motorbike damage light always showing
25 Days Ago
Sidecar stuff