240,239 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.61cph!

9 Months Ago
Delete main menu loop mode, unused Delete testscriptmgr
9 Months Ago
subtracting hostile_countdown_tooltip - UI Scaling issues
9 Months Ago
merge from CargoDroppedItemFix
9 Months Ago
Delete some unused projects from utils
9 Months Ago
Delete some obvious unused libs from thirdparty
9 Months Ago
Fix sometimes not showing any errors
9 Months Ago
Move files from engineservices to engine2, these can probably be deleted when loopmodes go away
9 Months Ago
Delete socketlib
9 Months Ago
Optimize WildcardMatch Reduce project publish time from 8 minutes to 2ms
9 Months Ago
Fix popup
9 Months Ago
Fix test to use new behaviour
9 Months Ago
Fix speellings
9 Months Ago
If CompileGroup doesn't need compiling, return previous build status rather than pretending everything is okay Don't close StartScreen until game switch is successful Add Label.TextSelectable Don't load project if it didn't compile Add EditorUtility.DisplayDialog Show a dialog when trying to launch a project with errors
9 Months Ago
Remove null panels Panel RenderOrder takes SublingIndex into account, which prevents them from jumping around Remove unused panels Loading a game looks for "LaunchMode" meta in package before automatically trying to join a lobby Delete InputControl.cs Add MenuPanel Right clicking a package card shows menu Fix NRE in PackageModal Add LaunchMode option in game settings Launchmode check is case insensitive CodeGenerator adds [Description] attributes to enum members EnumDescription contains Title, Icon, Description EnumControlWidget shows descriptions and icons Add icons and descriptions for some enums LaunchMode icons
9 Months Ago
Change SkinnedModelRenderer.GetBoneTransform to TryGetBoneTransform, so we can always be aware that the bones might not be available yet and handle appropriately Fixes ragdoll scene
9 Months Ago
Remove GlobalLobby Strip out GameLobby
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Delete as much as possible from public/rubikon Move the rest to public/physicslib
9 Months Ago
Rename engsoundservice to videorecorder because the movie recording stuff was put here for some reason
9 Months Ago
Delete gameuiservice and soundservices
9 Months Ago
Include Vehicle Large in DroppedItemCheck
9 Months Ago
subtracting burst_icon_belt - moved to Feb Release
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Add EditorTool.Trace, EditorTool.MeshTrace CameraComponentTool has a lookat picker
9 Months Ago
SceneOverlayWidget: move children with the edge on resize Camera preview is dpi aware
9 Months Ago
merge from gingerbread_building_skin_fixes
9 Months Ago
merge from burst_icon_belt
9 Months Ago
▄▇▌██ ▄▌▉▋ ▊█▇▉▋▌▊▊▊_▊▅▆▊▄▇▋▍▅█_▌▊▍█▌█▌
9 Months Ago
merge from item_desc_scroll
9 Months Ago
client compile fix
9 Months Ago
merge from conveyor_culture_handling
9 Months Ago
Component EditorTool foundation (Camera Preview)
9 Months Ago
merge from qol_map_focus_button
9 Months Ago
merge from qol_cached_browser_quicker_refresh
9 Months Ago
merge from fishing_bobber_timeout
9 Months Ago
merge from qol_cached_browser_ping_text
9 Months Ago
merge from health_spectate_admins
9 Months Ago
Refactor [Tool] into [EditorApp], to differentiate from [EditorTool]
9 Months Ago
Fix gizmos not drawing in game Add WidgetWindow.InnerRect
9 Months Ago
Fixed double time (sorry!)
9 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #8476
9 Months Ago
Item UI
9 Months Ago
Couple camera effects
9 Months Ago
Remove old player code
9 Months Ago
Initial commit (Lots of rubbish in here from when I was messing around)
9 Months Ago
Merge MinicopterFreezeFix -> Main
9 Months Ago
Vehilce module settings edit
9 Months Ago
Merge MinicopterFreezeFix -> Main
9 Months Ago
Enabled it for modular cars and WorkCarts as well. Probably good to have on for anything with an enclosed cockpit
9 Months Ago
Fix ambiguous reference