116,273 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
church building greybox
level update
merge from global_networked_bases
merge from Attack Helicopter/ch47_homing_disable
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Merge Main -> Experimental
Wait until the player has fully connected and woken up before starting the initial conversation
More animal fat fixes
Properly spawn the tutorial bear variant
Lower tutorial bear health to 100
Give the tutorial bear a custom corpse prefab with 200 extra animal fat to give the player enough resources to finish the tutorial
Merge Homing Missile Launcher -> Main
Merge Attack Helicopter -> Main
Fixed backpack slot not properly enabling if the inventory was closed with the underwear picker open
Added a game tip for pilot controls
Fixed attack3 not being tokenised
Increase resource havesting rates x3 while in tutorial (for testing, but it might stick around)
Covers ResourceDispenser and CollectibleEntity
GameTips now show for longer if there is a lot of text to read
Show the gunner tooltip when mounting the gunner seat rather than when using the monitor. I think it's too blurry on the monitor unfortunately.
Fixed Launcher lock on sounds staying on if the player was looking at something while they disconnected
OnHeldChanged doesn't actually get called in this case so the targeting invoke was still running forever, this cancels the invoke
Also fixed the lock on bar staying visible after reocnnecting if disconnecting while locked onto a target
Homing rockets now go forward a little before going up, allowing for shooting out of windows etc
Add clan role for controlling access to score events log
Fix incorrect role tooltip translation keys
Kill players mounted to a helicopter in OnKilled instead of DismountAllPlayers, this allows us to pass the correct HitInfo to each player so they see proper kill attribution on the death screen (eg. you were killed by player X with a homing missile instead of just death by helicopter)
Additional NRE checks in HideUntilMobile
Patrol helicopter now fires flares whenever a homing missile is launched at it
It has unlimited flares
Refactored valid homing target calculation. Fixes patrol heli no longer being homing-targetable
Merge Main -> Attack Helicopter
Remove LOD2 from stone wall frame
Don't render submeshes without a material (used to use the last material)
Fixes ramps having texture atlas at lower LOD
Fix wood ramp using Standard material instead of Rust/Standard
Refactored my new FindItemByItemName method in PlayerInventory to work more like the others, and also search containerWear
Fix clan table map shader showing the framebuffer sometimes
Fix HAB armor icon and text
merge from global_networked_bases
Move back to manually requesting mipmap of textures from materials (ShaderUtil is editor only)
Add detail layer textures
#CLIENT out material changes
Update global_networked_bases/2021
merge from global_networked_bases
Change stone wall frame shadow material to shadow material
Add tool to list all prefabs with incorrect shadow material
Pooling fix for weapon rack lights