116,290 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Remove LOD2 from stone wall frame
Don't render submeshes without a material (used to use the last material)
Fixes ramps having texture atlas at lower LOD
Fix wood ramp using Standard material instead of Rust/Standard
Refactored my new FindItemByItemName method in PlayerInventory to work more like the others, and also search containerWear
Fix clan table map shader showing the framebuffer sometimes
Fix HAB armor icon and text
merge from global_networked_bases
Move back to manually requesting mipmap of textures from materials (ShaderUtil is editor only)
Add detail layer textures
#CLIENT out material changes
Update global_networked_bases/2021
merge from global_networked_bases
Change stone wall frame shadow material to shadow material
Add tool to list all prefabs with incorrect shadow material
Pooling fix for weapon rack lights
Move MaterialCache to a separate .cs file
Request the highest mipmap every single texture attached to a material (to handle both standard and blend shaders)
Secondary spritesheet files
Fixed detail tint randomization when mesh batching is enabled
Add a prhase to fix load ammo text display
Linux server build steam_appid.txt part 2
First batch of fixes to texel density view
Linux server build steam_appid.txt
Update global_networked_bases/2021
Set multidraw convar enabled by default (regardless of unity version to fix default value)
Add bool `IsMultidrawEnabled` and return false in 2019
Remove reflection probe from triangle container floor (making it look like stone)
Updated textures of the microwave model
merge from homing missile launcher
Updated homing missile reloadTime
merge from global_networked_bases
cityhall building greybox
basic rooftop dressing to figure out layout around helipad
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
merge from Attack Helicopter
update homing missile launcher override controller with correct idle stand animation linked
scaled down missile on homing missile launcher anims to 0.01 rather than 0.1 to hide it better when not in use
Merge attackhelicopter_emissive_uv1 -> Attack Helicopter
Since normal rockets are no longer allowed, fixcars 3 now loads incendiary rockets instead of basic
Minor wording change to the attack heli storage loot UI
Can no longer load normal rockets into attack heli - only HV or incendiary
New rocket/flare storage UI design and setup
merge from Attack Helicopter
Scraptransportheli v homing rocket damage changes