
116,434 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!

1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
1 Year Ago
merge from Attack Helicopter
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Save241
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
█▅▉ ▉▇▍▍▋ ▊▄▉: ▊▅▆▊▆█▋▊▆▋▊▇█ ▆▌. ▆▇▌▄▅▋▆▉▍
1 Year Ago
Merge HomingVsPlayerHelis -> Main
1 Year Ago
merge from parachute
1 Year Ago
Warning sounds in and working for all player helicopters
1 Year Ago
merge from bags_bottom_layer
1 Year Ago
merge from hotairballoon_deathscreen
1 Year Ago
ProceduralMapRail changes for testing
1 Year Ago
Radar lock/Radar warning audio WIP
1 Year Ago
gingerbread skin creation gibs replacement list
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
▍▊▅▌█ ▊▅▋▍ ▍▇█_▄▌▆▉▅
1 Year Ago
MaxHealth now includes any HAB upgrades on the client, fixes health bar not properly registering health upgrade (eg. displaying 1600/1500 hp in UI) Repairing a HAB with armour now combines the required resources of the base HAB and the armour upgrade
1 Year Ago
Homing missile launcher worldmodel
1 Year Ago
HAB's will now decay even if they are fully inflated if they are no longer moving (movement of less than 2m in between decay ticks) HAB's will decay even if they are "inside" if they are fully inflated (deflated habs can still be kept indoors) Stuck HABS will now get a periodic random physics push to try and dislodge them Should prevent HAB's getting stuck permanently on pylons/domes
1 Year Ago
Show sleeping bags on the bottom layer of the map view on the in-game map, but keep them on top on the death screen so they can still be clicked
1 Year Ago
Ease in hand IK using new SetOverrideWeight methods on PlayerModel
1 Year Ago
Cherry pick warning sounds
1 Year Ago
Remove unnecessary script from attack heli
1 Year Ago
Updated my inventory loadout with homing rockets
1 Year Ago
Fixed homing rockets not being able to lock onto player helicopters
1 Year Ago
Use first person with arms view while flying the parachute, use new IK fix for first person arms so it all syncs up nicely
1 Year Ago
Fixed flare FX behaviour problems
1 Year Ago
Minor flares edit
1 Year Ago
New flare use input for pilot. Uses up a flare and shows flare FX. No functionality vs. rockets yet. +Manifest.
1 Year Ago
Backup: F15E Cinematic prop prefab + textures (from Alfie)
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fix multidraw convar so it's enabled by default Cache meshes so we don't copy the same one to the GPU multiple times Add memory usage of multidraw buffer
1 Year Ago
Fixed some issues in the last commit
1 Year Ago
Don't do hand IK during the parachute deploy animation Added new SetParameterAnimatorBehaviour component, should be useful in the future
1 Year Ago
added anim for canopy with handles tucked in
1 Year Ago
radar lock alarm audio files
1 Year Ago
Add an extra shader param to StandardMap to overlay detail on the map
1 Year Ago
IK hands to handles (still a bit broken during the deploy, will fix next)
1 Year Ago
increased player input scale ( after dampening player anims)
1 Year Ago
player parachute updates
1 Year Ago
Add clan.editsRequireClanTable convar so servers can enable clan edits from anywhere
1 Year Ago
Scrap heli minor population convar fix
1 Year Ago
Cherrypick 86751 & 86767 (compile & shader fixes)
1 Year Ago
Tool to list all shaders (so we know what shaders to pay attention to)
1 Year Ago
Fix shaders to make cliffs work with multidraw Set default mode of copying meshes via GPU (CPU mode has incorrect indicies for cliffs)
1 Year Ago
Fixcars convar adds flares. Manifest update.
1 Year Ago
parachute sounds
1 Year Ago
Parent merge