116,434 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Merge Main -> AttackHeliFlares
Fixed regular hazmat tank not getting re-enabled after unequipping a hazmat (pooling issue)
Merge HAB shared damage -> Main. Had to disable HAB armour damage texture again for now.
chute anims and animator update
Merge HAB Armor Damage -> Main
Set up HAB armour damage visuals
Standardize the way we detect meshes with read/write disabled
Merge Bill's hammer repair branch.
Removed my commented debug logs.
Armor now modifies HAB health directly.
Armor entity forwards damage to parent HAB.
Save/load support.
Update global_networked_bases/2021
Mark instancing meshes readable
Change path of prefab converter to only prefabs to speed it up
Update global_networked_bases/2021
Add `upload_multidraw_meshes_mode = 0` to control whether meshes are uploaded via the CPU or GPU
default to CPU upload meshes
Mark meshes readable for instancing
Add tool to ensure every single mesh used for instancing is marked read/write enabled
exported edited homing missile launcher rig and view model animations
Fix global entities being hidden when leaving network range
86740 (ensure mesh is uploaded to GPU)
Ensure mesh is uploaded to the GPU before we copy it to our ComputeBuffer
Fix twig foundation having renderers disabled in prefab
Only run StripEmptyChildren when instancing is enabled (don't believe this is the problem but better safe)
Update global_networked_bases/2021
merge from global_networked_bases
merge from global_networked_bases
Assigned canopy blend tree to correct animator
Fixed copying over values, values on canopy animator shouhld now perfectly match body values
Reverted collider animator change
Fixed shadow outline artifact when SQ=3
Fix for dof_squeeze and dof_barrel not working; convars now admin
Enabled repairing the HAB armour (with hammer)
added 1st pass handle anims for parachute, updated animator
Fixed CLIENT / SERVER compile issues in BaseProjectile and LockOnLauncher
Removing unused using from SeekingServerProjectile
merge from HomingMissileLauncher