116,408 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Merge from main -> global_networked_bases
merge from global_networked_bases
86832 (compile fixes)
Split InstancedPrefabConverter into 2 classes
Fix compile errors
Update global_networked_bases/2021
Increase initial size of mutlidraw buffer
Log info instead of error when resizing since it seems to work
86780 (cache meshes for multidraw)
Added and Setup First Aid Cabinet Prop Prefab
override controller updates
brutalist skin creation gibs replacement list
merge from default_bp_changes
86637 default_bp_changes
brutalist building skin destruction gibs models /relink in prefabs
initial launcher 3p anims and override controller setup
Server experimental-release upload files
Fix attack helicopter gunner getting IK processing while holding a weapon
gave missile launcher worlmodel prefab correct collider bounds
▆▇▆▌▇▉▌ ▆▍▅ ▊▆▋▄▇ ▅▄▊▍▉▆▇▆▇▇▌▊ ▅▍▍
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
merge from Attack Helicopter
█▅▉ ▉▇▍▍▋ ▊▄▉: ▊▅▆▊▆█▋▊▆▋▊▇█ ▆▌. ▆▇▌▄▅▋▆▉▍
Merge HomingVsPlayerHelis -> Main
Warning sounds in and working for all player helicopters
merge from bags_bottom_layer
merge from hotairballoon_deathscreen
ProceduralMapRail changes for testing
Radar lock/Radar warning audio WIP
gingerbread skin creation gibs replacement list
MaxHealth now includes any HAB upgrades on the client, fixes health bar not properly registering health upgrade (eg. displaying 1600/1500 hp in UI)
Repairing a HAB with armour now combines the required resources of the base HAB and the armour upgrade
Homing missile launcher worldmodel
HAB's will now decay even if they are fully inflated if they are no longer moving (movement of less than 2m in between decay ticks)
HAB's will decay even if they are "inside" if they are fully inflated (deflated habs can still be kept indoors)
Stuck HABS will now get a periodic random physics push to try and dislodge them
Should prevent HAB's getting stuck permanently on pylons/domes
Show sleeping bags on the bottom layer of the map view on the in-game map, but keep them on top on the death screen so they can still be clicked
Ease in hand IK using new SetOverrideWeight methods on PlayerModel
Cherry pick warning sounds
Remove unnecessary script from attack heli
Updated my inventory loadout with homing rockets