116,225 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Parachute gibs are no longer affected by the wind material effect
Add server.parachuteRepackTime replicated convar to control how long a parachute repack takes
Clamped between 0 and 15s
Don't spawn the unpacked parachute if BypassRepack is turned on
Merge from forward_momentum_change
Merge HomingMissileLauncher -> Main
Added some overlap to edges of camera view, to hopefully fix visible lines
Start modal layout changes
Simpler base pyramid texture logic
Fix exception when opening help modal between missions
Updated a bunch of modal text with fixes and highlighting
Tweaked hair bsdf for planar reflections
Added forward opaque and alpha-test to most Rust/Standard shaders
Added forward rendering support to core and terrain shaders
Fixed underwear skins not being applied correctly when a player first enters a server (cache the underwear skin in case the player model hasn't been created yet when the player receives it's first load)
Try to merge main -> wire_tool_reconnect again
Added an even larger lip around the entrance
Tweaked height map
Added a AddToHeightmap object to the entrance prefab to allow foliage spawnning on the mesh-terrain
Added a building topology to the entrance terrain
Tweaked entrance terrain alpha
Added splats around to entrance terrain
Merge from main -> wire_tool_reconnect
fix for bows offsetting view slightly when deployed
smoother view offset lerping
Updated codegen for planar reflection convars
Made base pyramid available in all shader quality modes (required for planar reflections)
Added cheap forward passes to terrain and skin
Fixed NRE and variant specific shader errors
Flee/attacked tweaks and reduced flee duration/distance
Reduce tutorial bear speeds
More AI design tweaks
Added burst cloth constraints to dracula cape
merge from brutalist_instancing_enable
skinning tweaks in ghost sheet
merge from global_networked_bases
merge from toggle_vending_machines_map
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
Only chase players from idle state if player is > 60% health
Train tunnel rail entrance environment volume setup
Reduce tutorial bear attack damage
Added MinimumTargetHealthFraction check to BaseNPC.Attack
Tutorial bear won't damage the player if they're under 60% health.
Send global update the next frame (to account for parenting after the entity is spawned)
Merge from main -> global_networked_bases
Merged proper version of /main/uv123-tangent-basis-fix
Tether chickens to short distance from spawn point.
Reduce roam range.
Increase roam frequency