
12,334 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.14cph!

9 Years Ago
Made the generated savegame name more failsafe Disabled server autosave in-editor for less stuttering while testing
9 Years Ago
Removed chicken/temp.mb (?)
9 Years Ago
Changed default world size to 4000 Changed default world seed to 0 (i.e. generate a random seed) Gave beaches a bit more slope to counter water z-fighting and reduce the average beach width Tweaked decor rocks Protocol++ (network + save)
9 Years Ago
Made the grass slope calculation work correctly at cliffs
9 Years Ago
Added max slope parameter to the grass mesh types
9 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in TerrainMath when the height map resolution is different from the normal map resolution
9 Years Ago
Updated image effects to b13 Made sharpening toggle with AA
9 Years Ago
Moved water image effects to their own child object (like radiation)
9 Years Ago
Disabled splat based height offsetting underwater
9 Years Ago
Made bushes cluster more on open fields Increased bush count along forest edges
9 Years Ago
Create the terrain after spawning all landmark and decor (so that dynamic changes applied by decor are already known) Made terrain height offsetting based on splats more extreme
9 Years Ago
Fixed that the procedural map would load BuildingTest.sav, removing all spawned entities in the process
9 Years Ago
Fixed two missing resolution variable replaces
9 Years Ago
Made SceneAsset create its folder if not found
9 Years Ago
Made baked normal and height maps adjustable
9 Years Ago
Cleaned up some of our filthy art folders Fixed various missing / broken materials Deleted UniversalMarmoset as it's broken (plus, I think the b13 shaders are supposed to look more like marmoset anyhow?) Deleted empty folders, outdated prefabs, etc.
9 Years Ago
Made LightLOD client-only
9 Years Ago
Added server.worldsize (allowed to be between 2000 and 8000 for now, defaults to 8000) Removed ProceduralSmall level (use server.worldsize)
9 Years Ago
Added levelSize to Messaages.Approval
9 Years Ago
Added toggle to always refresh grass patches, no matter if they moved or not (for editor tweaking)
9 Years Ago
Increased shadow bias as far as possible without disconnecting it from walls at sunrise and sunset
9 Years Ago
Added LightLOD component to lanterns, campfires and furnaces Fixed lantern and cupboard being pink on b13
9 Years Ago
Changed terrain edge falloff distance to absolute world units to get rid of super steep terrain edges with smaller terrain sizes Added the cliff texture to underwater splat mapping Enabled terrain map post-processing Tweaked some decor densities that have been somewhat off due to the weekend changes Disabled terrain generation threading in-editor again (still seems to be unstable from time to time) Protocol++ (network + save)
9 Years Ago
Made Parallel.For work properly with non-power-of-two index ranges Re-enabled threading in-editor (update to b13 if you want to run the terrain generator)
9 Years Ago
Made tree mesh placeholders spawn whenever the loading screen is invisible Made tree prototypes rebuild whenever they are out of sync Made tree mesh placeholder child objects get moved to the correct layer
9 Years Ago
Fixed pink viewmodel arms on b13
9 Years Ago
Fixed server compile error
9 Years Ago
Fixed that all rocks looked like metal in b13
9 Years Ago
Made my iceberg fix slightly less ghetto
9 Years Ago
Fixed icesheets being pink Ghetto fixed icebergs being super shiny
9 Years Ago
Manually added temporary colliders to the snow trees as they are missing in the speedtree files
9 Years Ago
Made unused components on placeholder tree objects get deleted
9 Years Ago
Merge from tree-batching
9 Years Ago
Refactored decor system for better cross-frame load distribution and faster refreshing
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Added dev.culling <layername> <distance>
9 Years Ago
Made UNITY_STANDALONE_X double-check for !UNITY_EDITOR (bug or feature?)
9 Years Ago
Removed wood piles from the spawn list (chop them trees, people)
9 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect path in bootstrapping on OSX Added Rust.Application.installPath that returns the full path to the install directory (still feels hacky, but at least we have a central point to fix stuff in the future)
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Updated ProjectVersion and ProjectSettings to b12
9 Years Ago
Deleted some stm files, which apparently are just backup stuff that shouldn't be on here Deleted the duplicate tree prefabs since they're already outdated (and even more outdated on the tree-batching branch)
9 Years Ago
Added two more more sln files to ignore.conf (please delete those from your branch again zon)
9 Years Ago
Do full tree batch refresh when the client finished loading
9 Years Ago
Removed random scaling from Spawnable (now handled by TreeMesh)
9 Years Ago
Added Tools->Update->Tree Prefabs and converted all tree prefabs to the new batching system
9 Years Ago
Added initial tree batching system
9 Years Ago
Allow prefab preprocessors to run inside the editor
9 Years Ago
Made Tools->Update->Prefabs never fail
9 Years Ago
Updated prefabs + game manifest