
98,468 Commits over 3,683 Days - 1.11cph!

8 Days Ago
Tests for a standalone LOD baker using the UnwrapBaker system
8 Days Ago
merge hackweek_combat_playground -> aux2
8 Days Ago
Better colliders so the holes aren't blocked
8 Days Ago
Visual studio automatically adding incorrect using statements
8 Days Ago
Manifest rebuild for pool table entity
8 Days Ago
Created pool table entity. Set up convex colliders so it can be used on tugboats. Set up comfort and preventbuilding zone, icon, resource cost etc. Added a rack of pool balls that come with the table.
8 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_combat_playground -> aux2
8 Days Ago
8 Days Ago
Loadouts now save ammo count of weapons
8 Days Ago
Manifest build, add the pool ball entities
8 Days Ago
Merge main -> hackweek_pooltable
8 Days Ago
Restore fast manifest-only updates
8 Days Ago
jackhammer new material and textures
8 Days Ago
Merge from hackweek_combat_playground -> aux2
8 Days Ago
Fix bunch of CLIENT & SERVER compilation errors
8 Days Ago
Fixed collider issues on sentrys again
8 Days Ago
Merge from hackweek_combat_playground -> aux2
8 Days Ago
Fix Save() and Load()
8 Days Ago
Fiannly got turrets working on vendor
8 Days Ago
Add commands to add spawnpoints to the server at runtime & load different spawn points
8 Days Ago
Merge main
8 Days Ago
merge from hackweek_combat_playground -> aux2
8 Days Ago
Shove test
8 Days Ago
Fix broken reading delta protos (player ticks) Game seems to run fine in the editor now
8 Days Ago
more tests
9 Days Ago
vm sks movement tests - added mask for bolt - updated anims (landing, sprinting) - stopped camera bone inheriting transforms - removed camera offset in prefab - set head bob run to 0 for improved sprinting - added conditions in animator to return to idle faster if landing and in ironsight
9 Days Ago
Fixed EntityRef warning during server startup
9 Days Ago
Compile fix
9 Days Ago
push wip test
9 Days Ago
Refactor NetRead/NetWrite to use BufferStream underneath to properly support buffer resizing
9 Days Ago
Allow server to specify a default loadout with `defaultServerLoadout` Allow server to overwrite start HP with `spawn_hp_override`
9 Days Ago
improved collider of pooltable added dartboard
9 Days Ago
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9 Days Ago
Handcuffs can also block interaction/use
9 Days Ago
More wip handcuff functionality
9 Days Ago
Added tree and ore gathering tests
9 Days Ago
level update, s2p
9 Days Ago
workers_house building - final models, colliders, prefabs
9 Days Ago
merge from main
9 Days Ago
Fixed a few flow issues when running multiple test fixtures one after the other
9 Days Ago
ball prefab adjustments
9 Days Ago
Skin bundle update
9 Days Ago
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9 Days Ago
Anim root file tweaks
9 Days Ago
Support MaterialSetup component
9 Days Ago
New FX for lantern because cozy.
9 Days Ago
9 Days Ago
Crank finger gessture. Fixes and tweaks to existing gesture assets
9 Days Ago
Gravity is now a replicated var as well
9 Days Ago
Grounded layer hookup