256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Remove Get/Set HeightMap from physics world interface, nothing uses it
Remove CreateXConstraints from physics interface
Remove CVPhys2Spring, Remove CreateSpring and DestroySpring from physics interface
Add Audio/Mute for when you don't want sound at all https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2311b1/sbox-dev_rMbBnXxmZR.png
updated skyhdr, prefab, moved assets
moving asset, updated skybox/textures
Backup 2022/07/23 15:50:00 UTC
Animgraph: Revert parameter choice sorting to see if it fixes crash in steam build
Fixed a bug in the collider or the coaling tower collector
Abandon frameless window ambitions, use a normal window but force dark mode on it
Addon creator will derive a path from the provided ident
Moved drop zone due to chance of blocking train line
Trainyard spawn priority is now high
S2P Trainyard
Fix Widget.ConstrainToScreen()
Assetbrowser improvements
Widget debug overlay can be enabled with alt and pause/break
Fixed historylist trimming too many items when navigating from a previous position
Backup 2022/07/23 09:50:00 UTC
Keep asset type filter control in sync with history
BaseItemWidget - only call ItemActivated if double clicking with the LEFT mouse button
Right clicking an item selects it without events
Move hacky line edit syntax highlighting to its own class
Add Widget.ContentMargins
Removed DebugOverlays and Logs
Show damage dealt on hud
Better looking damage indicator
Use Time.time instead of Time.realTimeSinceStartup
Fixed wagons decaying very quickly if the server has been up for more than 30 minutes
72864 - testing complete.
Backup 2022/07/23 03:50:00 UTC
Playsound on get a kill
Stop ledge grabbing on other players
ui tweaks
Damage Numbers
Shooting anim on lightning gun
Set players colour on spawn
Hold space to vault
Reduce the amount of rockets the player can hold
Keyframed animations for hud elements
Rocket launcher shoot animation
Rail gun shoot animation
Fixed LocomotiveExtraVisuals NRE
Different debugging to narrow the decay bug down
72859 - testing complete
Don't put the ferry in line for the dock until it's close enough
Added some temporary debugging. Try to catch whatever is causing the wagon destruction bug
Only include enabled addons in VSCode
Minor edit to locomotive to see if the build server is confused re the visuals NRE
Try to fix VSCode support by wrapping launch arguments in quotes
Fixed fuel storage prefab ID, manifest rebuild
Backup 2022/07/22 21:50:00 UTC
Require more water on the area in front of the ferry dock
Change to the new name
Merge branch 'master' into dev-env
can switch sooner after switching weapon
Query server info from a background thread to try and make it more reliable during loading stalls
Retry the server info query a few times in case it still doesn't get a response the first time
Simple data seed for new local dbs
Fixed Q to switch between last weapon
Fixed stray barrel spawnpoints in Trainyard
adding a strip of decor topology on the trainyard rail (to potentially block barrels spawns)
fixed missing material reference on coaling tower LOD3 prefab
Removed ping field from combatlog entry