256,234 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
New particle FX now behave correctly.
- Added stopOnEnable option to ParticleSystemContainer and set it to true on all the new FX
- Re-enabled all the ParticleSystemCull/ParticleSystemLOD scripts
- Removed my additional Stop() commands in init
Update island positioning so it should clamp itself within ValidBounds
Adjust island prefab so the triggers don't spawn closer than expected
Don't show the ocean transfer message on the HUD if the position the player is heading for is out of world bounds
Add managed resource type for animation graphs
Prevent SocketMod_Area from colliding with itself (fixes windmill floating on top of wall)
Mega Armour (Gives player 200 armour(
Fixed eyes not using custom shader
Added rail sliding from super tumble
Give player a jump back when leaving the rail
Award styling
Updated test map
Removed engine front left/front right ladder objects
Fixed locomotive engine smoke not playing
Merge Main -> Trainyard Update
fixed flashbang vw materials, still very much wip
Backup 2022/07/21 21:50:00 UTC
merge from thrown_weapons
CCTV globe - LODS and gib and prefab
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
vm molotov cocktail - 1st pass anims, animator, viewmodel prefab
Change debug logs when a transfer destination position couldn't be found to warnings (down from errors)
Only show the warning that nexus island couldn't be found for a ferry in editor
Scale the fallback transfer destination with island spawn distance to not spawn behind them
Preset configs are fields instead of getters
Update dev config
No more need to manually set dev environment
Don't need this log in dev env
Additional Sounds
Nametag style tweak
Added Body Armour clothing (Thanks ShadowBrain)
Update ferry sphere cast so it can collide with triggers tagged FerryAvoid
Powerplant lighting and light switches
Tweaked a few materials
Store lowest ping in local sqlite cache
Fix task concurrency again
Show folders in assetlist if we're in folder mode
Avoid passing zero vectors to Quaternion.LookRotation in ferry
Updated coffin model
Rocket trail
Rename ItemListWidget to ListView
Fix WidgetGallery names
Start cleanup
Update math to determine island billboard positions so it hopefully lines up with the maps now
Backup 2022/07/21 15:50:00 UTC
letter box - adjusted front for better snapping
wall letter box - updated prefab
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Parent nails that hit entities to the entity they hit
Fixed Lightning Gun + fixed Nail Gun errors
ModelDoc: Attempt to reorder folders of clones properly
letter box - fix for grid scale
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update some auto recompiled assets
Fixed ButtonEntity linear movement direction when parented
Switch platform entities back to SetPos+SetVelocity movement
removed refract material on molotov - also doesn't work in viewmodel. added Flashbang, working on glass materials
Fix LightningGun DamageModifier prediction + add GrenadeProjectile and have GrenadeLauncher use it so we can distinguish for the kill feed
Use HudEntity, fixes ChatBox issues
Update GrenadeLauncher and RocketLauncher to use projectile's attacker and projectile as weapon