248,649 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
more ball pattern variety Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
4 Years Ago
Put client/host/server in game/bin/ Added SBoxHost Load SBoxHost from engine as soon as possible
4 Years Ago
Fixed another issue with DepthLevel parsing
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Updating test to be able to support add / remove
4 Years Ago
Cherry picking 54999
4 Years Ago
addtime console command uses more human readable formatting (default unit is now hours instead of days, can optionally postfix s / m / h / d / w / M / Y to specify different unit)
4 Years Ago
Fixed initial burst of snowflakes on spawn (destroyed snowflakes with facts and logic)
4 Years Ago
ParticleSpawn tweak
4 Years Ago
dynamic lighting enabled (needs shader recompile)
4 Years Ago
▊▄▇▆▌█ ▍▍ ▊▋█▇▉ ▆▇▄ ▊▄ (▄▇▉▇ ▊▄▌▌ ▇▌█▄ ▊▉▄▋▇▊ ▌▍▌▇▇▆▄)
4 Years Ago
▅▋▊▄▇ ▉▉██ ▇▊▉▌▋▊▇▆_█▄
4 Years Ago
Made a custom fuse loot panel for fuse boxes (will need S2P to take effect)
4 Years Ago
Set loot panel title when looting horse corpses Hooked up title field on large wood box loot panel so the entity name gets updated dynamically (will need some testing) Add PrefabInformation component to large wood box so it can update the loot panel
4 Years Ago
Fixed combat knife not showing skins in third person
4 Years Ago
▄▉▌▅ ▉▅▋█▍▌ ▋█ ▅▊▌▌▉▍ ▍█▌▅▌ ▇▇▉▄▋ ▅▄▌▆▄ ▊▉ █▋ ▉▍██'▌ ▅▊▌▅▉▉ █▌ ▅ ▆▊█▆▍▊ (█▌▍▄▍▇▍▄▉▇ == ▉▄█▅)
4 Years Ago
▉▆▅▍ ▅▆▆ ▍▌█▄▊█.▅▅▆▅▇▌▄▋ ▌▊▍▆▍▅▅ ▌▆█▍▊ ▉▆▇▌ ▌▋▍▋▊▉▉ ▇▆▆▉▇ ▋▄▌ ▌▆▄▊▉ ▅▋▅▄
4 Years Ago
Fixed "Others" options on HBHF Updated HBHF desc
4 Years Ago
Items + localization updates
4 Years Ago
Fishing village strings Storage monitor device icon Defer notification initialization until after resources are loaded (fixes possible race condition causing spurious "unknown server" modals) Update default background color Items + localization updates
4 Years Ago
Fix the skin picker UI showing a few skins twice
4 Years Ago
Make floating origin client-only (client+server is hopeless)
4 Years Ago
Added some debug buttons to pause menu on switch Disable raycast blocking on performance stats text
4 Years Ago
Backporting ParticleSpawn / ParticlePatch changes to DecorSpawn / DecorPatch
4 Years Ago
Spawn weather particle effects on a grid, opens the door to various optimizations
4 Years Ago
skin approval
4 Years Ago
Added a test to work out memory layout and conversion to BRG batches to allow adding and removing batches.
4 Years Ago
Convar tweaks
4 Years Ago
Restored weather.rain and weather.wind convars
4 Years Ago
Fixed sky dome prefab having a fogginess of 3e-45 saved
4 Years Ago
Weather report tweak
4 Years Ago
Fixed that weather convar overrides would be clamped to 1
4 Years Ago
Better weather seed / randomization
4 Years Ago
noclip sensible defaults Lets use panorama without v8 Can remove the v8 dlls Don't try to open p4 when editing shit in the panorama debugger Update .gitignore
4 Years Ago
Added weather.load convar to load a specific weather preset Added weather.reset convar to reset to dynamic weather Added replicated convars for all the individual weather parameters (modding / events)
4 Years Ago
cl_sbox/sv_sbox Bind the console key by default Fixed missing panorama fonts folder
4 Years Ago
New preset based (and artist controlled) weather type system that exposes all atmosphere and cloud sky parameters (rip programmer art)
4 Years Ago
Getting rid of GetServerGCLobby (nullptr crashes server on connect)
4 Years Ago
fix bake error
4 Years Ago
stop spiral pattern when fight phase is over luck powerup sticky gutter powerup Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
4 Years Ago
Fixed depth level parsing Fixed main camera clear flags
4 Years Ago
DepthLevel parsing now supports offsets Make sure octopus clouds are above star flicker layer octopus cloud opacity tweak Backgrounds can now have per-channel blinking
4 Years Ago
█▇▆▆▍▊▅ █▉▉▅▉▌▅ ▆█▌▊ ▅▉▅ ▆▅▉▉▉
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▇▋▌ ▋▄▌▇█ ▆▋▊ ▍▉▄ ▌▅▍▇▅▌ ▌▋▋ ▌▇▇▆▅▌▌ ▋▇ ▍▌▅▅ ▌▅▌ ██▉▍▇▄ ▋▇▄▉ (▌▊▋▌ ▇▆▊▍▄▇▋▊ ▅▉█ ▄▇▄▊▍ ▋▆▌▉▊▇ ▇▋ █▋▊ ▍▅▊▍▆▄)
4 Years Ago
Steam upload fixes
4 Years Ago
None of this seems to be used either More decal test More unused shit Create steam_appid.txt steam upload Steam upload ignores
4 Years Ago
None of these seem to be used Decal tests
4 Years Ago
npc navigator rotation
4 Years Ago
up to date content compile