248,640 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
New SW almost finished
4 Years Ago
Fixed more culling job issues
4 Years Ago
▇▄▉▇▉ ▍▇▊▌ ▆▇▊▊
4 Years Ago
More culling methods implemented
4 Years Ago
Fix skinned mesh bone transforms being scrambled
4 Years Ago
Some fonts Fixed label assert Default to unlimited fps Added missing binds
4 Years Ago
Fixed Hammer .fgd flag/array values inheritance
4 Years Ago
trigger_teleport ejects player from a vehicle when teleporting like expected
4 Years Ago
skin stuff
4 Years Ago
weather.load is case insensitive
4 Years Ago
Enabled time progression on CraggyIsland again
4 Years Ago
Added sting weather effects (currently just lightning)
4 Years Ago
Particle grid takes list of prefabs instead of loading them from a folder Adjusted weather particle effect collision parameters
4 Years Ago
Culling routine sort of hooked up and working now
4 Years Ago
Custom panorama filesystem GetPanelTypeOrOverride fixes
4 Years Ago
Added 4 map icons from the TF2 Halloween 2020 update
4 Years Ago
live debug wip
4 Years Ago
Fixed submitting leaderboard score for ballpit Fixed possible exception when leaving a co-op stage
4 Years Ago
Some progress on turning this into a wearable
4 Years Ago
Fixed addon spawnlists not supporting subcategories
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Skin bundle update
4 Years Ago
Skin update
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Client interop setup Add InteropType double Remove windows.h include in native interop gen, use Plat_FatalError to throw errors instead Ignore .gen folders Add g_pGameUIService binds Add g_pInputStackSystem binds Delete g_pMatSystemSurface binds delete gameuifuncs binds Delete PanoramaHelpers Update style.def Update panelClient.def Commenting out and fixing up the binds - just want to get panorama working for now Update panorama with functions made on source1 repo Update c_baseentity with shit from source1 repo Update clientmode_hlnormal.cpp Binding Gen Call MenuSystem::Init when loaded
4 Years Ago
cherrypicking 54970 55024 55036
4 Years Ago
▌▄▋▆ ▊ ▄▉▊▌▇▊ ▌▅▇▌▌▆▉▄██▋ ▇▆▅▄▌▇▆ █▇▆▅-▊▉▌▍▄▊▌, ▌▅▍ ▋ ▄▊▋▋▆ ██▇▋▋▆▄ ▊█ ▄▊▆ ▆ ▇█▍▇▊▉ (▋▍ ▌▅▍▅ ▉)
4 Years Ago
▇▋▄ ▄▆▅▅▅▋▍ ▍▄█ ▋▅▆▋▍▄▄▇ ▉▅▍▄█▍▋▍▊▄, ▄▋▊ ▅▌▅██▇ ▅▌▇▊ ▉▋█ ▋▅▆
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge from particle_grid
4 Years Ago
▋▌▍█▌ ▉▋▊▇ ▌▋▋▇_▆▄▇▉▅
4 Years Ago
▆▉▆▅█▊▇▅▆ ▉ ▍▍ ▊▋▇▋▅█▍
4 Years Ago
▋▆▉'▍ ▍▋▌▉▅ ▅▆▅▄▅▊▅▊▌▍▄▊▆▇▅▉▅▊ ▊▉ ▊▅▋▋██
4 Years Ago
▅▍▌▋▉▌█▄ ▄▋▉█▇ (▊▍█ ▆ ▆▍▊▉▄▅ ▌█▉▋▍▆▌▋)
4 Years Ago
▊▊▅▉▄▄▄▉▍ █▋▊ ▊▅▆ ▌▌▊▌▇█ ▋▄█▇▍▍▇ ▄▄█▅▍█▋▉ ▇▊▆▇▋ ▌▇▌▌▉▄▊█▇ █▋▍▅ ▊▌▊ ▊▅ ▅▅▊▉▍
4 Years Ago
Try to find a running devenv.exe when working out where it is from console Ignore tool build debris Bind g_pInputService Can run commands from our console
4 Years Ago
Engine Ticking
4 Years Ago
InteropGen adds a IsReady to binding setup Engine can print to our console
4 Years Ago
▉█▇▊▆ ▉▆▉█ ▍▌█▌_▄█▇▅▅
4 Years Ago
Copying over addons folder Create baseaccess.txt Ignore game/logs Bootstrap use GAMEROOT
4 Years Ago
▉▍▍▆ ▇▋ ▇▉▅▅▇▍▉▄▄ ▅▇▍▋ ▍▊▇▄▇▋▄▋
4 Years Ago
▄▊▆▄▍ ▍▌▄ ▄▌▊▅▌ ▉▇█▍▆ ▊▉█▄▌▄▊█ ▍▄▄▇▌▇▅ ▆▆ ▆▉▌▄▇▇ ▍ ▇▄▅ ▇▊▉ ▋█▊ ▉▌▋▆ ▍▋▆▇▉
4 Years Ago
█▇▉▌█▄ █▉▍█▌▇▅
4 Years Ago
▍▄▌▊▄▅ ▍▄▋▄▅▉██▍ ▆▄▄▊▌ ▆▉█ ▇▉▅▅▋ ▉▋▅▌▇▆▉▅▍▉▋, ▆▌▇▆▌▅ ▊▍▉▉▅█ ▊█▇ ▌▇▉▉▅ ▌▍ ▅▉▄▍ ▇▆▆▌▌▇▉ ▆▇▍▌ ▇▊▆▌▅▊▅▇ ▇██▄▇▆▊▇ ▇▌▆ ▊▌▅▌▋ ▇▋▊▋▌ ▌▇▄▇▍▄ ▌▆▆▋ ▆▍▆▋ ▉▍▅ ▌▊▅▍▅█ ▅▇▄▆ ▌███▄█▉ █▄ ▇▋▇ ▆▋▅▅▅
4 Years Ago
█▋▅█▉ ▆▉▉▊▋█▌▋▍▆▊▊█▊ █▅ ▇▇▄ ██▇▅▆▍▋▉▍▅ ▆▅▄▌ ▉▊ ▄▅▊▋▉▋▊██▄
4 Years Ago
▍██▆ ▅█▄▄ ▉▇▊▄ ▄█▉▍▆▌▉▄ ▍▄▅▊▇▌█▉▍▅▇ (▆▉▅▌▄▆ ▅█▅▇▌ ▄▊ ▄▌▆ ██▌▆▋▍ ▍█▌▆▌ ▌▆▍▉▅)
4 Years Ago
▇▅▋▍▊ ▉▊▉█▍▍▆▇▍▌▇▌▅▉▊ ▌▌▍▇▆▅▊▍▊ ▇▍ ▄▅▅ ▉ ▄██▆▉▉▉██▉▍▍ █▇▋▄ ▇▆ ▊▆▉▅█▋ █▍ ▊▌▄▍▍▅ ▆▇▌▍ ▇▍▄ ▅▆▇▉▋▆▆▅ ▊▍ ▆▊▋█▌▍ ▌▍▊ ▋▊▌▊█▉▊▌▊ ▄█ ▌▋ ▇▆▉▍▅▊▋ ▉▆▋▄▍▌▇ ▅▊ ▇▇ ▍▍▊ ▅█▆▊▍ ▍▅▇▉▄▅▄█▆ ▉▌▍▌ ▆▆▅▉ ▌▋▋▉▅█▆ ▇▋ █▌ ▅▅ ▌▆▇ ▆▊▉▆▊▋▌▌ ▇▄
4 Years Ago
Implemented culling jobs
4 Years Ago
▇▉▇ ▉▋▋▋▉▅▆ █▊▄▌█▅▍▍█▌▉▇▊▊▄▍▌▊▅▋▆█ ▇▄▌▍▋▅▌█▄ ▄▇ ▆█▆▆█▅ ▉▌█▋▆
4 Years Ago
Remove workbench rotate option