248,664 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Merge from navigator branch.
Memory bank fixes.
Compile fixes.
Test state.
▌▍▄▋▌ ▌▆▌█ █▄ ▆▆▊▍▌▆▆ ▌▊▊ ▆▌█▋ ▄▌▄▌▄█▍▄▊▋ ▄▍ ▅▋▋▇█▅ ▍▆ ▇▇▇▍▊ ▅ ▉▊▋▌▉▅▉▍ ▋▍▅▍ (█▄▄▆▉ ▍▍▌▅ █▄ ▆▅▅▌ ▅█▋▉▅ ▅▌ ▌▆▆▌ ▅▍▇)
▋▇▊▇ ▌▄▇▌▆ ▋▉▋▌▉▉▉▇▄▋▌▇ ▋█▋ ▉▋▄▌▆▇ ▊█▆▊▄▄▆▋
█▊▌▍▍▋▆▉▊▆▋▇ ▍▊▆▇█ ▄▌▌▋▅▍ ▉▉▌▄▅█▅▉ ▉▆▊▉
▋▋▆▌▍▇█ ▌▍▍ ▄▅█▉▅ ▇▉▋▋▄▅▆▅▄ ▇▉▇▉▋▋▍▌█▉ ▇▍▊▇▄█▆▇▌ ▉▅▌▍▆
▆█▉▊▉█ ▄▇▌▊▇ ▇▋▄█▊ ▅▅▋▊▍▄▍▊ ▆▌▉▍
Require hammer to pickup beach towel
Update default background color
Update MapImageRenderer with new map shader config
core shader rebuild
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add CSBoxInput to allow IsMouseLookEnabled and disable some calls to GetHud to allow mouse look
Fix annoying IsLocalPlayerResolvable spam
Pulled out StaticGroup stuff, fixed conflicts, tidied some stuff up
compiled content
Reduce maxplayers
More debris ignore
Compile fixes
re-positioned scope attachment on l96 vm prefab
Partially resolve explosive barrels exploding when catching them and lightly touching ground after throwing
Added support for the new L4D2 DLC
Properly align checkbox labels in New Game settings
Event system improvements & fixes.
Test entity.
Typo fix
Fixed Switch build error
lightcookie compiles
Create rebuild_sbox_content.bat
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
missing sbox/materials/dev
▅▋█▋▅▇▊ ▋▄▅▇█ ▍▄ ▇▇█▌▄▋▍▇▅▊ ▄▄▋▊▅█▄▉
shaders from hlsl (I don't think we have shaders for another pipeline or something)
build bat change, ignore sln
Added CSBOXGameConfiguration (GetDesiredRenderingPipeline needs to return "VR")
More debris
Improved map readability of grid and grid markers, roads and trailpaths
Increased interaction radius on elevator lift buttons
Add unity recorder and director package
▉▊▉▆▄ ▆▉▆▅ ▉▆▍▅ ██▍▉▉ ▌▄▍▊▍ ▆▇▉▋▇▅ ▌█ ▋▍▌ █▉▍▆▋ ▌█▋▄▄▌▉ █▋
ShapeInstanced optimisation
Added .editorconfig
Started work on baking background layers to an image
Finished off basic background baking
█▄▅▌▄█ ▊▆▌▌▋ █▋▇▄▋ ▊▇▌▆ ▋▅▉▉▅▆ ▄▅▊
▆▋▅▅▋▋█ ▆▌█▋▍▆▍ ▋▋▋▋
Update elevator shaft IO socket position, update use distance on lift
▍▆▄▆▋▌▇▋▉▋, ▉▄▋▌ ▍▌█ █▋▅▇█▄█▌▇
Merge from main + scene backups