239,399 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

33 Days Ago
Refactor, cleanup
33 Days Ago
Merge from nexus (fix server NRE when transferring while in a team)
33 Days Ago
Fix formatting after merge
33 Days Ago
Pulled out the view/world model logic from WallpaperPlanner to WallpaperModelRenderer Fixed wallpaper viewmodel missing shadows
33 Days Ago
Fixed canyon water carving volumes being culled too early
33 Days Ago
Merge from main
33 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper View model and World Model FBX's to make cuts more subtle
33 Days Ago
Update Wallpaper View Model and World Model FBX to fix UV Errors
33 Days Ago
WIP - adding refraction ditto
33 Days Ago
Reduce occurences when one wolf is injured and other wolves keep circling slowly instead of coming to help or fleeing
33 Days Ago
Fixes for all the errors
33 Days Ago
Tweaks after playtest feedback: * have wolves interrupt lenghty animations when they are suddenly in danger * injured wolves don't answer to calls for help as it'll just get them killed * less predictable charge patterns to disrupt aiming * higher chase and flee speed
33 Days Ago
Buildfix: updating stale DLL Tests: built all modes
33 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper Viewmodel and World Model FBX
33 Days Ago
Merge from world_update_2
33 Days Ago
Fixed some artifacts from river terrain adjustments Rivers have more momentum when colliding with terrain, carving into it more visibly Rivers start out much thinner as a creek Rivers widen at their end as they flow into the ocean
33 Days Ago
Radioactive Water -> World Update 2
33 Days Ago
Added boolean to enable automatic topology changes Lake/Oasis/Radtown S2P
33 Days Ago
Fixed wallpaper world model skin material not being swapped for all LODs
33 Days Ago
Rusted Car and Old Sign setup and addition
33 Days Ago
Reverted the -1 Y tiling in code, pushed by accident
33 Days Ago
Set the viewmodel to use the wallpaper mats, but add the AO and normal maps into the detail layer Tweaked the viewmodel base material to match the blue default skin
33 Days Ago
World Update 2 -> Aux2
33 Days Ago
Radioative Water -> World Update 2
33 Days Ago
Revert set topology on water sources - fixes incorrect topology map with lakes on terrain generation Temprorarily breaks Radioactive Water
33 Days Ago
Merge World Update 2 -> Radioactive Water
33 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper Viewmodel Texture and Material settings
33 Days Ago
More scene objects setup
33 Days Ago
Improve wolf senses
33 Days Ago
Stash all this work so I can make ubre happy Stash this as well first
33 Days Ago
If GameObject isn't valid when trying to call an RPC, call the method anyway but only if we can determine that we have permission to do so - this way we can ensure RPC methods are still not called when they shouldn't be for any given user. (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6270)
33 Days Ago
skinned latest wall paper viewmodel in rig and updated anims for it
33 Days Ago
Fixed an issue where if you're Small Fish and disconnect yourself from a created lobby immediately by calling GameNetworkSystem.Disconnect in OnLoad, a TCP socket would remain open preventing you from starting a lobby again. This is because Disconnect is called before the asynchronous method CreateLobbyAsync has finished, so it goes and adds/creates new sockets that never get closed.
33 Days Ago
configured prefab for cloth collision adjustment - tunic bone chains also lifted up
33 Days Ago
Horse ragdoll prefab updated. Changed character joint settings and arranged new colliders. Changed names of folders, called head and body, containing horse armours to resolve skeleton issue.
33 Days Ago
added field to burstcloth to control how the collision rays are projected towards the origin
33 Days Ago
merge from unify_pool_free
33 Days Ago
merge from wallpaper
33 Days Ago
Font fixes
33 Days Ago
Org error section https://files.facepunch.com/garry/86a9e8a7-e4f0-4ce2-b282-bc9d344b5da0.png
33 Days Ago
Make transition labels into their own GraphicsItems
33 Days Ago
Fixed WallpaperPlanner.OnFrame NRE
33 Days Ago
Wood Piles~ Hotspot nodes were consistently getting stuck in ridges/weird parts of mesh. Came up with a way to use custom centres for each stage on an ore resource node. Much better results overall. Greatly simplied my first attempt.
33 Days Ago
WIP updating scene items
33 Days Ago
Improved ground contact on divesite rocks/props being off the ground
33 Days Ago
Applied feedback to Subway 2 wallpaper (applied skirting, shifted accent colour). Fixed Wainscotting 2 icon in skins list.
33 Days Ago
Stash this as well first
33 Days Ago
Allow player rotation in mayamode
33 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper View Model Normal Map Updated Wallpaper View Model FBX
33 Days Ago
Update to latest version