116,394 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
[D11] [UI] separated the bottom info bar and the server admin screen into prefabs, and made a start on separating the button options into prefabs
Plugged wave system into new buoyancy fast path
Plugged wave system into dive site marker
Tweaked wave normal blending to make them more pronounced
Toned down ocean refraction a notch
[D11] DTLS plugin Unity testbed.
[d11][Audio] Updated optimized reverb on cave child components.
[D11] DTLS plugin native fixes to allow re-running in the Unity Editor.
[D11] Latest PlayFab SDK
[D11] [UI] Removed and disabled unused UI elements in research table lootpanel
[D11][UI] Added add scrap action to research table lootpanel
[D11] Disable sprint/auto-sprint when certain UI screens/panels are open
[D11] Stop showing unnecessary decimal points on Options sliders that don't use them & aim speed multiplier back to using MoveTowards
Boats use continuous collision detection
Minicopter no longer has rigidbody on the client
[D11] Turn on Platform Friends stuff on boot
[D11][UI] Additional Research Table lootpanel changes
[D11] Adding a missing translation string for Licking candy
[D11] Re-enable the jump button to fly straight up in NoClip mode, and added ability to use the crouch button to fly straight down
[D11][UI] Research Table improvements lootpanel and fixes to recycler lootpanel
[D11] [UI] updated the corpse looting screen to have the 7th wearable slot
[D11] Per-Axis acceleration and some default values changed
[D11] [Tutorial] Campfire added for pistol objective
[D11] [UI] added a 7th wearable slot
approved renamed Scrapper Pants to Kilt
Light occludee integration w/ light lod scripts
[D11] [Tutorial Map] Updates to Harbour area.
[D11] Safety check for join game UI exception spotted in the Editor.
Facepunch.UnityBatch and Facepunch.Upload
[D11] [UI] adjusted some overlapping text in the pause debug menu so that it doesn't
Added prefab list inspector
Added D11Instancing component to camera
Work in progress instanced rendering for static world geometry
[D11] [UI] Testing nested prefab implementation.
[d11][Audio] removed cave reverbs in preparation for adding new reverb system
[D11] Added buttons for adjusting the camera inertia, auto reloading and showing the inventory on the crafting panel
[D11] [UI] Fixed remaining sprites on In-game Options Stats page.
[D11] Server pre-connection UI flow and password request handling.
Fixed RFManager not cleaning up null in listener list if it's at index 0
Fixed RFManager not cleaning up null in broadcaster list
Added warning when null is found in RFManager
[D11] [UI] Fixed some of the missing sprite icons on the stats screen.
Use FP's max cull distance (fixes buildings)
[D11] [UI] Updated menu animation offset system to support better scriptable objects and should now be easier to use. Converted radial menu animators to tweening system. Fixed missing sprites in stats screen prefab (needs updating in actual pages that use this prefab but not as a nested prefab). Removed unused animation state machines/animations.
Use empty LOD's culling distance if available