224,077 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

2 Years Ago
Collision test - switch to continuous detection. May be fine, or may cause random sudden stops while driving fast on rough terrain. TBD
2 Years Ago
Fixed another floating rock Scene2Prefab
2 Years Ago
Simplified the generic snowmobile world collider
2 Years Ago
Clipped garage door animation to make it stop when hitting the ground
2 Years Ago
Fixed a ModelDoc compile crash to do with non existent FGD classes
2 Years Ago
Removed Tomaha light double-ups, fixes visual z-fighting/flickering
2 Years Ago
Cherrypicking Vincent's garage door fix
2 Years Ago
Portacabin building texture and material tweaks Added dedicated shadowproxy meshes in an attempt to fix light leaking at certain times of day
2 Years Ago
Removed modular-car-engine-test-nice-setup
2 Years Ago
Fixed the garage door clip importing only 90% of frames Made garage door anim go 7.5degrees lower
2 Years Ago
Added work in progress speedlines
2 Years Ago
Moved and fixed customise scene
2 Years Ago
Added BreakCommand node preview for compiled models in ModelDoc
2 Years Ago
▇▉, ▇▌▍▌▋ ▆▉▉▆▍▆ █▆ ▇▊▄▄▋▅
2 Years Ago
▌▆▊▊ █▍▇▋█▅ █▅▉▍▉▊▆█▄▇ ▄▉▇ ▄▆▍▌ ▅▊▄ ▆▇▆▍▉/▅▅▅▆ ▌▌▅▌▋ ▆▇▇▄▉▅
2 Years Ago
Splatted some dirt onto the test map
2 Years Ago
Pass on snowmobile secondary surfaces fx (custom snowmobile position fixes pending)
2 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Reload FGD also recreates helpers
2 Years Ago
Delete hole_1.vpk Added hole 10
2 Years Ago
Fix for missing mask on arctic hazmat suit
2 Years Ago
Reverted snow_stormy particle system, possible fix for lingering particle fog bug.
2 Years Ago
Aircon - col shape tweak Iron fence - col shape tweak
2 Years Ago
Added Reload .FGD files option to ModelDoc
2 Years Ago
Use bespoke dirt FX for snowmobiles instead of generic wheeled vehicle.
2 Years Ago
▊▇▊█▍▆▌▋▆█ ▅▇▊ ▋▉ █▄▆▋█▋▅▊ ▉▆█▆▍ ▌▄▉ ▋▆▋ ▄▋▌▆▉▆▅ ▇▅▉▍ (▉▍▌ ▉▌▉█▄▅▋)
2 Years Ago
arctic base loot fixes and tweaks S2P
2 Years Ago
Updated tilesets to removed meshes from Vis Added tilesets to tags
2 Years Ago
▄█▉ ▌▊▉ ▉▆▌▇▌ ▄▊▅█ ▉▌ █▊▇▇ ▇▅█▍▉ ▊▄▄▊ █▍▄▊ ▍▉▇ ▆▄▉▌▉▇▆▇ ▌▌▌▆ █▅▄ ▍▉▅▋ ▇▄▌▄ ▍█▅▆▍▍▍▍ ▅▍ ▅▉▇▅█▌▍▍▅▄▊▌▌▊ ██ ▄█▉▆ ▆▇▇▍ ▉█▇▅▇█▌ ▍▊▇▆ ▊▊ ▋▅▇▋▇
2 Years Ago
Added biome preference support to BaseNavigator. Applied it for polar bear.
2 Years Ago
Add missing properties to SphericalJoint
2 Years Ago
Fixed addon upload not compiling if code path started with a /
2 Years Ago
▍▇▋▍▋ ▄▋▆▇▍▍ ▍▌▄▊▄▅▍▉▋ ▌▇█▄▉▍▆▉ (▍█▍▍█▉▉█▄ ▉▇▆▋█ ▄▌▆▇▉▋▌)
2 Years Ago
Remove debug Explain which download failed if download fail Handle 0 sized files on download Whitelist DebuggerDisplayAttribute File basefilesystem:FileExists not working with symlinks
2 Years Ago
ArcticHazmat textures update
2 Years Ago
▌▅▍▅▍▊ ▍▆▌█▄▋
2 Years Ago
Restore default key binds button for when you've fucked them
2 Years Ago
Updated cinematic prefab with normal map fixes
2 Years Ago
Removed last floating rock Scen2prefab
2 Years Ago
█▄▄▋▇ ▆▆▋▆▉▆ '▅▅▉▍█▋' ▇▉▇▊ ▅▇▋█▇ ! ▇▍▊▉▊ ▊▄▉▆▇▆▌▅▊▄ ▅ ▉▊▋ █▅▋▋▋▊ ▋▆▉ ▅▇▊ ▆▇▄▌▇ ▄▊▍▉▄ ▊▇▊▆▌▅▌▇, ▉▊▊▄▄▅ ▊▆▍▍▌ ▇██▍▊ ▍▉▅▌▋▄ '▌▋▅▇▉' █▅▉▋ ▊▇▅ ▊▋▄▆▆▌ ▆▄▅▊▄▆▉ ▆▇▍▆▇▄▄▊█▋▌ ▌▊▉▅ & ▅▇▆▅▍▇▌▆▊ ▊▆▆▉ ▊▍▆▊▍ ▌▇▄▅▆ █▊▇▉▅▍ '▅█▊▆-▄▍▋█▍▆▆█▅▇▊-▄▋█▄██▅▍▌' ▆▅▍▄▌-▉▊▋▊▆█▆▉ ▍▉▊▅▌▋▋ ▉▍▌▌ ▊▇▌▌▉▊█▄ ▉▌▄ ▍▍▊▊▇ ▉▉▋▍ ▌▇▉▋▍▇▆▊▇ ▅▇▇▆ ▅██▊▌▆▍▋ █▋▋ ▍▊▋ ▉▅█▅▄▅▍▍ ▆▋▅▌▆▇ ▌▊▇▉ ▋▊▌▆▅ ▊▊▆ ▌▆█▊▌▌▇▊ ▋█▍▄▆▅▇▅ ▅▊▉ ▄▄▉▍▋█▅▆▍▌▇ ▄▋█▋▇▋▉▉, ▍▆▉▊▊▇ ▊▆▆▉▆▋▄ █▅▊▆▆▆/▊▆▊ ▊▇▋██▆▉▉▌▊▊▊▋▆ ▉▇▍▊ ▅▅▍▊▊▄▆▊ ▉▌█▅█▌▇▇ ▊▅▌▅ ▌▇▊▊▋ ▊▅█▋▌▅▌ ▆▊█ ▅▋▍▊▋▅▌▊ ▋▅ ▋▆ ▋▇█▉ ▇▉▋ ▋▋█▆▍▄ ▍▌▌▊▊.▉▌▋▇▅▉ ▊▉▅▍▄▋▍▉ ▍█▇▅▇▇▌ ▇█▍▋▊█ ▄▊▋ ▇▍▍▅▉▌█ █▅▌▌▌█'▌ ▋▄▉▊▍▉▊▋▉▇ ▌▆█▌▊ ▉▅▊ ▍█▊▄▋ ▋▄▅▍▌▄██▄ ▍▊▅ ▊▅▌▄▄▄▊▇ ▊▇▆ ▇▊▌▉ ▊▆▍▄▅▋▇▋▉ ▌▊▋▋▄▍ ▌▇▋▋▍▇▆▊, ▌▇▄▊▅█ ▋▋▇▄█▋▆▄▌ ██▆▇▆▆█▇▍ ▆▊█▍▉▍ ▌▅█▉▄ ▊▅▄▆▆▋▄ ▆▊▆▇▋▋ █▇▆▊▄▄██▍▅ ██▄▌▅█▆▆/▇▊▄▆▇ █▄▅█ ▆▆ ▊▊▍▌ ▋▉▆▊▅▅▇▅ ▉▋▄▊ "▋▆▍▌▋█▄ ▍▅▋▆▄" ▌▊▍▊▆▆ ▇██ ▊▆▇▍▌▅▄▄▉█▉▆▋▆▌█▇█ ▆▊▄ ▋▄▆▆▋█▆▋ ▌▇▇▉▆▅ ▍▊ ▍▌▇▍ ▌▉▆▋▋▄▇▄ ▅▌▋▅▌▇▌▆ ▄▊ ▄▊▌ ▆▊▅▅▊▉ ▅▌▌█ ▉▌▊▅ ▅▋▉▉▋▄▅▊ ▄▉▅▋▌▆▋▉ ▆▌▊▅▉ ▍▅▉▄█▆ - ▆▆▇▅ ▆▆▅▋█▉▅▇▉▊▊ ▉▉▍▍ (▋▌▄▇▆ ▋▆▉▉▆ ▊▍█▆▌▍) █▋▇ ▍█▊▉▆▄▄▉ ▅█▍▇ ▊▉▄▋▇▅▌▅█ ▄+ ▋▉ █▌▉▋▄▋ ▋▆▌ ▅▄█▄ ▇▌▇▅▆▄▄▊▍ ▄▇▇██▌▉▊▍ ▌▋▄▄-█▉▇██▋▋██ ▉▉▊▍▇ ▉▍▆▍▊▍█▌ ▅▇▉▆▌▊ ▆▆▆▋▄▆ ▇▌▌▋▊▆/▌▉▉▌▋▌▉█ ▍▊▋▌▅▅▊ ▉▇▄▌ ▅▌▅▅ ▆▇▌▊▋▍▋▄ █▆█▅▍▆ ▆▉ ▋▋█▊▉█▇ ▉▍▊▋█ ▋▍█▇▋ █▇▉▌ ▅▋▉▆▊▇ ▉▊▄▊▇ ▄▉▄ ███▉ ▋▍▆▋▄▅ ▇▆█▌ ! ▄▇▉▍▋▊ ▊▍▌█▍▅▋▍ ▍▍█▇▆▌▍▍▆▌▉▉▉▇▋▇ ▍▇▌▋▊ ▊▅█▇ ▌█ ▉▉▄ ▉▉▆▇▌▅▋▍▍.▊▌▄▄▊▇▅▄ ▆▅ ▉█▊.▇▍▆▆▋▄▍ ██ █▇ ▆▆▄ ▇▆ ▉▊▊▍▇▅ ▍▊▊▉▄ ▆▋▅█▄▉ '▍▅▇▅▊▇' ▊▄▉▅ █▋▋▇▆▋-▌▊▉▌▉-▆▅▍▊▊▆▍▊ ! ▊▆▍ ▇▋▇▌▄▄▍▆▍ ▍▌▍ ▉▍▌▆▌▉▍▉▌▅ ▍▋▍▇▉▍ ▅▋▇▌ ▍█▇ ▄▄█▋▌
2 Years Ago
▌▍▅▆▅ ▅▅▆▇▍▄▊▇▍▄ ▄▋▍▇▊▋ █▅▆▋ ▌▇▊▋▍▄▋▆
2 Years Ago
Reduced spray can craft time Spray can default BP
2 Years Ago
Add debugcamera_lock Locks the debug camera in place while active (disables all controls and will stop shot playback from affecting camera position)
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile player reactions - Added override player controller
2 Years Ago
merge from ArcticHazmat_normalsfix
2 Years Ago
disable lunar new year firecrackers
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Actually don't bail if InitialDragDropMaterial fails, we need this for dragging materials onto meshes
2 Years Ago
ArcticHazmat mask normal map fix
2 Years Ago
Aircon - fixed col issue on fan blades
2 Years Ago
Merge Snowmobile -> Main