248,664 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

3 Years Ago
Fixed crazy massive bug with the wire tool texture
3 Years Ago
Update items and translations
3 Years Ago
▅▉▉ █▄▋ ▅▊▊▋▍ ▌▇▍▅▉█▉ ▌▌ ▆▉▊▊▋▊█▍ ▋▄▊▌ █▄▊▌▉▄ ▊▍▄▊▇▇▄▇ ▉▋▉ ▉▅ ▄▌▆▍ ▉▌▌▋█▆▆ ▌▉▅▄█▆▇ ▆▍ █▍▌ ▋▊▆▆ ▉▇▅ ▋▇▅▌ ▊▄▅▄ ▄▍▋ ▆▅▋▌▋▋ ▅▄▍▆▇▆▊▋▄▍▉▇ ▇▉▆▇ ▆▉▌ ▋▋ ▉▍▇▆▇▇ "▆▅▋▅ ▍▌▉ ▅▉" █▍▇▅ ▉▅▉▅▊▊▋ ▇█▌▌▆▄ ▄▄▊▄▉▍▄▌▇▉▇▋▊▉▌█▋▍▇▅▋▅▉▄▌▋▉▉▄▌▇▌▍▌▌██▉▌▍. ▆▆▆▉▅▇ ▄▅▍▌▋ ▍▉▄▆▌█ ▊▆▌██▌█▆▉▌▋▊ ▇▄▅ ▅▇▌▉ ▍▍▌█ ▊▇ ▊▅▅ ▇▆▍ ▉▄▄▌▇▍▉ ▋▇▋ ▇▊▉▇█▊ ▌▉▋ ▅▅▋▌ █▋▋ ▅▄▌▊▇▌▆▍ ▅▊▆▅▌ ▅▌▅▅▆ ▊▆▍▇▌▄▇▉▊ ▅▋▌▅▊▅ ▉▋ ▉▍▋▇▉▇▊ ▅▌▇▊▊ ▉▇ ▄▊▉ ▌█▋▋▅▋ ▆▋▆▅ ▅▆█▊▄ ▇█▇▅█ ▍▅▌▇▆ ▄▋▋▍ ▄▋▋▅▊▌ ▊▋▍▇▅ █▉▇▆█▌ ▇▋▉▇ ▅▄▌▆▊▊▉█▉▅▄▉ ▌▅▇█▅▌▌ █▉█▍▄▍▇▌ ▊▍ ▇▊▄▆▉ ▌▋ ▌▍▍ ▅▄▇█ ▆▄ ▌▋▅▍▍▋ ▉▌▅ ▌▋▄▌▆▇▌ ▍▉ ▆█▄▇▇▆ ▉▉▆▌▊ ▇▆▍ ▋▍▅▊▊▋▍▉▄▅▄▋
3 Years Ago
Slightly safer on/off check on LaserLight
3 Years Ago
Some profiles
3 Years Ago
List disco floor large tiles variant as a unique item in vending machines
3 Years Ago
Do an commit with no real changes to laserlight.deployed, in case the build server needs a reminder to update it
3 Years Ago
Basic neutral post profile for use in underground areas with the new stack
3 Years Ago
Added a server-side double check that prevents players mounting mountables if dead or wounded
3 Years Ago
█▇▊ ▌▌▌▇█ ▋▉▉ ▅▌▉▅▊▄▅▉ ▇▆▅▇▋▍█!!! ▆▉▉█▇ ▆▅▄ ▋▊▅▆▄▌▍▆▊▋▋ ▋▊▌▌▋▆ ▍▊ ▌▍ ▇▍▍'▌ █▉▌▌ ▇▆ ▆▄▌▌▉█▌▄▋ █▍█▉▍ ▆▋█▋▌▅▇ ▊▇▄▇▊ ▆▇▊ ▆▅ █▆▉ ▉▊▌▄▇▆█ ▌▌ ▇▍
3 Years Ago
▍▄ ▍▊█▍▍▍▊ ▅▌▇▅▄█▍▊▉▉▍▅ [▌▅▇▌ ▌█]
3 Years Ago
skin approval
3 Years Ago
Performance stat rewrite, profile player loop again
3 Years Ago
backdrop-filter the panels
3 Years Ago
adjusted street lamp light unit mesh Streetlamp feedback updates Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Adding test mesh for volume_1200x1500_1way_moonpool
3 Years Ago
Fix errors when Color.Parse is called with invalid format
3 Years Ago
Experimental fog interpolation code (unoptimized)
3 Years Ago
▋▊▇▍▌ ▍▇▌▊▅ ▍▅▊▌▌ ▄▆▉▇ ▍▄▍▌▉▄_▊▉▍▄▅▍▍.▉▌▉
3 Years Ago
▆▇▊▋▇▅ ▌▇▉▌ ▅▇▍_▇▅▇▌▍▆_▉▍▊▊▆▍▄▋_▇▌▇▊ ▊▅▋
3 Years Ago
▊▄▍█▍▆ █▌██ █▉▆▌█▋█_▇▆▅▌ ██▌▌▇ ▌▋▉
3 Years Ago
▅▋▆▆█▇▄▇▆▄ ▊▌▉▆▋▅
3 Years Ago
Fixed a minor issue with the loading screen (Community Contribution) Fixed Entity.SetColor erroring without any arguments
3 Years Ago
Fixed XSS vulnerability in loading screen. (#1814) Using the method `.text` rather than `.html`, since the method `.html` does not escape html entity characters.
3 Years Ago
backdrop-filter blur supports transition Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Menu backdrop filter blur
3 Years Ago
Fixed a crash in CGameParticleManager::LookupAttachment
3 Years Ago
Update base.fgd
3 Years Ago
FGD autogen: Support for Color type
3 Years Ago
Reduce the flocking radius for detection of whether a unit has reached their destination
3 Years Ago
Automatically mark a unit as static or not based on whether they have a valid move group but do not do it in tick
3 Years Ago
backdrop-filter parsing, tests
3 Years Ago
Flow field optimizations. GetDiameterXY method for models. Round to nearest node size for GetDestinations. Properly update paths or cancel a path request when a chunk's collisions are updated.
3 Years Ago
▌▆▌ ▋▄▌▊ ▇▌▊▌█▇▄▇
3 Years Ago
▇▍▅ ▉▊▍▅▌▊▆▅▊ ▊▉ ▊▄▉▊▌▋▍ ▍▅▄▉▇▌▄▊▆▄
3 Years Ago
▌▊█ ▆▅▅▋▇▉ ▍▇▌▍▍ ▍▇▅▄▌▇ ! ▌▋▍▊ █▋▍███ ▋█▊▇▊ █▊▉▊▄▍ '▄▋▌▄▌▌' █▆▆▆ ▆▋▉▋▅▋-▌▌█▅▆-▍▄▆▍▅-▉ ! ▇█▋▉▇▌▇▋ ▍▅▉ ▊▍█▅▅ ▆▉▋▅ ▊▉▋▌ ▊▅▌▋▅▊
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Updated TTT language files Disable materialsystem changes on dev as well
3 Years Ago
Background filter tests and shader support Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Add Render.CopyFrameBuffer backdrop filter (individual properties for now) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
When units are standing still, other units will try to go around them. You can use this to block an area with a line of units.
3 Years Ago
Start on spawn works for particle/sound entities (Also implemented usage of the CP0-3 for particles as a test
3 Years Ago
Added PostClientActive to C#
3 Years Ago
Added summary-plot.py Fixed argument parsing in perf-stats-plot.py
3 Years Ago
Cabin crew furniture set greybox models
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
cabin crew furniture greybox files
3 Years Ago
player eyes rotation bug fix
3 Years Ago
updated player downed anims