248,632 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
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GetFuelFraction now works
Submarine mounting code. Only allow mounting via the top hatches (although it's pretty lenient).
Merge VehicleExplosionForces->Submarine
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Tested all vehicles. Balance adjustments to explosion force multipliers and limits per vehicle.
Disable explosion forces on the NPC CH47, the AI seems to hate it
Don't try to apply explosion forces to vehicles without a rigidbody (e.g. the sofa)
Enable explosion forces to push ANY non-kinematic type of vehicle in Rust, rather than just modular cars and submarines. Will need some value tweaking since some vehicles have unrealistic masses.
Subs move a bit when damaged with explosives (like modular cars do)
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Improve mugshot camera orientation a bit
Exclude some more mountable parameters from the BaseVehicle inspector
Merge Main->Submarine. Also fixed "salt water" ui appearing + don't allow player to drink the sea water while mounted in a submarine.
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Landing effects can show when mounting something from the water due to the following scenario:
- Player is moved to the new mounted position via a ForcePositionTo RPC from the server.
- ClientInput sees that they're now grounded and changes IsGrounded to true.
- FootstepEffects' Update tick sees the grounded change and plays DoLandingEffect().
- Separately, Client gets a Load with the updated mount data and sets isMounted to true, too late to stop the landing effect.
ForcePositionTo is called after SendNetworkUpdate on the server, but sometimes arrives before.
I couldn't work out an elegant fix for this. Instead I've added a RecentlyTeleported bool that goes true for one second after teleporting, and set FootstepEffects to not show a landing effect if RecentlyTeleported is true, which covers the gap between being teleported and being mounted.
Added Placeholder Assets
Make sure continuations of tasks that do UI stuff are on the main thread
Working on refactoring network API calls
First pass at using async / await for network API calls
Make sure continuations of tasks that do UI stuff are on the main thread
Speed up writing to sv.files.db
phrases and codegen check
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fixed 'notes' alignment on contacts panel
making sure the fur meshes are in LOD0 only
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Hide the Win Summary when the stats round is over
fix for disappearing lods on stag ragdoll
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Reduced junk pile scientist range
Fixed junk pile scientists charging the player incorrectly.
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More accurate vision distance. Reduced boar and stag vision ranges.
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