241,596 Commits over 3,867 Days - 2.60cph!

4 Years Ago
Add mount passthrough on WorkCart glass entity, so the player can still mount when looking at the windows.
4 Years Ago
New custom non-snow material with less friction that sled switches to once it leaves snow, sled should carry more momentum once it leaves snow
4 Years Ago
Rotate grabbed physgun object with owner yaw
4 Years Ago
Increase direction match force (1 > 3)
4 Years Ago
Flip deploy angle of sled so it faces away from player
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Merge Main -> WorkCart
4 Years Ago
TraceResult returns physics body and shape hit
4 Years Ago
Add implicit casts from joint types to physics joint handle
4 Years Ago
Split physics related enums into their own files
4 Years Ago
East tunnel entrances WIP Road material consistency fixes.
4 Years Ago
Tweaking cssbox so it doesn't have big borders when there's no border 🤦‍♂️ Render background if it has a border, even if it has no background color Fixed colour equality shit border: 0 should set the border sizes to 0, not null Color Parser test Fixed Border size tests to reflect new behaviour Styles Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Move target distance with mouse wheel
4 Years Ago
Mouse wheel part of UserCmd/Input Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add basic physgun
4 Years Ago
▆▉▉▉ ▍▍▅▇▉▋ ▄▇▍▍▋██▅█
4 Years Ago
Added KeyModifiers Text selection Added Panel.MousePos Added Label.GetLetterAt( pos ) Send an onmousemove to active element Added Label.ShouldDrawSelection Added TextEntry mouse drag selection Lable: don't be 0,0 if string is empty, be the normal line height Only count as a double click if the cursor didn't move significantly Added Panel.OnDoubleClick Select word if double click Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
easy tentacle balance orb strings formatting Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity orb easy balance more easy orb balance frame easy balance
4 Years Ago
▊▋█ ▍▊▇▌▌▅▊▌ ▄▌ ▇▊▊▆ ▆▇▅ ▆▋▊▅▇▍▅ ▋▇▇▄▉█▊▌▌█▆▍
4 Years Ago
Don't attach footstep sounds to the player + recycle it when it finishes playing
4 Years Ago
Fix instant camera not capturing photos with depth of field Delete the glass panel on all photo frames so people can actually see your beautiful photos properly
4 Years Ago
Physics joints and bodies can remove themselves by going through the physics world
4 Years Ago
Expose some parts of physics world
4 Years Ago
Add WithBasis helper to joint builders. Add Rotation.Conjugate
4 Years Ago
Add WithPivot helper to joint builders
4 Years Ago
Initial commit 初始化提交 Update README.md - 不依赖section进行工作 - 删除无用代码 Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper.git 修复一个错误 支持Mach-O和x86格式 添加导出parent,property和attribute 完善导出修饰符 修复部分错误,强化异常处理 Update README.md support macho fat header Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper.git 整理代码 支持metadata v23版本 添加针对protobuf-net的特殊处理 支持64bit macho文件(auto部分尚未完工) 完善64bit macho auto代码 Update README.md Update README.md 添加v16,v20,v22的class 一些细节调整 分离各个版本的相关代码 重构,添加通用处理类 修复Thumb下地址+1问题 v16 64位自动处理 修复低版本下的FieldOffset 支持导出string,自动生成ida用脚本 修复BUG Update README.md Update README.md 添加简易配置文件 Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper.git 精简生成的IDA脚本代码 修复一个BUG 移动代码 Update README.md 避免可能出现的错误 修复char编码问题 修复metadataUsages长度不符问题 修复namespace错误 修复bug 修复bug 添加Macho 64位 v23自动模式 支持v24,添加auto失败时的处理 Update README.md 显示接口 Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper.git 完善修饰符 更好的支持fat macho 移动ida脚本到资源文件里 编码问题 fixed #25 重写elf x86 auto部分 添加全新的Auto模式 重构 重命名 添加dumpfieldOffset处理一些老版的特殊文件 新的config选项 添加16版本提示 Update README.md 同时输出method的RVA和File Offset Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper 16进制格式 大写 还原 Update README.md Update README.md Update README.md Update README.md 细节调整 Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper 添加重定向处理,Fixed #31 #32 移动代码 重命名 细节调整 细节调整 输出string.txt,ida脚本执行MakeFunction 优化字符串输出,优化py脚本使ida里可以正常显示其他编码的字符串 优化MakeFunction 添加Auto(Plus)模式 添加生成DummyDll功能(待完善) Update README.md 完善nestedtype Merge branch 'master' of Perfare/Il2CppDumper 完善DummyDll(基本完工) Update README.md 修复property method bug 完善泛型相关 修复泛型同名冲突 Update README.md 重命名 调整程序逻辑1 细节调整 DummyDll输出event 调整可访问性 整理代码&细节调整 完善泛型参数 添加v24的符号检测模式 DummyDll添加到Config里 Update README.md 完善IDA脚本提示语 Fixed #42, Fixed #43 整理代码 调整逻辑 x86重定位 DummyDll添加Attribute 删除部分无用代码 English readme Refine translation Merge pull request #48 from dogtopus/readme-translation English readme 添加Elf64 Plus模式支持 Fixed #58 添加PE Plus模式支持 一些细节调整 Update README.md Update README.zh-CN.md Update README.md Update README.md 删除无用代码 添加PE x64支持 代码结构优化 Update README.md Update README.zh-CN.md Fixed #59 Update README.md Update README.zh-CN.md 处理泛型函数地址 MakeFunction添加到config 一些细节调整 修复几个错误 DummyDll添加SerializeField 完善 Auto(Plus) elf Auto(Plus)模式不依赖section PE Auto(Plus)完善 调整逻辑 metadata 19 支持 DumpMethodOffset添加到Config里 (#77) Fixed #76 DumpTypeDefIndex添加到Config里 (#79) 处理ida不支持的特殊字符 修改提示语 Update README dump.cs输出Offset 调整逻辑以支持2018.3版本 修复Elf重定向问题 2018.3 CustomAttribute获取 完善Elf相关处理 支持读取dump的so 调整dump so的处理逻辑 Fixed #94 命令行支持 Fixed #74 完善提示语 修复bug Elf64完善 Auto(Plus)完善 完善elf64重定位,Fixed #98 Fixed #101 Fixed #104 Program.cs: fix path separator for unixes (including osx). Added usage help message. (#112) NSO支持 IDA脚本写入完整MetadataUsage Default value完善 完整嵌套类型名称 重命名 Fixed #118 完善Macho文件的处理 细节调整 整理代码 Update issue templates Update issue templates Update README 必须输入Unity版本号 准备工作 基础Unity2019.1支持 Elf arm Unity2019.1支持 删除Auto(Advanced) Update README 修复DummyDll泛型参数错误 Fixed #129 修改提示语 Add method type parameters dumping (#132) 修复bug Update issue templates 一些细节优化 添加2019提示 Elf64 dump模式 优化dump so的处理方式 2019 PlusSearch Update README Elf&Elf64的简单加壳检测 更新IDAPython 7.x API 改进IDA脚本代码 完善MakeFunction 修复dump文件和pe的rva 更新Mono.Cecil版本 完善dummydll的CustomAttribute 替换json库 单独输出stringliteral.json 完善MakeFunction 不使用内嵌资源而是动态创建辅助dll 添加命令行参数 Fixed #188 FieldOffset读取失败时返回-1 添加[Obsolete] 添加通配符搜索 Update README 完善dump so的处理 bug修复 删除不必要的类型转换 实现ByReferenceType 杂七杂八的改进 优化GenericParameter创建 添加泛型约束 cecil:完善CustomAttribute 完善ByReferenceType 添加更多KnownAttributes 删除Obsolete 不再使用dynamic 加快处理速度 cecil:添加更多KnownAttributes 重构:分离代码 重命名 一点改进 cecil:不输出CompilerGeneratedAttribute 修复bug Update README 重构 整理代码 Fixed #207 完善泛型输出名称 Fix crash when 2 sections have same name (#224) 细节调整 稍微增强auto搜索能力 添加字符串缓存 细节修改 Fixed #106 准备工作 升级vs2019和.net 4.6 重构基类 重命名 优化代码 添加SHT_LOUSER检测 提取函数 移动文件 添加数组类型读取 细节优化 整理重复代码 统一一下命名 修正ValueType的字段偏移 修正dump情况下的DynamicSection 输出method slot 完善DummyDLL的方法体 DummyDLL也输出method slot 重命名 2020.1 - 24.3版本支持 调整auto逻辑 Update README.md 输出json用于脚本处理 调整ghidra脚本 Fixed #157 dummydll输出Metadata偏移 Metadata自动判断版本 Fixed #231 Update README.md 修复bug 修复bug 改善命名逻辑 改善逻辑 Update README Update README 输出.h文件 修复new字段 输出函数签名 应用函数签名 完善头文件输出 完善VTable输出 完善VTable输出 添加更多的头文件版本 大幅度提升处理速度 总是输出VA 添加23 22版本头文件 优化代码 修复Generic Struct 修复BUG 分离一个不读取.h脚本 重命名 Update README 修正Macho下的基址 修复递归错误 修复错误的父类context 头文件完善数组类型输出 添加更多的关键字 修复bug 添加.net core版本 重命名 Fixed #230 Fixed #241 调整同名字段处理逻辑 添加更多关键字 添加更多关键字 修复泛型类嵌套枚举 Fixed #263 24.3版本修正 修复bug 优化dump文件处理逻辑 Add config option to not require key press (#273) 修改构造函数逻辑 WebAssembly支持 WebAssembly PlusSearch完善 Update README 单独输出每个泛型实例函数的地址 Python 脚本导入字段可配置 (#288) * Python: config array for script fields * fix indention Fixed #277 Fixed #276 Fixed #300 Macho加密判断 Fixed #304 完善泛型相关输出 正确处理ref类型函数参数和返回值 #310 不输出没用到的泛型实例结构 处理MethodInfo和RGCTX 修复bug 支持指定输出目录 增加输出控制 对泛型实例函数进行分组 Update README 修复bug 修复bug 调整字段的输出逻辑 动态载入PE文件进行解析 精简代码 优化头文件输出 Fix for #324 (#325) 完善PELoader 修复bug 只在PlusSearch失败的情况下调用PELoader 不输出常量的字段偏移 Update README Update README 修复bug Fixed #332 修正泛型参数的顺序 Add token attributes to dummy dll (#334) Co-authored-by: Perfare <hjyqwert@126.com> 新版本支持 将nestedtype的处理挪到外面 完善PlusSearch 修复customAttribute 支持v27的dump文件 只在windows环境下使用PELoader 修复bug 添加头 修改为C风格 更新ida脚本 Add progress bar to Ghidra script Simplified make_function to improve speed and avoid data loss Initial modification of ghidra.py to apply function signatures/parameters. Unstable. Adapted from @tellowkrinkle's script cited in issue Perfare/Il2CppDumper/issues/366 first complete working version drops types that aren't previously defined throws exception if such a type is used in a function signature Only try renaming variables once to avoid an infinite loop if something else is the problem, and then stop processing Also removed comments placed for testing Cleaned up comments Handle missing data types "Missing" types appear to be those where <datatype> was already added to the data manager (i.e., via parsing of il2cpp.h) but datatype* was not. This handles that situation. In my testing, no other missing types. Fixed #369 Improve WebAssembly processing Merge pull request #358 from tellowkrinkle/GhidraProgress Add progress bar to Ghidra script Merge branch 'pr/375' Fixed #394 Merge branch 'pr/378' 单独的ghidra脚本
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Merge from xmas_2020
4 Years Ago
Updated animated neon sign icons + enable mipmaps on all Move neon signs into the electrical category
4 Years Ago
Fix photo frames without a photo showing the photo from the previously opened photo frame with a photo
4 Years Ago
Cleaned up from IceWall prefab
4 Years Ago
Set :focus selector on focused element Added OnKeyTyped Focus element on click TextBlock.GetCaretPos Rect.ToString Panel.HasFocus, HasActive, HasHovered Focus on mouse down instead of click On KeyCodeTyped convert to buttoncode before passing it to managed Added Panel.OnButtonTyped( buttonname ) Fixed NRE in Panel.Switch Added UI.Renderer generic DrawRect for caret rendering TextEntry boilerplate Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fixed Switch build error
4 Years Ago
▌▍▇▅▋▍ ▄▇▉ ▌▆▌▍ ▊▉ █▋▆▄▅▉ ▉█▊▄ ▉▍▋▋▌ ▆▅▅▇▇▆▋█, ▋▊▉▊▅▊▄, █▋▇▆▆▊▍█
4 Years Ago
Remove unused variable
4 Years Ago
increase aoproxy size for boxes a little bit Add CompileShaders and AllowDynamicShaderCompile to MaterialSystem2 interfaces, add method to compile single shader Add EShaderState Implement EShaderState rather than just bValid and show uncompiled shaders on shader list, compile them when selected Run ShaderCompile_CompileShaders method rather than the mat_compileshaders concommand Fix bug where met would think dynamic shader compiler would be enabled by simply VfxDll being loaded Implement ShaderCompile_CompileShaders() for a single string Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
merge from xmas
4 Years Ago
Neon sign power consumption and crafting tweaks
4 Years Ago
Fix Sled server compile
4 Years Ago
Suppor border: none If a length doesn't have px or %, assume px Added style.BorderWidth, style.BorderColor Add UI scaling Merge branch 'master' of sbox Update Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk Don't scale ui by default because it breaks all the tests 🤦🏻‍♂️ nuget updates Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Solid weld proof of concept testing code
4 Years Ago
Add AO proxies to a bunch of Citizen props
4 Years Ago
Double the length of aoproxy distance calculation
4 Years Ago
Merge from xmas_2020
4 Years Ago
Update the neon painting UI so the brush preview doesn't look super tiny after the texture resolution changes
4 Years Ago
Fix static neon signs spawning in unpowered when they're definitely powered
4 Years Ago
Fix being unable to clear signs other than neon (moved a func but didn't update the reference in this prefab)
4 Years Ago
Fix censorsigns not censoring the drawable part of the photo frames properly
4 Years Ago
Measure only main thread time when validating replays
4 Years Ago
Cherry pick 57051, 57064, and 57067