248,644 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Lowered cluster dither on some tree spawn populations
4 Years Ago
Citizen V2 bodygroups support
4 Years Ago
Citizen V2 skinning updates
4 Years Ago
Reduced individual cave count - better even spread of all the different versions
4 Years Ago
FIxed harbor_2 never spawning
4 Years Ago
initial wip
4 Years Ago
Fixed a bug where cues would sometimes double up and fixed the last striker of a ball determining who to owe the score to
4 Years Ago
fixed normals in split meshes
4 Years Ago
Citizen V2: elbow & kneecap procedural helper bones
4 Years Ago
Citizen V2 new elbow & kneecap helpers
4 Years Ago
make the bouncy ball random scale and color
4 Years Ago
Style the PlayerDisplay
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Made DrawBokehDOF function available to addons, i.e. it is no longer a local function (Community Contribution)
4 Years Ago
physgun and gravgun adds/removes held entity on players pvs
4 Years Ago
Moved reference table map
4 Years Ago
▌▄▆▉▊▋▍▅ ▌▉█▆█▄▄▊▋ ▄▋▊▆
4 Years Ago
Vitals Styling
4 Years Ago
Smoother terrain blend map for Bandit town Added water culling necessary script but kept them disabled for now as they are not working as intended in swamps
4 Years Ago
Update computer station UI textures because they were NPOT so couldn't be compressed
4 Years Ago
Tweaked the physics (still needs a lot of work), added a proper round system where players can take turns and be selected at random (losers never play twice, winner stays on), implemented EntityHandle for networked entities, and pocketing balls will increase score, pocketing the white will respawn it
4 Years Ago
Fix voice chat that i just broke
4 Years Ago
Satelite dish loot spawns appropriate to the tier the monument is generated Fixed key card respawning inside desk
4 Years Ago
Move DrawBokehDOF function to global (#1747) The "DrawBokehDOF" function is now global to allow it to be called everywhere (like the other built-in effects).
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Add a function to decode voice data
4 Years Ago
Fixed loot spawn clipping at warehouse when spawned in t2/t3
4 Years Ago
Bind PlayerSetupVisibility internally Added Player.Pvs Update NetworkAssetList.cs
4 Years Ago
Made dirt trails more visible in Snow biome - terrain config
4 Years Ago
Updated all colorful effects
4 Years Ago
Added a method to manage post processing
4 Years Ago
Network++ Save++
4 Years Ago
merge from wipe5
4 Years Ago
Slight tweaks to PlaceCliff setup in World Setup Updated procmap_debug level
4 Years Ago
Taller cliff prefabs to fill in some bald spots in steeper procmap generations
4 Years Ago
Fixed server NRE in BiomeVisuals, added comment to explain why this even exists on the server
4 Years Ago
Mark EnableClientsideAnimation obsolete, m_bClientSideAnimation true by default Fix animation playback on non player entities Marking AnimFrame, EnableClientsideAnimation obsolete Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Citizen V2 elbow helper experiment
4 Years Ago
render.RenderView now resets the "ShouldDrawLocalPlayer" cache, allowing the hook to be called again for those renders, fixing ShouldDrawLocalPlayer not working properly with multiple renders within a frame.
4 Years Ago
Fixed some cl_show_ debug text overlapping itself or going offscreen
4 Years Ago
camera zoom delay change for switch
4 Years Ago
Camera merging tweak
4 Years Ago
▆█▄▄▍▍▆▄▉▍.▇▍▉ ▉▌ █▌▌▄▉▋.▊▆▍▆
4 Years Ago
Added func_instance_io_proxy support to hammer/vbsp
4 Years Ago
switch merged zoom level
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
unused log
4 Years Ago
Updated citizen materials with 3dsmax triangulation Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fixed opposite SemaphoreSlim usage Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
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