224,229 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

6 Years Ago
added tooCold tip added tooHot tip added radiation tip added remove radiation tip
6 Years Ago
Observer shit
6 Years Ago
wip: UnitGenParams RosterGenParams
6 Years Ago
Eliminated GC from GlobalMessages subscription (particularly ItemIcon.OnEnable / OnDisable in UIInventory.Update)
6 Years Ago
Added box drawing tool to texture editor Temporary way to change brush colour
6 Years Ago
Pine trees LOD polish and settings
6 Years Ago
Pine tree LOD polish and settings
6 Years Ago
Removed itemoutline test convar (showoutlines still exists)
6 Years Ago
Offline Mode Fixed character not following platform Rotate view with parent platform Shitty house asset store pack Finders level wip Rotator on intro level for tests Camera collision Player position test Fixed sea being martked static
6 Years Ago
FindUnusedAssetsWindow display bits
6 Years Ago
Add Anim Notify bindings. Remove unused .meta files
6 Years Ago
RosterGeneration now picks X random unit types to fill teams with isntead of the first X types
6 Years Ago
Changed default server.metabolismtick to one second
6 Years Ago
Changed reflection probe time slicing to "individual faces"
6 Years Ago
fixed hydration + calories stats being padded by respawn fixed ConsumeFood tip Fixed healAtCampfire tip
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
find unused assets
6 Years Ago
Douglas Fir LOD polish and settings
6 Years Ago
▇▅▅▌▌▉ ▇▋▉▋▋▊▅ ▄▉█
6 Years Ago
Caching hair set morphs on startup
6 Years Ago
Update assimp
6 Years Ago
torch tip NRE fix
6 Years Ago
Can now hold down to draw in texture editor
6 Years Ago
Added Find Unused Assets editor window, that generates a list of all DataAsset derived assets with no references in other others (but not because it's absurdly slow)
6 Years Ago
World backup
6 Years Ago
updated admires
6 Years Ago
Buildings can now specify addons and upgrades as default, and they will be built upon completion of the building.
6 Years Ago
Progress backup
6 Years Ago
Added eat / drink debug convars for admins / devs (similar to hurt console command, can also take negative values)
6 Years Ago
Item.Grass no longer has a Dispenser component
6 Years Ago
Added debug filter log when we ignore something during DM filtering due empty dispenser
6 Years Ago
Fixed all morph cache GC allocs when sources are cached Disabled morph cache data compression; traded for perf Reduced morph cache mesh instantiation/copy overhead
6 Years Ago
Fixed "EvaluateSingleEntityPerDataId" candidate filtering option not being properly checked in TargetFilterUtility.FilterEntities (was only working in "First" mode)
6 Years Ago
Handled potential NRE in DecisionMaker.CreateDesiresOnFailure (in this cased caused by DesireTypes enum change, to be fixed by future refactor)
6 Years Ago
Fixed finding pixel coords while painting Added Texture.GetPixel(x, y) Implemented eraser and pipette tools Implemented flood fill in texture editor
6 Years Ago
remove unnecessary navmesh sampling from RandomDestinationSelector
6 Years Ago
Eliminated GC allocs from crafting UI
6 Years Ago
testing Possessions tracking the current Goal when an item is picked up and removing when the Goal changes
6 Years Ago
Scientist behaviour improvements. More on cover points.
6 Years Ago
Progress backup
6 Years Ago
Fixed Unit.Roles.CurrentRole being null
6 Years Ago
Removed UnitActionDesire
6 Years Ago
Misc cleanup
6 Years Ago
Feedback viewable again
6 Years Ago
Stop encumbered spam
6 Years Ago
Fixed RoleSelector not updating current role icon properly
6 Years Ago
Behaviour data warnings when action is null
6 Years Ago
Added CandidateEntityFilter.EvaluateSingleEntityPerDataId
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Added GM:PlayerDroppedWeapon