223,951 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed crafting screen 3d preview image blocking buttons (bug 873)
7 Years Ago
reworked diamond bullet collision blink player middle color when in danger
7 Years Ago
More pooling work
7 Years Ago
Fixed several build compilation errors
7 Years Ago
CharacterState pooling work
7 Years Ago
Working on issues with CharacterState pooling
7 Years Ago
Sped up fixed delta time while at high speed, fixes some weird physics sleeping issues
7 Years Ago
Networking client side player movement by relaying it to server
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed static entities not actually being added to the grid when loading from a scene in the editor
7 Years Ago
road plans
7 Years Ago
Network hit dings
7 Years Ago
scene stuff
7 Years Ago
anim speed tweak
7 Years Ago
Playing player model skeletal anim nodes on both client and server
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
fixed goblin more skele anim fixes npc flinch anims
7 Years Ago
Fixed goblin
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
prototype zone blockout fx files
7 Years Ago
Update bindinggen, make UWorld singular again
7 Years Ago
Add null checking for native definition marshaling, error when singular is used incorrectly
7 Years Ago
More marker stuff
7 Years Ago
Using OnChanged event for swapping viewmodel and thirdperson camera setup. Fixed PlayerTick exception. Temp fix for OnPossess.
7 Years Ago
missed a bit
7 Years Ago
Disable camera controls while creating map markers
7 Years Ago
Player created map makers WIP
7 Years Ago
Fixed DrugSellZone client NRE and set it to not show sell notifications if it's the first Deserialize.
7 Years Ago
BuildingEditor WallQuad
7 Years Ago
Move NetworkEntityReference
7 Years Ago
ID fix
7 Years Ago
merge from clouds branch
7 Years Ago
cloud mesh now no longer creates a bunch of quads, but instead re-uses vertices where appropriate
7 Years Ago
Made IGrid non generic (use BaseGrid for generic things) Exploration grid now has its own GridData
7 Years Ago
Custom map marker boilerplate
7 Years Ago
clouds prefab
7 Years Ago
wearable colors stuff
7 Years Ago
post profiles for all weather types
7 Years Ago
OnChange works better for replicated entities
7 Years Ago
coroutine safety
7 Years Ago
More post & weather cleanup, fixed weather not being properly set on load
7 Years Ago
Fixed drugsellzone NRE on client
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Grabber works again
7 Years Ago
Cubicle walls LOD/COL/prefabs
7 Years Ago
Temporary logos/splash Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
7 Years Ago
Clouds fade fix
7 Years Ago
Leaderboard UI now displays comment counts