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7 Years Ago
compile fix for tips CC: Garry visual storage container baseline (visible items on shelves in radtowns) fixes for colliders and missing LODGroups on some world models
7 Years Ago
Added CopyToWithRepool for Character state. The generated CopyTo doesn't handle poolable types within poolable types very well. Copying to a new instance makes a copy of the original class' MotorState (if it has one), and assigns it to the new instance's MotorState. If the new instance already had a MotorState assigned, it'll now no longer have a reference and never get re-pooled. CopyToWithRepool safely disposes and re-pools the old MotorState if it has one.
7 Years Ago
Added the OpenURL vgui stuff
7 Years Ago
Fix gui.OpenURL not opening the main menu when ran from Player.ConCommand
7 Years Ago
Sell sign only for local player
7 Years Ago
Improve Spawnmenu search a bit No longer search the "models/" bit of every model, and double the search result limit to 512.
7 Years Ago
Really reverted dlls
7 Years Ago
Spawnmenu model search will no longer search the "models/" part of every model
7 Years Ago
Revert steam dll changes
7 Years Ago
Enabled culling on glcore
7 Years Ago
Fixed compute shader error on glcore
7 Years Ago
Fixed player eye angles and velocity replication
7 Years Ago
Ignore follow camera callbacks when not active camera module
7 Years Ago
Map marker creation input safety /cleanup
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Minor session refactoring UnitManager callback hack to switch animator modes on units when the game is paused
7 Years Ago
GameModeDefinition.GetSession renamed to CreateSession for clarity
7 Years Ago
Don't update UnitView if TimeScale is 0
7 Years Ago
People should spam getting out of interaction positions less now
7 Years Ago
biome/weather tweaks
7 Years Ago
Fixed eye angles replication to server. Fixed clients player models not rotating on server. Fixed player movement ground detection with low fps.
7 Years Ago
Fixed various issues with tooltips on the map screen
7 Years Ago
Fixed selection via map screen not invoking events
7 Years Ago
fixed bad scene path
7 Years Ago
added tree cutting scene to menu
7 Years Ago
Add mutex to objectmap methods
7 Years Ago
Force animator update mode to AnimatePhysics in Animation Improved radial menu close behaviour Added zoom meter UI Stopped UnitView updating when game is paused
7 Years Ago
added if (Animator.GetBool("isCarried")) return; to onAnimatorIK()
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed bed description Fixed bandana description Fixed minnows description Fixed small stocking description Fixed Research Paper description
7 Years Ago
Update phrases from static Translate.Phrase's
7 Years Ago
Improved behaviour of of map marker clicks Cleaned up some player camera methods Added additional anim trigger resets for switching/stowing
7 Years Ago
Fixed filtred link leading to a new tab
7 Years Ago
Uncommitted change
7 Years Ago
Fix for profile URLs
7 Years Ago
updated vm source
7 Years Ago
Added profile URL to filtred page
7 Years Ago
Can now click on users to filter by them
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
Fixed oversight with playerInfoCache
7 Years Ago
added some Is Dead == False conditions to abilities targeting other units
7 Years Ago
Trying to fix filtered player name
7 Years Ago
Added Translate.TokenisedPhrase Throw warning when generating phrases if two keys with different values Added game tip explaining how to open inventory if opened less than x times Added showgametip, hidegametip (for modders)
7 Years Ago
Fixed return key not working as UI submit Reset animator triggers before firing pick up anims Removed screenshake test bound to H UI safety stuff
7 Years Ago
Added player name when filtering by player
7 Years Ago
Experimenting with filtering by player
7 Years Ago
editor tidy up of exposure settings
7 Years Ago
Amended typo
7 Years Ago
Progress sort now uses time as a second sort field
7 Years Ago
Fixed date parameter formatting