223,524 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Added spring arm camera with collision
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build
7 Years Ago
Manual Linux Build
7 Years Ago
Hooking more stuff up to crime manager.
7 Years Ago
Updated native plugins (Win + OSX)
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build
7 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build
7 Years Ago
Memory management fixes
7 Years Ago
Launch site / warehouse grounds dressing progress
7 Years Ago
Basic hijacking proof of concept
7 Years Ago
more. Note: Need to fix client side GameInstance::ModifyHealth using the already changed tag value
7 Years Ago
Removed debug log
7 Years Ago
better transition from map to game
7 Years Ago
Fixed comment input resizing
7 Years Ago
Fixed disabling of movement modes
7 Years Ago
CmdSetTag now has a 4th value, for the id of the entity that changed the tag
7 Years Ago
Attempting to fix comment input resizing
7 Years Ago
removed AttackData and hit stuff
7 Years Ago
Viewmodel source update to latest rig
7 Years Ago
* Added CLuaParticle.__tostring * Added CLuaEmitter.__tostring * Added CLuaEmitter.IsValid
7 Years Ago
wip converting attacks to entity tag changes
7 Years Ago
Added Navigation debug
7 Years Ago
Added Entity.RemoveCallback, Entity.GetCallbacks
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
moved health property and references to use an entity tag
7 Years Ago
* Improved no collide vs players of certain tools
7 Years Ago
Apply nocollde vs player for certain tools Tools that use EnableCollision( false ) which is buggy with player collisions Button's nocollide is now properly saved via duplicator
7 Years Ago
ScareNPCs works properly now
7 Years Ago
Entity views now register to receive tag change events
7 Years Ago
updated the release test checklist
7 Years Ago
relinked buttons in menu
7 Years Ago
Added updatebatchspawn convar (used instead of updatebatch when spawning, improves receiving data performance)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added click and mouse enter/exit events to unit bar buttons
7 Years Ago
checkin to get latest
7 Years Ago
fix end turn button tweak menu WIP tweak unit health button
7 Years Ago
Entity tag values are now hidden behind function calls so we can manage entity tag updates
7 Years Ago
moved direction from a property to an Entity tag
7 Years Ago
tighter collision on humans
7 Years Ago
made human male collision box closer fitting
7 Years Ago
Fixed Strips Actions not properly showing debug visualization in Apex editor. Can now guide which functions of a Strips Action should forward into Apex.
7 Years Ago
idle happy loop
7 Years Ago
closer fitting collision meshes for female
7 Years Ago
Moved tactical view from ALT to CTRL keys Can now hold ALT key to move the camera incase you don't have middle mouse button
7 Years Ago
laser form 0, increased core destroy screenshake
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
camera shake manager
7 Years Ago
updating turn timer, end turn button frame , with animation and script related to it
7 Years Ago
Merge fixes into Main.
7 Years Ago
Fixed remaining right-click loot glitchiness