224,191 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

8 Years Ago
Removed Emote instance type, now we just reference EmoteSettings Added Emote Selector Added EmoteSettings to Blackboard data Added EmotePriority Consideration Re-wrote TriggerEmote Action to use Blackboard data Added gui_shape_dot sprite (petur I think you forgot to commit something)
8 Years Ago
AI Data save, graph layouts
8 Years Ago
Improved node snapping in AI designer
8 Years Ago
Minor tweaks to AI Designer drawing
8 Years Ago
AI Designer nodes snap after canvas panning too
8 Years Ago
Node snapping in AI Designer
8 Years Ago
SQLite memory safety Turned off pool diagnostics (performance)
8 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when using freecraft in the editor
8 Years Ago
RUST-1128 Assertion failed: Stomping old lifeStory (with repo)
8 Years Ago
RUST-1091 Pie menu red overlay covering
8 Years Ago
RUST-1129 Binds activate when typing in chat and console
8 Years Ago
extended damage shell up on human male face
8 Years Ago
Merged from Main
8 Years Ago
Humans use the other mouth texture, because the DDS file filters poorly from an angle. Unit damage fx files. (WIP)
8 Years Ago
tweaked a bunch of 3rd person animations to show the player pointing his weapon in the actual direction he's facing fixed bow world model orientation and hand placement fixed stupid bug with the eyes looking all fucked up when the player held construction planner
8 Years Ago
More work on getting equipping and stowing ready for prime time, but not quite the yet. These changes breaks main, so pushing to branch.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
▅▇▄█▌█ ▌█▌▆▉ ▊█▊ ▄▉▉▆▋▊ █▆▇▋▉▊▇▋█▇
8 Years Ago
Fix for player panel not removing
8 Years Ago
Tiny optimization to herd average destination used for fleeing.
8 Years Ago
Added some error logs to Fixed Array, like when we try to Add elements when the array is full. Herds were adding target destinations that were NaN and shit, FA debug logging unweiled it, now "fixed".
8 Years Ago
Tut widget stuff
8 Years Ago
Untitled Game update.
8 Years Ago
Disabled sharpen on taa; already doing it later down the pipe Replaced anti-aliasing toggle option with dropdown: off, fxaa, smaa, txaa (needs backend/convar work) Modified dropdown code to allow setting image color on dropdown option (off=dark)
8 Years Ago
Fixed lit alpha blended shader paths Button sounds on various UI widgets
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Door update
8 Years Ago
latest art
8 Years Ago
Buffer UnitFilterSourceArray in UDM
8 Years Ago
deer alert less frantic and loops bear alert is the sniffing air one
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
modified door UVS
8 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE's in LifeInfographic
8 Years Ago
Probably fixed loot sometimes opening with the wrong panel
8 Years Ago
AI module GoalPlan break conditions use blackboard mode
8 Years Ago
Fixed taa component position
8 Years Ago
Fixed some actions that store state not correctly calling their end impl on break Unit.Items drop/remove handling and Dispenser "pop" both parent items to their parent zone's item container
8 Years Ago
Mixed in unity-std temporal anti-aliasing; has proper tonemap+reverse => filters bloom flicker; kept best of both Better integration with native motion vectors Added FXAA as an option for low end
8 Years Ago
Senses perceived/surrounding/known units refactor.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Client optimizations
8 Years Ago
Deleted Un-used GroupCanFindUnitCondition, and code from Knowledge
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Added truck colours Increased mission radius marker
8 Years Ago
rabbit eating & alert state
8 Years Ago
Latest Beep
8 Years Ago
Tutorial sub-task animation tweaks, play sound on complete (placeholder pop) Building AI Module weight tweaks
8 Years Ago
Xp garbage
8 Years Ago
Equip Carried Item Action Stow Equipped Item Action Pick Up and Equip Pick Up And Stow
8 Years Ago
texture updates