
97,128 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

5 Years Ago
Fixed UI/Colourize shader not obeying rect mask
5 Years Ago
[D11] [Audio] Checking in WIP.. Path to PS4 side is not longer silent but audio is distorted.
5 Years Ago
Server compile fix
5 Years Ago
Added VirtualScroller ServerBrowser lists use VirtualScroller (saves ~12,000 objects)
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Removed final animator components and fixed continuous animations on UI elements in all frontend and in-game screens. Added additional debug text for filtering between UI and Game animators.
5 Years Ago
[D11] Fixes to the GameTip HUD element
5 Years Ago
[D11] [TUTORIAL] Fix for SerializeField enum being hidden behind define
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] AnimationDebug defines fixed for SERVER and now only enabled if defined as such.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Removed old animator loading icons from screens, added new prefab loading icon and added logic to disable loading icon when not needed to prevent animation from playing. Removed animator from selected item and changed logic to directly influence the canvas group (seemed to just be setting the alpha to 0 or 1 in the animator anyway, along with some minor scale tweaks that seem unnecessary.
5 Years Ago
[D11][UI] Integrated stand alone skin picker into repair bench ui. Added important navigation action highlight. Finished off work on skin picker ui
5 Years Ago
[D11] DTLS network API DemoPeer stuff hooked-up.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fixed slow call to FindObjectOfType. Added reference to look at tooltip in UIHUD singleton. Fixed AutoSave sprite sheet animation restarting too quickly.
5 Years Ago
Fixed freeze when opening map
5 Years Ago
Python fixes. Testscene backup.
5 Years Ago
Semiauto, revolver, python vfx & positioning improvs.
5 Years Ago
Python & semiauto pistol barrel position improvs.
5 Years Ago
More fixes
5 Years Ago
Nailgun & M92 vfx. M92 barrel attachments don't clip into the slide.
5 Years Ago
Eoka stuff
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Backup Muzzleflash Light EX is its own prefab for easy tweaking.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [Audio] PS4 Stereo Voice Chat WIP
5 Years Ago
[d11][Audio] Updated HitMarker Volume and Round Robin usage.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fixed runtime error missing canvas group reference in HUD and compiler error in LookatTooltip.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fixes to more animators that are set to always animate in the frontend UI. Adjustments to HUD elements that used animators when they really didn't need them.
5 Years Ago
Pie menu text wrapping fix Dev UI item font fix Fixed vitals order on HUD Fixed tooltips on HUD Enable child lock on inventory
5 Years Ago
[D11] [TUTORIAL] moved define to not include serialized field
5 Years Ago
Options update
5 Years Ago
Added ASE for prototyping
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Animator Optimisations on Frontend screens. Texture crunch on auto-save sprite sheet.
5 Years Ago
Changed guid on a couple of editor-only tools to match original
5 Years Ago
Additional strings
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Load of strings for #1866
5 Years Ago
[D11] Missed these
5 Years Ago
[D11] Updated Disclaimer text
5 Years Ago
Fixed pending/blocked friends showing in server list
5 Years Ago
Update manifest
5 Years Ago
UI.Dialogs don't use SceneToPrefab
5 Years Ago
[D11] Source art for ps4 trophy icons
5 Years Ago
[D11] Updated ps4 trophy icons
5 Years Ago
[D11] updating ps4 icons
5 Years Ago
Switched from UI scenes to prefabs Session button works Pie menu uses TMP Smoother client bootstrap
5 Years Ago
[D11] bug 1890
5 Years Ago
[D11] [TUTORIAL] wrapped functions in tutorial define
5 Years Ago
[D11] Enable Fred's laser optimisations, think they were accidentally turned off.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [TUTORIAL] Server command to lock players health to going below 1 hp during tutorial, added skip tutorial step skip from the debug pause menu
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
[D11] Increased acceleration rate for sliders and splitting, and also added incremental jumps rather than increasing by 1 every time