
115,225 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.21cph!

5 Years Ago
Added impact effect when colliding with AI in a car
5 Years Ago
TriggerPlayerForce can now push away AI (will only work if navmesh is enabled on the server)
5 Years Ago
All remaining impact VFX, sans generic & water, pending shader stuff. Related file sorting & cleanup.
5 Years Ago
Fixed sprinklers not applying saturation if they were on while a server restarted
5 Years Ago
nvg sound polish
5 Years Ago
Fix compile
5 Years Ago
Fixcars command now correctly replaces engine internals on a real server. Had a lingering #if UNITY_EDITOR flag
5 Years Ago
Fixed foliage lighting in forward mode Fixed rock shading in forward mode
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
[D11] Fixing the compilation error in server builds.
5 Years Ago
Optimized NVG effect (now single pass)
5 Years Ago
[D11] Procedural water prototype II - two meshes via a mesh render.
5 Years Ago
ch47 land drop fixes
5 Years Ago
fixed NVG working through CCTV Cameras fixed NVG on sound playing when changing clothing
5 Years Ago
new scope/goggle overlays
5 Years Ago
Stop objects popping in when you wake up due to occlusion (probably won't fix all the streaming issues)
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Fix for missing translucent materials on instanced objects
5 Years Ago
recipe caching, lookup/search optimisation.
5 Years Ago
[D11] + Fix to LOD3 vertex material on BBQ
5 Years Ago
Standardised all building walls and floors thickness through a shared set of colliders on the 'usable' layer. Tier specific colliders are set to shootable, etc. This should solve objects destroying on walls on upgrade and others
5 Years Ago
[D11] Fix scheduled events
5 Years Ago
[D11][#3893] Collision box for Salvaged Cleaver fixed.
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Tier 1/2/3 workbench missing faces fix
5 Years Ago
Increased water pump production rate from 90ml/minute to 150ml/minute
5 Years Ago
merge from main
5 Years Ago
pre-merge backup
5 Years Ago
Add support for sphere and capsule colliders including auto size methods Add support to spawn gibs in scene for testing
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Slightly increased height of deploy volume on vehicle lift and added world layer to mask so cars can't be lifted into rocks/terrain/etc
5 Years Ago
Added another inside socket check to the modular car lift to reduce overhang
5 Years Ago
Destroy any invalid vehicle on vehicle lift if lift is destroyed
5 Years Ago
For vehicles that were saved in dead state, destroy immediately on initial load
5 Years Ago
Various small physics and control changes for generally smoother driving, better control.
5 Years Ago
Added a vehicle push volume to high external gates (stone and wood) to try and push cars out of the way as they close Strip the push volume on client
5 Years Ago
Fixed fluid switch playing sfx when switch was on but not powered
5 Years Ago
Hopefully fix FindGravitySource EntityRef lookup on clients
5 Years Ago
fixcars command improvements
5 Years Ago
Show modular car health (total) in the HUD
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Skin bundles
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Made water pump legs longer for deep water
5 Years Ago
[D11] Makes ragdolls letss twitchy
5 Years Ago
[D11] Makes ragdolls letss twitchy
5 Years Ago
Trying out batching aa DD calls
5 Years Ago
Reapplying Bill B Launch site changes (50021) which got stomped in save192 (monument_bypass) merge
5 Years Ago
[D11] Disable fps lock during demo playback
5 Years Ago
Fixed a case where powered water purifier wouldn't purify water when powered after toggling power on/off