112,430 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.19cph!
[D11][PARTICLEOPTIMISATIONS] Global distance/emision factors for particle system lodding
[D11] Simplify win64 standalone client build
Updated some of the prefab pool sizes
[D11] Don't validate music on the server. Causes problems with asset bundle builds where audio files are stripped out.
[D11] Server asset stripping menu options re-enabled. PNGs added to the stripping list. Headless mode re-enabled on server debug build now the profiling API seems fixed.
Fixed server search text missing on lower resolutions
Standard Blend 4-Way (Specular setup)
Made "Rust/Standard Blend Layer " convert work a bit like artist would expect
Fix for incorrect pool sizes in D11WorldSpawn due to missing pool types
[D11][UI]Fixed issue with sell order navigation bar
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[D11] Fix script references
[D11] [Audio] Fix for own voice heard on PS4
[D11] [Audio] Latest audio scripts that can apply/restore loadinbackground
[D11][OFFSCREENPARTICLES] Particle prefabs have the added component to redirect the materials at runtime ( also the main camera ). This is automated so can be turned on/off globally.
[D11] Audio script to set everything to load in background with option to restore these if needed.
Billboard node (for foliage billboards)
Don't bother serializing parent & poolType in PrefabList.PrefabInfo (only used at runtime)
Fix for SceneLOD objects preventing monument decomposition/streaming
Don't create unnecessary empty decor objects
Scene setup.
Corpse flies improvements.
[D11] [Audio] Latest audio wrangler
[d11][Audio] Fixed sounds that were still streaming to 'compressed' in memory .
Powered & unpowered light groups.
[D11] [Audio] Latest wrangler scripts
[D11] [Audio] Latest wrangler scripts
[D11] [Audio] Fixes streaming audio to load in bg
[D11] [Audio] Fixes streaming audio to load in bg
[d11][Audio] Fixed format setting on audio clip AT9 Compressed mem
[d11][Audio] Some audio clips weren't set to AT9/Compressed etc. Fixed.
[D11] [Audio] latest wrangler scripts... that list only, dont make modifications for the mo
[D11][UI][#1867] fixed issue with death screen using wrong time value [#1653] fixed issue where wrong weapon name was sent [#2097] fixed issue where blank biome would be sent
Material naming caps cleanup
[D11] Latest wrangler script... disables any modifications the scripts might do for the moment... everything just lists potential problems.
FoliageBillboard placeholder