111,624 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.18cph!
static generator has unlimited power
wiretool nobuildzone fixes
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added check for previous tutorial completion before next starts
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added practice mode layout preset for HUD
[D11] Popups will now close themselves on press of any shown buttons, and cancel button can be hidden from standard text popups which also need an okEvent
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added D11_LOCAL_SERVER to some tutorial events to prevent compile issue
profile samples
battery perf
[D11] Build fix (hopefully)
[D11] Controller disconnect dialog
[D11] Main Menu lock icon background changed to a darker colour
[D11] [UI] - Tweaked main menu images
[D11] Small change so that XboxOne Debug builds can be made locally with a release/debug setting - doesn't affect Jenkins builds
[D11] Fix a potential lock on booting
[D11] Simple text popups can now be created with a custom OK event
[D11] DTLS library network traffic read-write support, with hard-coded test in client.
[D11] Popup texts will now not translate unless the string starts with "d11_" so live text/values can be added into a popup body
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added ability to set/update tutorial objectives on HUD
[D11] New quick 'n easy method of firing a text popup
[D11][UI] Keys to survival description text set up for translation
[D11] Get the extended Playfab UserAccountInfo which includes things like Systems they have linked etc and returns current username
[D11-Tutorial] Update to Tutorial map.
[D11] Enable Playfab Login
[D11] [UI] Fix for belt bar item icons not highlighting correctly the first time you select each unique selection.
[D11] [UI] Switched pie/radial menus to use swipe animation instead of fade in/out. Keeping old logic in just in case we decide to switch it back.
[D11] [UI] Potential fix for item icons not appearing in PieMenu.
[D11] [UI] changed the clock in the server info to show day/night ratio instead of actual time, added locks to the elements which don't have available data for functionality yet
battery logic fixes
battery charge efficiency reduced to 50%
cable tunnel works with batteries
combiners are root entities
!fixed tonnes of gears from recycling electrical components
vastly increased laser detector range
door manipulator works properly with fast toggle on/off while door is busy
[D11] Renaming a text variable that was repurposed so its original name no longer made sense
[D11] [UI] Added pie option D11 variant to shared content bundle.
[D11] [UI] Adjusted loading screen spinning icon's visuals.
[D11] Missing sprite for popups
[D11] [UI] Disabled shader on pie menu options to test visibility on Console.
[D11] Activate Debug God Mode button - seems finicky but occasionally works
Added hurt triggers to elevators so you're killed when they crush you
[D11] Streamlining some redundant popup setup
[D11] New UI popup system
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added DistanceFromObject tutorial action, toned down the tutorial editor colours, added flag to switch between all tutorial actions having to be true or any
[D11] Unity Editor Silent Playfab login
[D11] [UI] Added additional debug message to check for invisible pie options.