108,635 Commits over 3,867 Days - 1.17cph!
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new primitive lootbox destroy sound
removed temporary fuel storage and its textures for solo sub
added new mesh, materials and textures to solo sub prefab
nice and shiny
Underwater foliage is now allowed to spawn on underwater offshore monument topology (forgotten files)
Added monument topology to underwater labs
Underwater foliage is now allowed to spawn on underwater offshore monument topology
Setting useJitteredProjectionMatrixForTransparentRendering to true.
Fixed rotations on train_tunnel_stop_transition_b_36m_mirr_COL
set head, body and facial haircap textures to uncompressed
Removed old heavyscientist and humannpc prefabs.
Removed old unused HumanBrain and related states.
Remove old unused HumanNPC.
Manually cherry pick gib scrubbing fix
Fixed legs and vertical end pieces not spawning on procedural maps (regression)
Duo Submarine update
separated the foot pedals independent of each other so they can be controlled individually
Load the demo cfg from a better location so it can't potentially happen while the demo is still initialising
Fixed end caps sometimes overlapping other segments
Fixed segments sometimes colliding with terrain
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Enforce DLC license check
Moved models folder
More wall filler prefab/mesh
Re-organized underwater labs room prefabs to be based around a shell. Sockets and volumes nested in case of variants, so they can be administered from a single place for all future variants of a room
Added some more prefabs for conditional wall fillers
Changed some forgotten underwater lab environment volume types from underground to building
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
Fixed mouse wheel binds not working when playing back a shot (cursor still needs to be hidden)
Another fix for the splines on the new tunnel transitions, get things totally smooth + rebuild spline list again
Fixed sound light gibs appearing lit
Fix a bumpy bit of track in the splines for the new transition tunnels
train_tunnel_stop_transition_b_36m_mirr spline
Fixed incorrect protection properties on connected speaker, sound light and laser light
Fixed connected speaker always showing health bar
train_tunnel_stop_transition_b_36m splines
Improved consistency when connecting and disconnecting connected speakers at the end of a chain
Disable pooling on Laser Light (might be related to missing laser beams)