108,633 Commits over 3,867 Days - 1.17cph!
Increase woundedmaxfoodandwaterbonus from 20% to 25%
Fix inverse lerp that should have been a lerp.
Added some point lights to the impact points of the lasers
Toned down origin light and flares on laser light
Can no longer change voice pitch on cargo ship PA
Changed voice ranges, falloffs and volume for all voice broadcasting items (connected speakers, megaphones and microphone stands)
Is player has a large medkit in their belt when becoming wounded, their chance to recover when time runs out is locked at 100%. Recovering then uses up the medkit but doesn't provide any bonus health.
Reworked boom box lod setup
Food and water levels now affect recovery chance from wounded state. Added convar woundedmaxfoodandwaterbonus that sets the maximum percent chance increase
Add a slight additional buffer to the clipping check for vehicle seats that are right at ground level (e.g. Chippy arcade machine)
Fixed not being able to mount minicopter due to overzealous clipping check
Chase and combat state improvements.
Bypass tunnel progress backup
Default usecalculatepath to true
▋▆▆▋▍▋▇ ▄▉▊▋ ▌█▆▊▄▅▊ & ▅▋▌▅▆▋
▋▌▄▉▌▇▍▍ ▋▌▌ ▌▆▉█▄▆ ▋▍█▊▍▍▆ ▍▄▉ ▌▍▊▊▉ ▍▉▄▄▊▋.
▅▆▊▋▅▊▇▋ ▋▉▆▄█▄.
updated human AI designs with extra combat->cover transition
merge from animaltweaks. Distance changes.
Updated mipbias for terrain textures
Don't allow updating settings too often.
Looking at updating postprocessing package
Removed a bunch of unnecessary scripts from microphonestand.deployed.static - fixes cargoship PA breaking
Underwater lab moonpool ladder socket fix
Underwater lab prefab setup: tube, leg and end pieces
Underwater lab test scene updates
Underwater lab procedural generation progress
Editor-only convars for dev. WoundedFreeCamera and WoundedNeverEnds. Also in the Rust Editor window.
Underwater lab conditionals prefab tweaks
Fixed WaterOverlay NRE on maps without water
merge from /voiceprops/dlc
Change crawl speed to 0.6m/s to correctly match the animation speed
Fixed cliff_medium_sloped_R broken mesh in cave_small_medium scene
Underwater lab conditionals prefab updates
▆▅▊▍█▌▍ █▉▉▉ ▌▆▍▍ █▌ ▆▄▍▇▄▆▇ ▊▉▌ ▅▉▇▌▅ ▆▌ ▉▄▇▊▇ ▋▌▇▉▌▄
▋▌▍▋▄▄█ ▍▇▅▋▄▉ ▇▆▌█▉▍▉▆▌▅ ▄▉ ▌▍█▆▉█▌▌▋▆ ▄▉▍▆▅ ▄▄▍ ▋▉▄▊▉ ▌█▊▍ █▄ ▆▍▋▌ ▅▅▄ ▄▋▌▊▌▆
▋▇▉▇▅▆▉▍ ▅█▇▉▆▇ ▌▉▊▇▍▋▍▇▋▇ (▇▉▆▆▊▍▋▇) ▄▋▉▍▌▉▌▄ ▉▉▌██▆▍▉ ▊▆ █▄▄▊▌▇▉▅▍ ▉▄▇ ▆▆▋▍██ ▌▌▋▄█▌▆█
▅▄▌▅▊ ▇▅█▄ ▄▉▋▉▌▅▍▆▋▌/▇▌▄
Recover chance difference for crawling vs. incapacitated. Added convars for each.
Reset wounded timer if player goes from crawling to incapacitated. Some refactoring.
Set speed thresholds in the crawling blendtree to 0.5 instead of 1.0, since we only crawl at 0.75 (currently)