257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

3 Months Ago
Bugfix: don't try to reactivate a destroyed spawnpoing in SERVER+CLIENT - Reimplemented the spawn point status based on new internal state - this retains original behavior Editor-only bug caused by my previous change of pooling behavior (destroy object instead of trying to pool it on scene unload). Tests: on Craggy spawned and disconnected - no errors. Checked BaseSpawnPoint inheritance hierarchy to ensure there's no other places trying to activate gameobjects
3 Months Ago
edited player animation.controller so the shield impact animations work correctly
3 Months Ago
merge from primitive
3 Months Ago
Battering ram compile fix
3 Months Ago
Merge: from main Tests: compiled in editor
3 Months Ago
Don't use bind system for these control widgets, feels like the old way of doing things
3 Months Ago
change approach to be parallel friendly, triangles are found in parallel and then vertices are found in serial (cached by triangle edge to re-use between triangles that share an edge) - flat array layout of the SDF array is terrible for caching in this setup, but still see a benefit from this approach
3 Months Ago
merge from primitive
3 Months Ago
Fixed physics issue when building the ballista Added a position offset setting for deployable guide mesh
3 Months Ago
Add TagsControlWidget
3 Months Ago
Siege tower deployable on rocks too
3 Months Ago
Catapult and battering ram deployable on rocks
3 Months Ago
TerrainTexturing now monitors individual terrain related settings for change, instead of the Unity QualitySettings level
3 Months Ago
Fix foliage grid bounds calculations, basic implementation of terrain maps in compute foliage placement
3 Months Ago
There's a typo here in ModelRenderer.LocalBounds
3 Months Ago
Get safer sceneobject bounds, return zero size bounds for infinite sceneobject bounds - getting infinite bounds is not desired
3 Months Ago
Change default filename. Fix export button appearing when it shouldn't.
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Wipe my ass layer doing nothing Unused Occlusion query layer Remove r_tiled_rendering toggle, it is a requirement of any forward+ pipeline Tiled culling in managed render pipeline Depth only prepass very likely doesn't need lighting constants Lightbinner layer managed Fix ObjectHighlight.shader Make sure turning direct/indirect lighting off still works on managed lightbinner layer memdbgon.h doesn't belong in a .h file Santa jacket/trousers lods (citizen version) Searching by filename with extension will test correctly with assets too, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#7174 Navigate to project root instead of selecting engine asset when ShowBaseContent is disabled, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#7175 Move 'Show Base Content' toggle to asset browser toolbar so people stop acting like I've stolen their car keys https://files.facepunch.com/solw/2024/December/17_16-46-AquamarineHound.png Humans: add temporary intercardinal movement animations derived from offset cardinal directions + use new mixed animgraph setup Santa jacket/trousers lods (human version) Allow AssetType to get all file extensions, primary and additional Remove hacky fix for image extension tags, do it properly Make this readonly list so it can't be fucked with Santa jacket uses neck_clothing bone to minimise twist deformation Merge branch 'master' into shadercompiler
3 Months Ago
Fix SoundTool using propertysheet instead of controlsheet Fix obsoletes while I'm here
3 Months Ago
No longer should pre-process in CompileShaderAndGetVariables Refactoring Refactoring to expose a simple mode
3 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16205
3 Months Ago
Remove crumbs of ToolsShadingComplexity, we can replicate quad overdraw in almost every material without a special mode, shading complexity itself is on toolsvis now, toolsvis class There's also a duplicate shading complexity shader
3 Months Ago
Lightmapping combos go on shadingmodel Fix typos
3 Months Ago
Remove ToolsVis() and ToolsShadingComplexity() ( & ToolsWireframe ) mode from everything
3 Months Ago
EnvironmentMap::From to calculate all envmaps on a position PerViewLightingConstantBuffer_t completely unused
3 Months Ago
environmentmapped bool is bullshit now that cubemaps are gpu driven, add stub EnvironmentMapping.hlsl
3 Months Ago
Detangle all of this, vr_lighting never directly referenced from any of our hlsls now
3 Months Ago
Fuck of with light.environment, light.dynamic and light.static are just in Light.hlsl instead of own internal files Move shadow functions to Shadow.hlsl, much like BRDF.hlsl, will make it easy for us to upgrade, move LightMap definitions to Light.hlsl Lightmapping definiton should be in shadingmodel.hlsl not Material.hlsl, that works only as a contract to shadingmodels, fix toolvis on shadingmodelstandard
3 Months Ago
day night light color day night light movement zombie night spawn crates
3 Months Ago
DynamicLight refactor Refactor StaticLight class, can do Light::From() to get all lights (static/dynamic) at once https://i.imgur.com/jqko5ON.mp4 Remove more crumbs off S_MODE_TOOLS_VIS
3 Months Ago
Be able to fetch all light information with Light::Count() and Light::From(), while doing all optimization from tiled lighting etc Move light.hlsl to common/classes/Light.hlsl, start unfucking it, make it have same structure as everything else
3 Months Ago
Cherrypick from the smoothstep
3 Months Ago
Antihack kicks reserve a slot for queue bypass
3 Months Ago
Nag message to remove S_MODE_TOOLS_VIS
3 Months Ago
Use single path for vr_common_ps_code to match what's on shadingmodel, eventually to just delete all of it, remove unused DISABLE_TONEMAPPING
3 Months Ago
Move BRDF stuff to BRDF.hlsl, organizes it and makes it easier to move to CS2's one with multiscatter Fuck off with LightingTerms for toolsvis, we should be accepting any structure Remove unused ShadingModel postprocessing ( handle it better )
3 Months Ago
ToolVis in a class Single ToolsVis.hlsl, tidy it up
3 Months Ago
Initial ToolsVis without ToolsVis mode, cleanup some unsued
3 Months Ago
Remove last LOD from excavator bucket wheel so the wheel can always be seen spinning - allows you to see if excavator is active from >100m away
3 Months Ago
Goodbye S_MODE_TOOLS_VIS combo
3 Months Ago
Enumize ToolVis modes, dont keep this logic on shared_standard_ps_code
3 Months Ago
Shadingmodel uses Fog::Apply instead of duplicate DoAtmospherics
3 Months Ago
Add namespace_name to antlr grammar so that we can do "type Class::Function()" definition instead of defining all in class itself, we should just let it accept any HLSL Handle AmbientLightKind::LightMapProbeVolume and AmbientLightKind::LightMap
3 Months Ago
Shading Complexity in ToolVis, quad overdraw isn't even working now, and certainly doesnt need it's own shading mode, can make all materials use same shader Remove CUSTOM_MATERIAL_INPUTS and CUSTOM_TEXTURE_FILTERING, vfx optimizes it out if not used Remove D_BAKED_LIGHTING_FROM_VERTEX_STREAM, never used Rewrite AmbientLight into a class, stub
3 Months Ago
▉▄▅▇▅ ▆▉▆▊ ▌▆█_▅▉▋▄█▍▄█_▄▌▇▆_▋▆▍▅▆▉ -> ▅█▌▇
3 Months Ago
▄▋█ ▄▊█▄▋▉▉▉ & ▊█▍▄▇▄▆▍▄ ▍▉▆ ▍▊▉▄▉▍▋ ▌▅ █▆▆ ▊▊▄▉▉▌ ▍▄ █▉▆▊▇▅▄ & ▅▄▍▄▊█▉ ▉█▅▇
3 Months Ago
Santa jacket uses neck_clothing bone to minimise twist deformation
3 Months Ago
Battering ram broken state loading
3 Months Ago
merge from fix_copy_paste_wires -> main