224,150 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

6 Years Ago
moved all tutorial tile highlighting to the unit/tile set functions
6 Years Ago
more refactor
6 Years Ago
Read source mdl bones
6 Years Ago
Fixed images
6 Years Ago
Fixed some old bbcode images not being embedded
6 Years Ago
Redirect to thread if legacythread passed
6 Years Ago
Pass legacythread for google redirects
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Change static mesh LOD distances
6 Years Ago
Fixed some images not embedding
6 Years Ago
unsaved stuff
6 Years Ago
Potentially fixed a bad angle calculation in CalculateAttackAngle
6 Years Ago
playing around with AI if a character hits another character's shield it will cause them to stagger, this should encourage players to look for openings rather than jamming on attack
6 Years Ago
Shift CLick placement for rooms+props no longer needs shift
6 Years Ago
Path/target behaviour icon renderers for all selected units
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
PlayerController progress
6 Years Ago
More of the same
6 Years Ago
MDL Lods
6 Years Ago
Multi-unit movement grid shite
6 Years Ago
More multi selection stuff
6 Years Ago
removed all add/remove listeners functions from tutorial states, base tutorial state now listens to them all, each tut state just overrides the ones it uses
6 Years Ago
Basic Source MDL importer
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Mention alert emails Delete old alerts
6 Years Ago
Fixed read information
6 Years Ago
Profiler Fixes Updated Data Mentions Try to automatically mark post based alerts as read, when viewing posts
6 Years Ago
Profiling shit
6 Years Ago
GameConfig save
6 Years Ago
Default scenario, marked others as non valid for game use. Player controller bits
6 Years Ago
finished removing multiple unit ref lookups, moved them all to single refs in base tutorial state
6 Years Ago
Cache controllables player name on death so it's still valid after death
6 Years Ago
started tutorial code cleanup/refactor
6 Years Ago
some more gun reset stuff check if currentForm is null
6 Years Ago
More selection WIP
6 Years Ago
Removed the limit of Panel.GetText for TextEntry element
6 Years Ago
X is no longer placed low enough to require a crouch
6 Years Ago
Clear selection buffer
6 Years Ago
Marquee selection WIP
6 Years Ago
ui tweak 3d file cleanup
6 Years Ago
Disabled dip to black fade when changing selection, now only happens when moving between interior & exterior
6 Years Ago
GameCamera no longer follows units on selection
6 Years Ago
Removed goal plan failure history tracking from Agent since it was un-used but still ticking once per game hour GridManager/GridPositions optimisations
6 Years Ago
Tree felling creates ItemView on fell (shit, should be pre-awrmed but currently fixes issue with highlighting)
6 Years Ago
figuring out how to get custom skeletal meshes and animations in
6 Years Ago
Entity.SetMoveCollide is now shared.
6 Years Ago
vdf fix
6 Years Ago
Fixed stupid jenkinsfile
6 Years Ago
Highlight system update Multi-selection WIP
6 Years Ago
Fixed culling always drawing gizmos (only on debug now)