223,391 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
pre forest test
7 Years Ago
NetworkEntitity props now slot into the KD tree on the server, and the city navmesh includes them when generating.
7 Years Ago
wip ui changes
7 Years Ago
Latest rust export Backups Google Analytics integration poc
7 Years Ago
Jenkins file updated for Unity 5.6.1f1
7 Years Ago
Merging player welfare additions into Main.
7 Years Ago
Cleaned up canvas/group/raycaster setup in UI Replaced TMP usage in console UI as its unreliable apparently, fixed console input losing focus after submit. Up arrow command history in console, down arrow to scroll through suggestions, right arrow/tab to complete
7 Years Ago
Final work for the welfare system
7 Years Ago
Added awards list ref to GameEndEventArgs so all OnGameFinished events get it
7 Years Ago
Reworked some end game/xp modify/award command stuff to send awards with end game state. Not fully tested.
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Game host awards handling wip
7 Years Ago
Awards.Process can now request how many random, valid awards to get
7 Years Ago
Compile fix
7 Years Ago
Renamed console command execute to invoke
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed so CommandSystem support args.Length == 0 by using cmd.IsValid rather than args.Length > 0. Added list_weathertypes console command.
7 Years Ago
Added Award protobuf. Added .ToProto() to AwardProcessor base calss.
7 Years Ago
UI scene fuckery
7 Years Ago
Console command tab completion, command and argument suggestions
7 Years Ago
trying to make mouth work on children
7 Years Ago
Lot generation testing
7 Years Ago
▌ ▄█ ▄▋▊ ▄▋▅▍▅▇▄▅▋
7 Years Ago
fixed spawn_unit error
7 Years Ago
Moved gamplay updates to a fixed timestep Fixed some button presses not being detected Split updates into FixedUpdate and DynamicUpdate, moved most rendering stuff to DynamicUpdate Fixed an NRE Fix for some variance in dynamic update rates Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Bullets.cs Started work on replay recording Possible fix for TargetException Fixed a typo in a file name Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Scripts/Bullets/Bullet.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Bullets.cs Basic replays sort of working, not deterministic yet Fixed some non-determinism Some extra logging Replays seem to be fully deterministic in the Test stage Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Scripts/Bullets/Bullet.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Collision.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Input.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Stage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Bullets.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_DebugLines.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Test/TestUnit.cs New replay format to make adding diagnostic data easier, smaller size Fixed non-determinism when using a controller Renamed random instances to match UpdateFixed vs UpdateDynamic Added deterministic Wait and RandomWait FSM state actions Added delta time replay diagnostic Fixed one source of the time dilation divergence Tentacle stage now sets its StageID New StageID system Demo stops recording when you beat a level Fix for NRE on robot level Started work on a code analysis tool to find nondeterminism leaks Omitted from last commit Code analysis can now find all methods marked with AssertFixed / AssertDynamic More static analysis Basic non-determinism leak analysis working Playmaker non-determinism seems fixed! Re-enabled danger time scale Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Scenes/game.unity # Assets/Scripts/Bullets/Bullet.cs # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/GameManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Body.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Boosting.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Braking.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Camera.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Hitbox.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Input.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Trail.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Pxc/PxcComponents/Pxc_Collision.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Stage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Robot/Robot.cs Fixed another cause of nondeterminism New replay format, reduced file size to <1kb/s when omitting diagnostic data Fixed kb/s printout Added FixedSendRandomEvent FSM action Fixed Rand.Fixed debug printing when TestDivergeFrame is -1 Another cause of indeterminism Added an editor menu item to automatically substitute non-deterministic FSM actions for deterministic ones Added StageNameAttribute, ability to override stage names for leaderboards Added rotation controller interpolation Replay now records music playback location Added music fade-in if playback starts midway through a song Fixed explosive pixel indeterminism Found one cause of stage restart indeterminancy Fixed another cause of indeterminism Another indeterminism fix Fixed robot laser replay divergence Fixed music not playing when restarting a replay Added state hash and state hash parity diagnostic values to do some divergence checking in replays while keeping file size down Player input get reset at the end of replay playback Replays are now ~0.05kb/s Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Resources/Units/Octopus.prefab # Assets/Resources/Units/OctopusTurret.prefab # Assets/Resources/Units/TentacleMonster.prefab # Assets/Scenes/game.unity # Assets/Scripts/Chunks/PixelGroupChunk.cs # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/GameManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/ImportManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/Globals.cs # Assets/Scripts/Laser.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Body.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Health.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Powerups.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Guns/PlayerGun.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Pxc/Pxc.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/BossStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/HubStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/OctopusStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/RobotStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/TentacleStage/TentacleStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/YellowStage/YellowStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_LineParticles.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Octopus/Octopus.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Octopus/OctopusTurret.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Portal/Gate.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Portal/Portal.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Robot/Robot.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/TentacleMonster/Tentacle.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/TentacleMonster/TentacleMonster.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/UnitComponents/Unit_Forms.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/UnitComponents/Unit_Pxc.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/YellowGuy/YellowGuy.cs Fixed errors after merge Added default values for new GameManager fields Fixed FSM actions Added Stage.CanRecordReplay, HubStage doesn't record Fixed HubStage not being included in stage list Fixed standalone builds Started work on replay uploading Updated Facepunch.Steamworks Working on replay uploading on highscore submit Can now detect if a leaderboard entry has a replay attached Fixed Utils.GetTimeString Watching replays from the leaderboard works! Moved leaderboard UI to a prefab to make merging easier Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Scenes/game.unity # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/GameManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/UI/LeaderboardUIController.cs # Assets/Scripts/Globals.cs # Assets/Scripts/Laser.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Collision.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Health.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Guns/PlayerGun.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Pxc/PixelGroup.cs # Assets/Scripts/Pxc/Pxc.cs # Assets/Scripts/Pxc/PxcComponents/Pxc_Collision.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/BossStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/HubStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/OctopusStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/RobotStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/TentacleStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Stage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Arena.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Bullets.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_LineParticles.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_SpriteAnimations.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Octopus/Octopus.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Octopus/OctopusTurret.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Robot/Robot.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/TentacleMonster/TentacleMonster.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Test/TestUnit.cs Fixed compilation errors after merge Fixed runtime errors after merge Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Plugins/Mono.Cecil.meta # Assets/Resources/SpriteRecipes/level.meta # Assets/Resources/Stages.meta # Assets/Scenes/game.unity # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/GameManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/LevelSelectUI.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Stage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Units.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Unit.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/UnitComponents/Unit_Forms.cs Fixed game.unity after merge Added dynamic input updating
7 Years Ago
Console stuff
7 Years Ago
most blocks award processor.
7 Years Ago
Prevent more player input when console is open
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added spawn_unit command, util
7 Years Ago
most climbed award processor.
7 Years Ago
created beep trim textures and materials creating building components system and setting up test building
7 Years Ago
Biggest multihit award processor.
7 Years Ago
Vitals widget updates tooltip text when selected unit changes
7 Years Ago
exhausted additive animation
7 Years Ago
most distance award processor.
7 Years Ago
Fixed console UI blocking some inputs
7 Years Ago
First Blood award processor.
7 Years Ago
Fixed game.unity after merge
7 Years Ago
menu stage without player cursor on menu, cant deselect all buttons hide menu in gamestage menu sprite level button data tentacle silhouette sprite Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Plugins/Mono.Cecil.meta # Assets/Resources/SpriteRecipes/level.meta # Assets/Resources/Stages.meta # Assets/Scenes/game.unity # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/GameManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/LevelSelectUI.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Stage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_Units.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Unit.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/UnitComponents/Unit_Forms.cs
7 Years Ago
Biggest multikill award processor.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed issues after HEM changes.
7 Years Ago
Most healing award processor done. Fix for assist processor counting healing.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added set_timescale command
7 Years Ago
cleanup shotgun trap costs less wood
7 Years Ago
shotgun trap no longer creates decals
7 Years Ago
Blog layout tweaks