223,783 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Bit of NetworkEntity refactor
8 Years Ago
new and improved muzzleflashes for all the guns.
8 Years Ago
AI ship test prefab
8 Years Ago
Re-enabled collections for Herd type groups (Deer)
8 Years Ago
Senses no longer ignores entities that are flagged as non-interactable
8 Years Ago
Disabled collections on group component, check if enabled/updated usage in Senses.TryCreateCollection
8 Years Ago
Waiting for thrown weapons should now work properly
8 Years Ago
Added behaviour designer. Started basic locomotion steering AI nodes.
8 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab (monuments and dungeons are now using flat hierarchies for performance) Network++ Save++
8 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab hierarchy flattening does not remove empty child objects of entities
8 Years Ago
Fixed generated doors twice on client.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
PreDestroy renamed to OnDestroy in BaseEntity, EntityView uses built in Unity member
8 Years Ago
more convos added to anims
8 Years Ago
Refactored a bunch of Managers to support a cleaner game restart, which now works (pending nasty hidden bugs that have yet to appear) Added VisualFXManager
8 Years Ago
tidied up previous fix a little
8 Years Ago
Fixed player created goal plans not actually being flagged as such
8 Years Ago
Updated RustBuilder
8 Years Ago
Enabled hierarchy flattening in all dungeon / monument scenes
8 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab can opt out of automatic hierarchy flattening
8 Years Ago
other fade edits
8 Years Ago
combat music fade edit
8 Years Ago
Protocol++, rebuild plugins
8 Years Ago
Merged workshop beta into prerelease
8 Years Ago
Merged workshop beta into prerelease
8 Years Ago
Merged from main
8 Years Ago
Made Scene2Prefab a bit faster Nicer progress bar for Scene2Prefab
8 Years Ago
Undone PreservedPrefabs idea SkinnedMeshRendererInfo stores transforms (for workshop) SkinnedMeshRendererInfo.BuildRig() builds a working default rig (workshop previews, icons) SkinnedMultimesh can be rebuilt without resetting meshes (to retain workshop materials) Camera.FocusOnRenderer handles rotations properly
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Parenting fix. Ship firing changes
8 Years Ago
conversation + anim
8 Years Ago
Merged with building system branch
8 Years Ago
fixed up tunnels and added proper sign posts inside tunnels to help navigation. Added tunnel signs to prefabs to tidy up heirarchy
8 Years Ago
Added caves ore loot spawners
8 Years Ago
Merged from main
8 Years Ago
Merged from main
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #451
8 Years Ago
Restored wrongly deleted door prefab.
8 Years Ago
Replaced windows.form save/load dialogs with terrible custom versions
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Door opening
8 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #451
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE cannon ball prefab size
8 Years Ago
Fixed server compilation
8 Years Ago
Some misc stuff in airfield
8 Years Ago
▍▌▌▅▇▇▅ - ▅▊█ + ▋▊▍▄ ▄▇▄▇▊ ▅▆▅▉▇▋▋
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Flatten dungeon prefabs on export (performance)
8 Years Ago
Fixed water invisible on respawn after dying inside water-vis-trigger (RUST-1358)