userBill Bcancel

13,234 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.19cph!

3 Years Ago
Hurt trigger setup
3 Years Ago
Compile fix
3 Years Ago
Add hurt trigger speed-based damage multiplier to the work cart
3 Years Ago
Increased proximity warning max dist from 250m to 325m
3 Years Ago
Update the dashboard monitor when the trains comes back alive from repair
3 Years Ago
Work cart is now repairable (even from destroyed state)
3 Years Ago
Subtract icon change commits, return all item icons to their previous appearance.
3 Years Ago
Added some cracking noises while train barricades are being damaged by ramming, to give some outside indication that something is happening. Converted TrainBarricade script into an entity itself.
3 Years Ago
Added IsAtAStation bool to BaseTrain
3 Years Ago
Smoother operation at junctions for trains running in reverse
3 Years Ago
Fixed work carts snapping to the wrong track if input was changed right after taking a side track at a junction
3 Years Ago
Revert previous changeset due to bug
3 Years Ago
Fixed the bug where switching track selection input right after going through a junction let you "change you mind" and snapped the train to the other option
3 Years Ago
The propagating static collision system for connected work carts is preventing work carts from pushing barriers via other work carts. Rather than complicate an already complex system further, I've simplified it to only look at the frontmost work cart pushing the barrier for now. Will come back to this when there's more time.
3 Years Ago
Fixed two trains colliding with each other causing both the trains and the Unity editor to crash
3 Years Ago
Added ability for trains to destroy barricades by pushing on them
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
If a workcart explodes, kill the driver.
3 Years Ago
Merge Workcart -> Experimental
3 Years Ago
Set RunOnCache to true for CollateTrainTracks. Looks like this should get it to run when loading saves.
3 Years Ago
Work cart now only gibs if destroyed with explosives (or anti-vehicle). If destroyed any other way, it enters a transitional corpse mode similar to boats or modular cars. The driver is NOT dismounted, but the engine shuts down and cannot be restarted, and if they dismount they cannot re-mount. Dashboard monitor shows SYSTEM ERROR in red.
3 Years Ago
Enable read/write on Workcart gibs
3 Years Ago
Removed the off-track code for trains entirely. Trains are now either be on track or dead. Derailing never worked well as often the moment a train is destroyed occurs when colliding with something, and if the switch from kinematic to non-kinematic (derailed) occurred with the train partially inside something, it'd go flying off unpredictably.
3 Years Ago
Minor refactor
3 Years Ago
Workcart spawn changes: - Don't snap to track based on collision with it; look in a sphere near the wheels instead - Snap reliably to the exact track position the train is sitting on - Look for track on initial spawn only. If we're derailed, we're not getting back on
3 Years Ago
WIP for pushing against a static barricade to damage it. Will come back to finish this later
3 Years Ago
Compile fix
3 Years Ago
Train barricades now allow specifying a minimum velocity that'll destroy the barricade. Below that, they'll just stop the train. Revert my TriggerBase change from earlier.
3 Years Ago
Material name fix
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Workcart
3 Years Ago
Merge Workcart -> Experimental
3 Years Ago
Update work cart parenting volume coverage
3 Years Ago
Updated test map barricades
3 Years Ago
Set up spline for mirrored station piece
3 Years Ago
Lowered the dismount points on the work cart and added more possible dismount points on the train platform
3 Years Ago
Moved the warning beep audio source into the cockpit
3 Years Ago
A better place to stop the proximity loop
3 Years Ago
Fixed proximity alert loop audio source not being 3D, and fixed it not stopping when the train engine stops
3 Years Ago
Re-enabled proximity warning after refactoring
3 Years Ago
- Added spline for the new station middle rail. - Added ability to specify a spline as forced secondary, making it not be the default route. The middle rail siding was being calculated as the straightest and being assigned as the default.
3 Years Ago
- Added a button to the spline inspector to go straight to the shared splines prefab
3 Years Ago
Fixed GenericSpawnPoint class not compiling in CLIENT mode
3 Years Ago
Fix new track spline components no longer getting set up correctly when fist added
3 Years Ago
Remove my temp "boarded up" window object from the work cart
3 Years Ago
Comment out the hazard code for now until I fix a next/prev track stack overflow bug Adjust work car speeds again
3 Years Ago
Slow down the work cart top speed
3 Years Ago
Fix badly aligned Workcart cabin colliders
3 Years Ago
Work cart driver takes 50% reduced damage of all types
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Don't resize player collider when in the work cart seat, it doesn't need it. Remove a couple of no-longer-used glass window vars.