userBill Bcancel

13,206 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.19cph!

7 Years Ago
Disabled decals on wreckage
7 Years Ago
Cleanup after merge
7 Years Ago
Merging from trunk. Unity 5.5 update.
7 Years Ago
Forgot to commit added files
7 Years Ago
Working on vehicle explosion damage and wreckage. A lot of in-progress work here. Fixed player type flags not really being flags.
7 Years Ago
Explosion damage in progress
7 Years Ago
Working on damage from explosions
7 Years Ago
Can collide with vehicle wreckage. Also added Rust Water material to hidden changes list since it auto-updates but is unlikely to be manually changed on purpose.
7 Years Ago
Vehicle visuals work
7 Years Ago
Vehicle destroy fx work
7 Years Ago
Vehicle damage FX work. Removed temp stuff.
7 Years Ago
Added vehicle visual damage
7 Years Ago
Committing some partial work on vehicle damage FX etc
7 Years Ago
Added wrecked version of car
7 Years Ago
Initial health/damage work on vehicles.
7 Years Ago
Overhauled exiting vehicle seats
7 Years Ago
Remove vehicle seat exit debugging
7 Years Ago
Added text to explain why you can't get out of that damn vehicle.
7 Years Ago
- A little bit of tidying on NetworkEntity - making it clear that the Connection/IsConnected is actually only set on the Server side. - Some new car audio. - Fixed up all warnings outside of BuildingSystem.
7 Years Ago
Temp extra null checks, trying to catch a server issue
7 Years Ago
Fixed proxy players sending damage to the server. Only the owner client should actually send bullet damage, or else every person observing two proxy players shoot each other would have them send damage to the server, multiplying the damage done.
7 Years Ago
Merging in vehicle collision update.
7 Years Ago
Working player damage from vehicle hits
7 Years Ago
Removed the whole player world model and hitbox system on the OWNER client. Everything was taking double damage as both owner and proxy clients took the damage and sent it to the server.
7 Years Ago
Added damage - but it doesn't work in this mode because it's on the server and hitboxes are on clients. To Be Updated.
7 Years Ago
Better/simpler system for player being pushed by external objects.
7 Years Ago
Improved server/client sync for vehicle hits
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Improving character collision by vehicles
7 Years Ago
Working on some player collision forces. Pretty broken at the moment.
7 Years Ago
Vehicle collisions
7 Years Ago
Improved vehicle movement/interpolation issues when they first activate. Not perfect but good enough.
7 Years Ago
Updated car colliders.
7 Years Ago
Fixed issues with how bullets work: - Tigger colliders used to stop bullets. Not anymore. - Shooting from too close to someone used to ignore and shoot past them. Not anymore. Just need Paul's car collider update as well to make shooting car passengers work perfectly.
7 Years Ago
- Held items can now be marked as AllowUseWhileDriving. Default is false. - Vehicle automatically puts away invalid items being held when entering, and tries to select a valid one from the player's belt instead. - Currently unselectable items in the player's belt are tinted red and partially transparent.
7 Years Ago
Animations updating correctly on owner
8 Years Ago
Enable animations on invisible players - needed to move the player's hitboxes.
8 Years Ago
Auto-select pistol when entering vehicle, if it's available in your belt
8 Years Ago
Aligned client hitbox default
8 Years Ago
Fixed visual aim angles on proxy not matching actual aim angles
8 Years Ago
Don't need to adjust car FOV anymore. Set out-of-car view angle up to 170.
8 Years Ago
Car with higher roof
8 Years Ago
Remove println
8 Years Ago
Adjusting FOV a bit when in vehicles.
8 Years Ago
Vehicles have some loose ends to tie up but are pretty solid. Merging in.
8 Years Ago
Players can now die "successfully" when in vehicles
8 Years Ago
Fixed more eye transform issues
8 Years Ago
Fixed aim discrepancies between owner and proxy when in vehicles.
8 Years Ago
Merging in rifle angle fix
8 Years Ago
Merge in updated vehicle player animations