116,222 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
merge from fix_foundation_debris
merge from qol_c4_stuck_block_upgrade
merge from qol_demolish_high_walls
merge from external_holdtobuild
Add ability to promote a team member to leader via the team UI in the inventory (click player, select kick or promote)
Remove promote to leader popup when looking at another player
Fixed reversed suspension on new bike model (suspension still needs other work)
Merge from child branch (don't know how that happened)
Add holdToPlaceDuration option to construction, allows us to make an object take x seconds of holding the button to build
While holding the build button the player has to remain still, any movement will cancel the build (rotating is ok)
Shows a progress bar while in process
Added two tips to contextually explain what's happening when the player tries to move or taps the button to build
Enabled for 3 seconds on all external gates and walls
Fix debris spawning on top of eachother when a foundation breaks, then a wall breaks after
Deploy guide parenting fixes, still need to fix the bounds check
Add debris to square & triangle foundations
- debris added to all foundation wall sockets
- 1 debris added on terrain in center of foundation
Occlude underwater rendering.
Cargo ship now docks at both harbors
Cargo ship no longer decides it's target harbor on spawn, every time it hits a patrol waypoint it checks if that waypoint is a harbor approach point for a harbor it hasn't visited yet
Egress time is now only started once all docking is complete, takes the lifetime of the cargo ship into account with a minimum two minute buffer after docking is completed (eg. event time is set to 10 minutes but it take 12 minutes to travel and dock at both harbors - ship will patrol for an additional 2 minutes after leaving the harbor before starting it's egress)
Lots of refactors, rolled a bunch of lists into a single list with a new HarborInfo containing all the relevant information
Recorder preset unsaved change
Screen shake configuration and pooling scripts.
WIP making cargo dock at both harbors
Adjust tax UI display
Round up when calculating tax rates (eg. 125 cost, 10% tax = 13 extra scrap)
updating motorbike temp model/prefab
Fixed artifacts on torch flame.
Add a tax rate system to the tech tree, adds an additional scrap cost to each purchase on the tech tree
Tax rate is assigned by workbench level, defaults are:
Tier 1 = 0% tax
Tier 2 = 10% tax
Tier 3 = 20% tax
Tax rates are configurable via server.workbench1TaxRate, etc (clamped between 0 and 100%)
Tax rates are displayed on the purchase button on the tech tree
This tax is exclusive to the workbench, research table costs are unchanged
Moved ScrapForResearch from ResearchTable.cs to Workbench.cs as it was only used for work benches
Temporary code to automatically pause the editor when a long stall is detected. Should hopefully preserve the profiler at the point we need to see it
Remove PingEstimator editor spam
Reuse old p17 empty state logic for sks viewmodel
Use events to turn on the shell in the magazine based
Build manifest so the gun works after loading/saving
Changed MLRS default brokenDownMinutes from 10 minutes to 20 minutes
C4 & satchel will mark the BuildingBlock it lands on as "damaged" when it sticks to it (but deal no damage until it blows up)
- prevents players from upgrading building block in the 10 seconds before C4 blows up
Allow xmas ice high walls to be demolished too
Fix ContextMenu opening (with no options) when high walls are past their demolish timer of 10 minutes
Fix funky TOD behavior on nexus enabled servers, hopefully
Allow high walls & external gates to be demolished
- move demolish code from BuildingBlock -> StabilityEntity
- add `canBeDemolished` field
- add `demolish_seconds` convar (default 10m) to control demolish time
merge from roulette_random
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Various fixes / post-merge unfuckery.
merge from auto_map_upload
Add ability to put items into backpack by dragging the item onto the equipped backpack (rather than opening backpack)
merge from static_workbench_slot_fix
merge from full_serverside_fall_damage_clean_diff
merge from auto_map_upload
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viewmodel prefab - set shell root object on vm script
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