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Adjusted Tugboat LODs, cull from further away
Mark tugboat_a_interior_gibs as read/write
Frustum culling fixed & works based off max render range
Set tugboat controls canvas sorting order to -1 to fix glass transparency issues
Increased the mass of some world models to more realistic values to improve physics interactions (particularly with Tugboat), and so we don't have stuff like duct tape and apples weighing more than shotguns and flamethrowers.
Increase the angular drag of the tugboat if the engine is off, leads to a more stable surface while idling
Increase the size and buoyancy of several of the buoyancy points on the tugboat
Fixed one buoyancy point being out of line with others, should hopefully lead to a firmer ride when going through waves
Update BurstClothHitboxCollision to set the simulation space to the player for held/holstered entities
Update FP.BurstCloth (simulation space bug fix)
Tweak ghost costume cloth material
Tugboat, don't parent Debris layer stuff. It seems to work more reliably without parenting.
Fixed paddle world model collider not being on the root transform
Fixed DroppedItem throwing an exception when the collider isn't on the root
Fixed incorrect locations for server side fuel pod colliders on scrap transport helicopter, fixes erratic flying behaviour
Likely a merge issue
Fixed corrupted tugboat prefab
Edit to my inventory loadout only
Prevent any more deploying on tugboat after it reaches 0HP and enters 'corpse' state
The tugboat can now be pushed if it is off, the player isn't standing on it and the player is authed to the boat
Regenerate gib shapes, will fix r/w error
Fix NativeArray.Add() expanding array size every time
Expand RenderData & ComputeBuffer
Frustum culling entire grids before rendering to test
Fixed NRE in MeleeWeaponInformationPanel.SetupForItem
sitem setups
skin approval
Prevent delete button from showing on outpost & bandit respawn points in softcore
Tweak diver ak cloth parameters
Add [DisableMultipleComponent] to hook scripts
Remove all other CameraHook components in Awake() to fix scenes with 100s of CameraHooks attached the camera
Rowboat bow splash FX iteration.
Tweaked static tugboat deck vertex color to match the driveable version
Rebaked the LOD textures to include the new wooden deck
vm diver ak - rig updates, skinning updates, burst cloth and setup updates (still disabled)
Update FP.BurstCloth (lerp root bone positions while simulating)
Updated "Glass/GlassTransparent" shader to respond to vertex/particle color and opacity
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Fixed oilrig flames visible through thick fog
Fixed underwater sunken barge shader issues on glass
merge from combat_knife_untie
Updated tugboat_props_metallic texture to match changes made to the original variant
Removed the two extra CameraUpdateHook components from Main Camera prefab
Lots of fixes make the grid based rendering minimally functional again
Added LOD4 for the pumpjack
Add `Instancing` namespace
Start implementing storing meshes into grids to enforce max render distance & frustum culling effeciently
Proper directory for tank 4 cinematic textures
Made monument topo bigger around road node